I'm fat and unmotivated

I need to lose weight. I weigh 210lbs and I'm only 5' 4". I work at a Dunkin' Donuts while going to college, so finding time to motivate myself to stay healthy is really hard. I need someone to help me figure things out as far as meal planning/prepping etc. SOS


  • Slinky13
    Slinky13 Posts: 4 Member
    I am happy to help.
  • 2fabulous2Bunfit
    2fabulous2Bunfit Posts: 47 Member
    Add me as well!
  • KarySalsera2523
    KarySalsera2523 Posts: 16 Member
    I just add you!!!
  • markforquer
    markforquer Posts: 3 Member
    Your pretty and your motivate. Thats two good starts!
    Make sure you drink at least 3 quarts of water a day. It really flushes out the toxins and curbs your appetite.
    Good luck.
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    Not sure how your job stops you being healthy. You can incorporate doughnuts in to your diet, but you can also learn to say no and not eat the stuff available to you.

    To lose weight, you need to want to do it. I wasn't successful in weight loss until my motivation to lose weight surpassed my desire to eat what I wanted, when I wanted (I used to succumb to food in emotional situations a lot, cancelling out any effort I made to control my diet).

    Setting time to exercise as well as meal planning and prep helped a lot. Learning to say no to food helped - I still eat things I enjoy, but in the right quantities and when Ive planned for it.
  • cm1207k9
    cm1207k9 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi I'm also looking for new friends for motivation I did it once with help on here and fell back to my old ways. Now I'm back and ready to go again! Let's do this!!
  • captainfantastic94
    captainfantastic94 Posts: 1,745 Member
    Get that hydration going babe
  • NovaSur
    NovaSur Posts: 44 Member
    Ill add you. i have the same stats!
  • CoffeenSquats
    CoffeenSquats Posts: 982 Member
    I work as well and have four young sons. It can be done! Good luck!
  • Royaltouch1983
    Royaltouch1983 Posts: 4 Member
    Don't say that .....U gotta jus burn some calories and watch u r diet, eat healthy n I'm sure in a few days u will see slight results ... ALL THE BEST