Anybody needing accountability?!

Hey all! Like many of you, I struggle with accountability and actually going through with the process. I know how to lift weights and I know how to eat clean, but it's just a matter of DOING IT!

I have any idea to have a group of accountability partners. If someone is counting on me for their success, then I will NOT let them down, but it is so easy to let MYSELF down!

Here's the idea: We form a group and each find a partner in the group. We each commit to what will work for us in terms of diet and exercise every week (I will commit to working out 5x/week and eating 18 out of 21 clean meals every week). For every commitment I miss in a week, my partner "gets" to have an an extra non-commitment meal or skip a workout. We can keep each other accountable with pictures/video of the workouts and meals every day through text, a facebook group, instagram, whatever works for you!

Anybody interested? I think it'll really work for those who really desire to do the work, but just can't find the motivation to do it! Let's help each other!!


  • ToothlessJoe
    ToothlessJoe Posts: 28 Member
    I'm interested. I've been looking for a buddy/group to work with for just this reason.
  • daniellerusbult
    daniellerusbult Posts: 19 Member
    Oh great! Where are you from? (Just getting the conversation started, hoping more people will join us!). I'm from Iowa, but I live in Texas now
  • miwilson726
    miwilson726 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm from Texas. 57yo trying to lose weight and improving health. Lost 14+ pds so far....15 pds to go.
  • ToothlessJoe
    ToothlessJoe Posts: 28 Member
    Good morning. I'm from the DC area. I'm trying to get back into shape for my 10 year anniversary next year. It's dunny, because I got i to pretty good shape before we got married. 10 years and 2 kids later its time to do it all over again.

  • katieann522
    katieann522 Posts: 15 Member
    I would love to be held to this! I am in Colorado
  • daniellerusbult
    daniellerusbult Posts: 19 Member
    Congratulations on the progress so far!

    Y'all, I'm so excited about this. I think this will be a great help in holding ourselves accountable. Does everyone have facebook? I think that'd be the easiest way to bring us all together in one place.

    My name is Dani, by the way
  • ToothlessJoe
    ToothlessJoe Posts: 28 Member
    I'm not really into the whole facebook thing.

    You can call me Joe.
  • nosugarinmytea
    nosugarinmytea Posts: 27 Member
    Hi guys, would love to join you! I'm seriously lacking in the accountability department, so need all the help I can get. :) I'm based in England so I'll be awake when you States-based people are contemplating a naughty midnight snack and can talk you down! :lol:
  • cosmonew
    cosmonew Posts: 513 Member
    Hi. I have been eating clean (most of the time) for several months now. Add me. I log into MFP every single day and share my workouts. My diary is open but I use the 21 day fix, so I don't really log food...unless I eat off is there for everyone to see.
  • AshFitness98
    AshFitness98 Posts: 28 Member
    I would love to be in a group like this! I know what I should do but I have a hard time following through some days.
  • chuffman6208
    chuffman6208 Posts: 1 Member
    I would love do this with you guys. I know what to do but it's hard when everyone else doesn't want to do it. I'm in.
  • Stucktastic
    Stucktastic Posts: 23 Member
    I'll join in. Nice to have accountability. Not sure if I'll be great about posting. Goal? More healthy habits and possibly lose about 10 pounds. Tracking the food really helps me keep portions and food quality under control. Happily married, 2 kids, 1 mutt and a high school Spanish teacher. Nice to meet y'all!
  • daniellerusbult
    daniellerusbult Posts: 19 Member
    This is awesome!! I'm so excited. I think what we should do is partner up once we get some more people, so it's a one-on-one thing. I'm out for the evening but maybe tomorrow sometime I can get everyone's info and we can pair up!
  • lezhonka
    lezhonka Posts: 5 Member
    I need to loose 8% of my present body weight. IV been trying to loose these 15 lbs for years, and just can't get to my goal.
    I'm a 43 NJ male, 4 kids, busy job in NYC and looking to slim down. Not a fun of exercises...
  • ToothlessJoe
    ToothlessJoe Posts: 28 Member
    Great to meet everyone, thanks to Dani for getting us talking. I'll just brag a bit before bed, I'm only on day 2, but this was a tough one, as I had both a forced lunch at Burger King (not my choice, believe me) and a wedding in the evening. Not only did I manage to get a modest run in, but I also managed to stay under my calorie gial for the day.

    Now on to day 3...
  • aleewarden1
    aleewarden1 Posts: 11 Member
    This is exactly what I need! I'd I HAVE to log my food, it'll make me much more determined.
  • ConfidentInMyJourney
    ConfidentInMyJourney Posts: 15 Member
    edited June 2017
    I would love to do this! Will it be a problem that I will not officially start my weight loss journey until August 28th? The date is special to me and that is when I would like to start. Though I love the idea of this! Especially since I am new!

    Goal: I would like to lose 100 lbs within the next 4 years (hopefully finishing on or near the 28th of August)

    Info: I am a college student in Virginia and want to change my lifestyle so I can do more, be more, and see more. :smile:
  • dorothyp3
    dorothyp3 Posts: 14 Member
    This may be what I need. I lost 13lbs, and in the past 3 days have gained back 2-1/2lbs because I went on a sugar bender. I've now got 12lbs to lose. I'll be a buddy to anyone who wants one.