Take 2!

Hi everyone! I'm sarah, 28, and using a fitness app for the second time around. The first time I kicked major butt and hit my goal weight... and then (silly me), I thought I could maintain it on my own... well, it obviously didn't work. So I'm back at it again!
My goal is not to just lose weight, but to improve my self esteem. There have been some pretty significant changes in my life this past year and I let myself go using food and booze to quell any pain. The breaking point was having a longtime friend grab my bum today and exclaim, girl that butt! While I know she meant it as a compliment, to someone already struggling with confidence issues, it was the final nail in the coffin.
I am looking for co-supporters and people who will also hold me accountable. I will cheer you on as you cheer me on so that we can all be healthier, and happier, versions of ourselves!!
