In need of motivation

Hi all,

I hope that you are well.

I'm trying to achieve a more lean body with less body fat.

Every time I start a workout programme I loose motivation a couples months in and start to divert back to my old habits.

If any has any tips and tricks for building lean muscle at home and at the gym please get in touch!

Thank you.


  • Missycvt
    Missycvt Posts: 422 Member
    I know what it feels like to lack motivation! I've been struggling myself being a couch potato! However, I joined a gym this week and have been eating healthy! I am feeling great already! I think the motivation comes from within. It's hard. Think of a goal. How much weight do you want to lose? We all divert to our old habits it's natural. I think there has to be something to keep you going. I actually have my "old fat picture" of myself as my screensaver on my phone to motivate me. :#
  • mgdoane
    mgdoane Posts: 1 Member
    edited June 2017
    A habit takes six months to establish. Push past the two month mark, aim for three months, then four, soon your past the halfway mark...
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    mgdoane wrote: »
    A habit takes six months to establish. Push past the two month mark, aim for three months, then four, soon your past the halfway mark...

    says who?!

  • jesspen91
    jesspen91 Posts: 1,383 Member
    I think a structured program really helps get things kick started. You are more likely to lose motivation when you are not working towards specific goals. Personally, Strong Curves does it for me. This thread has some fantastic recommendations.
  • xavi0teddy
    xavi0teddy Posts: 8 Member
    Thank you all for your messages!

    I totally agree that motivation comes from within and setting realistic goals help to stay on track. My main goal is to gain more muscle while loosing a little weight at the same time - what type of goals should I be setting myself? Should I be basing the goals on calorie counting? Macros? Weight?
  • benstronger
    benstronger Posts: 381 Member
    Base your goals on macros if you're looking for muscle while losing weight - find out what your macros are with some online calculators (IIFYM). With this goal in mind, try to expect results in no less than 12 weeks, focusing on workouts that consist of resistance training (weight lifting) and cardio (HIIT / running / cycling).

    I think most people lose their motivation if they don't see results within a few weeks, especially if their progress is slow or their regimen is very strict. Focus on short term goals, eat happy, appreciate your results and you should be motivated enough to reach your goals.
  • Tife_D
    Tife_D Posts: 3 Member
    I'm really struggling with my weight lose and it's sad because I really want to be healthy and fit
  • Fuzzipeg
    Fuzzipeg Posts: 2,299 Member
    Could you think about what it is you do when you slack in your efforts to take exercise? Could it be that the programme you use is not conducive to a happy exercise half or hour of your life? Different programmes suit some more than others. I think, I'm trying to say, if you are doing this because you "ought" then you will loose interest, find something more "you" to succeed.

    An added thought could be. If I do this ...............your choice here, in a few months I will achieve. If I don't do something, I will not be in a better place than I am now. How much does that matter to you, is the question.
  • Valrotha
    Valrotha Posts: 294 Member
    Best of luck in your journey! I'm just starting again after having lost 60lbs and gaining a decent amount of it back due to poor habits.

    Anyone should feel free to send friend requests if they need more companions along the way.
    SNOWPHI Posts: 1 Member
    I change what type of fitness I do seasonally. That way I get excited about starting a new fitness thing every 3 months. I don't have any issue with fitness. It's the eating that is my downfall :-)