Looking for friends for accountability

I posted this in the "Introduce Yourself" section, but I think it should have been here so here is my post:

My name's Courtney. I'll be 27 in a little over a week. I'm from Austin, Tx. I've used MFP a few different times over the last several years. I usually do a great job for a few months then fall off the wagon. I have several health issues that make losing weight really hard. I have PCOS, insulin resistance, Hashimotos thyroiditis, hypothyroidism, and parahypothyroidism. I try not to let those stand in the way, but they slow my progress, which frustrates me. So I'm hoping I can find a friend/friends to help keep me accountable. I'm not doing any special diets, just making sure I have more calories going out than going in. I use a Fitbit Blaze to track my steps and exercise.

More about me personally: I work in Pharmaceutical Research. I love my boyfriend and my dog. I enjoy reading, music, learning, and occasionally sunbathing. I have wonderlust, love traveling, and hope I can travel more in the near future.

So if you feel like we could be friends and work together to lose weight/get healthy, let me know! :)


  • lydiapassthedonuts
    lydiapassthedonuts Posts: 71 Member
    Hi Courtney. My name is Lydia. I'm in Houston. I lose interest after a while and have to start over. Which I'm doing now. I just started using MFP again the past two weeks. I'm older with hypothyroidism. Makes for an interesting weight loss journey! My plan of attack is tracking my food and trying to be more active than a couch potato. I also blog about it. I figure if I put it out there for anyone to see it will help me stay on track.

    Since I'm newish here I am looking for friends. Needing that extra push.
  • Courtney_Jessica
    Courtney_Jessica Posts: 9 Member
    Well maybe we can work on it together. I sent you a friend request!