Looking to lose 30 lbs

I'm looking for friends looking to lose about the same amount of weight. I'm a 26 year old female. I'm about 156 lbs. I'm 5'5". I would like to be 125 lbs. Please add me.


  • melism1
    melism1 Posts: 10 Member
    I'm turning 41 in July, but your post caught my attention because I am also 5'5 and 156 pounds as of this morning, haha. I started at 172 about three years ago, lost 30 pounds and was in the best shape I've ever been in. Then, I took a new job which required me to go back to school as well. I gained about half of the weight back. Now that life is finally slowing down a bit, I'm trying to refocus on taking care of myself again. I've never dreamed of getting down to 125, would be thrilled to get back to 140! But hey, never say never, right?
  • carolinagirlcnc
    carolinagirlcnc Posts: 12 Member
    Hi! I am 30. 5'5" as well. Now at 172 lbs and looking to get down to about 140.
  • skellymama1
    skellymama1 Posts: 83 Member
    5'3" and 165 lbs, I really need to get the weight down. This is the heaviest I've ever been and it doesn't feel good. A lot of stress over the last few years have taken their toll but now its time to make myself a priority.
    I'm starting with walking to and from work today, that's about 12/13k steps.
    Kids start school holidays this week and the builders that have been here for a month are finishing up. Meal planning and being organized food wise is what keeps me on track.
    I will do up and post my meal plan here and maybe we can swap recipes, get ideas.
    I'm on 1300 cals plus eat back half of my exercise calories. I'm dealing with a few injuries so I'm just walking and doing Pilate's at the minute but I'm hoping to get back to lifting weights in the next couple of weeks.
    Good all.
  • wilsonkellies
    wilsonkellies Posts: 117 Member
    Hi. I'm about to be 41 in July. I am 5'8 my heaviest weight was 208 lbs. My NYE resolution was to be 175 lbs by my birthday (new year/new me), well that isn't going to happen but I would love to have new friends to lose weight with. Please add me.
  • meldjk44
    meldjk44 Posts: 28 Member
    I'm 28yrs old 5 feet tall and about 158. I'm loking to lose 35 pounds, so far I have lost 6 pounds in 1 month!