Motivation techniques, whether big or small that helped you stay on track?

Hi everyone! I was losing weight for a couple months (20 lb. to be exact), when my husband and I decided to go away on vacation. Since our trip, I have not been able to get back on track physically and emotionally. I have gained 11 of my 20 pounds loss. Ive been trying for a couple months now to get it together. Im scared to death, that I will get on the scale one day and be my original weight again. I hadn't loss that much to begin with, but I worked so hard to lose that first 20. Can you share one or two if you would like, things you did to help motivate and stay motivated on a daily basis on your weight loss journey? I would be happy no matter how big or small, if you would be so kind and share. I am so emotional these days with it all. Thanks guys!!!!


  • everher
    everher Posts: 909 Member
    I've lost and gained weight more times than I could tell you. The big thing that stops me from giving up now is the knowledge that if I do I will gain the weight back and I will gain more weight and it's just a cycle that has to stop.

    My advice to you is to slowly get back into the swing of things. Make a meal plan for the week of what you are going to eat making sure it will fit into your calories, meal prep if that makes things easier for you, and prelog everything if you need that extra bit of commitment then no matter what stick to your plan.

    I find once you get back into the swing of things it's easier. Don't be hard on yourself - that will only make things harder. Just take a deep breath, put the past behind you, and get back on track.
  • lgomez85
    lgomez85 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi there, I would like to share what helped me...I started by making my workout a daily routine... first thing in the morning before anything...and even if you don't want to you will feel better once you get started...I also changed my eating habits and took all processed foods out...hope this helps☺️
  • 88olds
    88olds Posts: 4,522 Member
    Good habits.

    Gotta start somewhere. Figure out the numbers for a modest calorie deficit. Plan a menu for tommow. It helps if you can find on plan stuff that you like.

    Weigh and measure your food when at home. For restaurants use NI, make good faith estimates when all else fails. Log all your intake no matter what. Mistakes, lapses, miscalculations all get recorded. Eating too much is not an excuse to not keep the journal.

    The purpose is to get good habits in place. It takes concentration to get them set. But your habits have to be defended. Sooner or later your own brain will try to talk you out of your good habits. Fight back.

    20 lbs in 2 months is pretty aggressive. Maybe you're resisting getting back because your plan was too strict. Slow and steady wins the race.
    Trade motivation for determination. Motivation is fleeting. Good luck.