Snacking problem!

So I have a problem with snacking once I get home from work. I do well all day with my calories then once I get home I start eating bread or sweets or just whatever is quick to grab. Then before you know it I ate the rest of my calories for the day so whatever I eat for dinner makes me go over my limit. So I am looking for suggestions on how to stop snacking once I get home and just get up and workout, then go get the baby and then make dinner. Otherwise I am just being lazy and snacking as soon as I get home and then I don't end up working out and then its time to get the baby! Its hard though because I am sometimes sooo hungry when I get home and don't wanna risk fainting or something when I workout. So I would appreciate all your ideas and advice. Thank you.



  • nguyenedward
    nguyenedward Posts: 54 Member
    I still have this problem sometimes. Once I grab a "quick" snack, I tend to grab another and another. Somethings that helped me was doing things around the house, garden work, a cat nap, something to keep you busy for a couple hours or so until your dinner time. Try having some complex carbs like oatmeal, sweet potatoes. It makes you stay full longer. Good luck!
  • cjstrong
    cjstrong Posts: 54
    eat a chicken breast. really.
  • I have that problem too. I just started trying this whole weight-loss program again. But I've found that stocking up on fruit has been somewhat helpful. Apples are pretty filling, and they crunch like chips so they tend to work. I also have started buying pears, nectarines and plums.
  • rohobe
    rohobe Posts: 7 Member
    I am the exact same way and haven't found my solution yet. For a while, I was having a piece of hard candy, like a cinnamon disk, and glass of milk, and that helped but it fell by the wayside...maybe something like that will help? Keeping busy is definitely the key, but I'm lazy when I get home and just wanna sit around. I do my workout in the morning...whatever you try, good luck! We can beat this! :)
  • Maniac372
    Maniac372 Posts: 1
    Try eating a healthy snack before you leave work. Or have something to eat in the car on your way. Just keep from feeling like you are "starving" when you get home, then you will be have the energy to work out. Might want to try a piece of fruit and a slice of cheese, a light yogurt, etc. Pick something in the 100-200 calorie range to tide you over through the workout and while you are making dinner. I also try not to buy the sweets and "goodies". If it's not in the house, I'm not as likely to eat it (too much effort to go to the store JUST for that).
  • spngebobmyhero
    spngebobmyhero Posts: 823 Member
    I would say don't even sit down when you get home if you want to work out and not skip it. I go straight to the gym most times, otherwise I put it off until its too late to go.

    As for snacks, the thing that works best for me is not having the bad snacks at home. Only keep healthy snacks and veggies in the house and eat those when snack cravings hit.
  • luigigirl
    luigigirl Posts: 21
    What helps me is I try to eat a high protein snack in the car on my way home from work. Beef Jerkey is one of my favorite. That way I am not focused on food the second I walk in the door. I give my attention to my baby and my husband and then I start to make dinner. Having that snack on the way home does two things for me...I look forward to it after a long day at work and it provides me energy for whatever (usually a big mess) it is I am going to encounter when I walk in the door. Good Luck!
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Fix a nice veggie plate & stick it in the fridge before you leave for work. Ready when you get home.

    Allow yourself a 100 calorie snack pack while fixing dinner (not great .... but at least it's portion control)

    Keep a zip lock baggie on hand with air popped popcorn. Minimal calories, lotsa fiber
  • Try eating a healthy snack in the car on the way home.(and drinking water) Then maybe you won't be so hungry when you get there and you will be more likely to exercise.
  • slb106
    slb106 Posts: 70
    This may sound silly, but sometimes I take my workout clothes to work and change into them before I go home. This helps to motivate me when I get home to go out for a run or pop in a P90X video. I also have a snack (usually a protein bar) at work with me that I eat about 1.5 hours before I go home.
  • yaddayaddayadda
    yaddayaddayadda Posts: 430 Member
    I have the same problem... I'm so busy at work that I don't have time to eat too much or even think about it. I would suggest that you eat a healthy snack before you leave work or in the car on the way home. Drinking tea or eating an apple has helped me. That way you aren't so hungry when you get home.

    I have been known to stand in the refrigerator and graze if I am really hungry when I get home! LOL
  • jperrysunlover
    jperrysunlover Posts: 96 Member
    I drink a protein shake before I leave work along with a large glass of water. It helps me feel full and gives me the extra push I need to go the extra mile during my workout.
  • Artemis_Acorn
    Artemis_Acorn Posts: 836 Member
    Eat something really light - you've had plenty of suggestions - and then chew some gum - it will keep you from putting other things in your mouth.
  • milaxx
    milaxx Posts: 1,122 Member

    So I am looking for suggestions on how to stop snacking once I get home and just get up and workout, then go get the baby and then make dinner. Otherwise I am just being lazy and snacking as soon as I get home and then I don't end up working out and then its time to get the baby! Its hard though because I am sometimes sooo hungry when I get home and don't wanna risk fainting or something when I workout. So I would appreciate all your ideas and advice. Thank you.

    You kinda have answered your own question here.You know you need to workout, get your baby and then make dinner. The hard part is just doing it. A few things that might help is posting a reminder on the fridge, or preparing a small snack for when you come home. Try leaving your workout clothes by the door.

    You have to figure out what works for you, but it all starts with saying "NO" to the things you shouldn't do.

    FYI - I don't keep anything in the house that I can't eat responsibly, it limits the tendency to snack on things that aren't good for me.
  • workinprogress12_2
    workinprogress12_2 Posts: 110 Member
    Knowing when you munch the most is helpful, fill your time, Honey not your mouth! Do something else with your hands, like polish your nails. You're still resting but with wet nails you can't snack so easy! Wash your car, stay out of the temptation zones! Blog your frustrations and maybe your discover something about yourself you didn't know. Add me....I would love to support ya.
  • workinprogress12_2
    workinprogress12_2 Posts: 110 Member
    I have the same problem... I'm so busy at work that I don't have time to eat too much or even think about it. I would suggest that you eat a healthy snack before you leave work or in the car on the way home. Drinking tea or eating an apple has helped me. That way you aren't so hungry when you get home.

    I have been known to stand in the refrigerator and graze if I am really hungry when I get home! LOL

    Love this, see your not alone!
  • gone_monk
    gone_monk Posts: 1
    I have had a similar problem, but I'm slowly getting the hang of it. I found that by making sure I had a good lunch with a decent amount of complex carbs or protein, I was able to stay away from the snacks until dinner. Although, not buying anything exceptionally unhealthy helps to. I also have found that as I am getting ready to go home at the end of the day and I feel hungry, if I plan exactly what my little snack will be (usually some nuts) and eat just that- I am able to stick to a small portion. I find without a plan I am more likely to continue eating without realizing it. As I reduce the amount I snack on after work and improve the quality of my breakfasts and lunches, I have been able to control that urge to snack once home.
    Good luck.
  • AllieB
    AllieB Posts: 73
    I am the same way! I am a huge snacker! I snack more than eat meals almost. I think that your best bet would be to grab a small snack. I like string cheese. Let it digest and while you are digesting maybe make dinner. While dinner is cooking you can work out. I think distractions are a good idea but you have to get something in your stomach if your really hungry. I also think the 20 min. rule is helpful. When your hungry or after you eat if you wait 20 min to digest and step back and decide if your actually hungry or just bored and want to eat. Hope that helps
    Good Luck ;)
  • holpan11
    holpan11 Posts: 28 Member
    That's great advice!
  • CALake
    CALake Posts: 269 Member
    I'm the same way- and we always used to have snacks out before and while I made dinner. Now instead of snacking the minute I get home, I do something else to keep busy. I skip the kitchen and do something else to fill my time so I'm not thinking about what to eat.

    As for motivation to work out- just put your sneakers on and tell yourself "I'll only work out for 5 minutes." You know once you start working out you'll go longer than 5 minutes!