home remedy for sinus pressure?

so last week, my throat was sore and i went to the dr. i told her my allergies had been acting up and maybe it led to a sinus infection. she gave me "z-pack" and a nasal spray.

i finished the "z-pack", but i feel the worst sinus pressure i've ever felt and my face looks a little swollen on one side! my hubby and i leave for mexico on friday and everyone is out of the office for the evening. i will try to make an appt. for tomorrow with either my allergist or my dr., but ...

does anyone have a home remedy that may help me tonight? i'm already taking ibuprofen and i'm still in pain! grrrr!!!


  • rmsrws
    rmsrws Posts: 639 Member
    Try taking a really steamy shower!

    I use a neti pot available at most store. It's been a blessing. A little awkward at first til you get the hang of it.
  • drog2323
    drog2323 Posts: 1,343 Member
    have you tried a neti pot? i think most pharmacies now carry them. It takes a little getting to, but it flushed your nose out great and all natural (warm water and salt). and really helps me with my allergies.
  • dreanance
    dreanance Posts: 246
    Agreed on the neti pot. I love mine!
  • Timeforme714
    Timeforme714 Posts: 189 Member
    I've found the saline really helps. I use one called simply saline. It's great for clearing out your sinuses.
  • i use neti pot

    i think i spelt that right.
    its better and way more affective.

    just put tsp of salt and tsp of baking soda

    mix it in the warm water and it will start to clear out your sinus ♥
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    yep that's what i do too, even for my son...hot steam (cover your head with a towel and put your face over a sink full of hot water if you don't want a bath)...and a nettie pot...it's just a salt solution. Sometimes my glasses feel like 500lbs on my nose because my sinuses are so infected...don't blow your nose hard either! that damages your sinus cavities lol. rub some vicks under your nose at night to help you out too...
  • ceschwartz
    ceschwartz Posts: 240 Member
    <-- Not a doctor, but I'd be worried your sinus infection is worse and if so you'd need antibiotics. See a doctor before you do, because sinus infections can lead to respiratory problems.
  • I suffer from this frequently....the only thing which helps me is to inhale with Friar's Balsam....you get this old remedy in the chemists.

    I fill up an old ice cream container with very hot water (off the boil) and add say a teaspoon of FB.....then put it on a table and lean your head over it...cover your head with a towel and inhale deeply....it is quite exhausting to do it properly....keep going for as long as possible....coming up for fresh air when you can't stick it any more. I find it lifts some of the pressure immediately and you feel somewhat better.....and you can repeat it two/three times per day if necessary.

    Hope you get some relief soon as it is very painful.
  • mariasheehan
    mariasheehan Posts: 335

    I used to get really bad sinus infections, pressure, swelling etc and I was put on so many medications it was crazy. I googled using aromatherapy (essential) oils to help and I found a combination of oils that are usefull for that problem and the acupressure points that you should press or massage to relieve pressure. This really worked for me, I'm sorry this is a bit gross but putting pressure on the correct sinus points on my face was like clicking a swtich, my sinuses drained (post nasal) and the pain went away over night! it was pretty amazing.

    You could try having a look at these sites perhaps?


    An Essential Oil Blend for Hayfever:

    Tea Tree: Contains terpenes, alcohols, 1,8 cineol. Purifies respiratory system, strengthens breathing, relieves sinus infections, drains lymph, stimulates elimination through the bladder, intestines, throat and lungs, increases and liquefies mucus production, as an expectorant.

    Respiratory Aromatherapy Recipes

    Chest and Sinus Congestion:

    2 drops lavender

    2 drops tea tree

    2 drops eucalyptus

    Boil a pot of water and remove from the stove. While still steaming, add 2 drops eucalyptus, 2 drops lavender and 2 drops tea tree. Cover bowl and head with towel and inhale for at least 3 minutes. KEEP EYES CLOSED.

    Hope you feel better soon x
  • Alidecker
    Alidecker Posts: 1,262 Member
    I started using the Netti Pot and now I use a similar thing, but it is a squeeze bottle that cleans out my sinus cavity. Both were hard to get used to at first, but I love it now. I hardly ever have sinus pressure and headachs anymore.