ankle pain?

I have been working out for 3 months...6 days a week and doing great. I Started a new program from runners world last week basically you run 1 min walk 2 and slowly work up to a 2 mile run in 8 weeks. Well I started last week and Wednesday when I woke up my right ankle was sore (my Achilles area) I figured it was just from the new workout and assumed that it didn't hurt enough that I could still work out and it hasn't kept me from walking or the elpitical but it has stayed sore and tight and it has a swollen bump on the outside of the ankle (between the ankle bone and the tendon) ALSO when touch it and move my foot up and down it feels rubbery?!? I called my doc and his nurse said it was probably nothing but I am worried it might be something....has ANYONE had anything like this?


  • beautifulnow
    I have been working out for 3 months...6 days a week and doing great. I Started a new program from runners world last week basically you run 1 min walk 2 and slowly work up to a 2 mile run in 8 weeks. Well I started last week and Wednesday when I woke up my right ankle was sore (my Achilles area) I figured it was just from the new workout and assumed that it didn't hurt enough that I could still work out and it hasn't kept me from walking or the elpitical but it has stayed sore and tight and it has a swollen bump on the outside of the ankle (between the ankle bone and the tendon) ALSO when touch it and move my foot up and down it feels rubbery?!? I called my doc and his nurse said it was probably nothing but I am worried it might be something....has ANYONE had anything like this?
  • Coach2010
    I'm no doctor, but here goes:

    I can honestly say that I've had about every injury possible in the leg to foot region. Sigh...Achilles...

    That one is a special one, as you really need to keep that under careful watch.

    Please consider icing it up, and taking it easy on doing any aerobics until the swelling and pain reduces. Also, try to gradually ease into stretching your achilles. Start from a standing position, and work some massaging of the muscle, and simple exercises as per the video and links below:

    Hope this helps!
  • briblue72
    briblue72 Posts: 672 Member
    My opinion - if it's bothering you, keep off it until you SEE your doctor (and they actually see it/feel it themselves). You don't want to risk permanently injuring yourself.
  • beautifulnow
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    I've dealt w/ achilles tendonitis and it is NOT fun. There have been other posts here recently also. I ended up going to Physical therapy to get some stretches to do. I would see your Dr. if possible and get a diagnosis!

    Hope it heals up for you soon! Be careful w/ adding too much mileage quickly as you begin running because that can trigger achilles tendonitis. And make sure you are wearing good shoes!
