The Diamond Challenge: Round 4 - Wk 2 (Little Diamonds)



  • nikkiws
    nikkiws Posts: 164
    Wednesday qotd: do you eat your exercise calories back?

    Yes most of the time as the exercise makes me so hungry, I guess my body needs it! Also I think if I didn't most of the time, my body would go into starvation mode and I have plateau periods because if this
  • Val_Gets_Fit
    Val_Gets_Fit Posts: 210 Member
    Do you eat your exercise calories back???

    I normally don't eat all of them back, but I usually eat half back. It depends on the day. Some days, I feel like I've done a lot and that makes me hungrier and I may eat them all back. Other days, I feel like I've been relatively inactive except for the workout so I won't eat many back at all. My average is typically half. My relationship with exercise calories.... It's complicated. :wink:
  • peanut613
    peanut613 Posts: 438 Member
    Do you eat your exercise calories back???

    generally, yes. momma likes to eat! so if that number says i have calories left, i'll use them.

    the exception to the rule is if i'm just not hungry. i take the cues from my body over the numbers.
  • Latoyamary
    Latoyamary Posts: 140
    Congrats to all Little Diamonds..
    The last new thing I tried was Garden Tomato and Basil Baked Lays! Lol
  • Latoyamary
    Latoyamary Posts: 140
    Congrats to all Little Diamonds..
    The last new thing I tried was Garden Tomato and Basil Baked Lays! Lol
  • miss_jamaica
    miss_jamaica Posts: 376 Member
    Do you eat your exercise calories back???

    My relationship with exercise calories.... It's complicated. :wink:

  • LadyByrd77
    LadyByrd77 Posts: 115 Member
    Do you eat your exercise calories back???

    Sometimes I eat my calories back it depends if I'm still hungry. I'm usually under my calories but I have an issue going over fiber, protein, and sodium intake.
  • LollipopViolet
    LollipopViolet Posts: 121 Member
    Hey Diamonds!

    Well it's been a random week for me, I ended up spending 2 days with a good friend and so was away from the computer Monday and Tuesday, and yesterday was too tired after my volunteer job to really do much online, so I'm on a catch up, if I've missed any questions please let me know :)
    When is the last time you tried something new? What was it? Will you do it again?

    Last week I tried 2 new exercise classes for the first time, spinning and a pump fx conditioning class. I've just come home from my 2nd spin class, and I'm doing pump fx again on Saturday.
    Do you eat your exercise calories back???

    I try not to, and generally succeed, but at certain points in the month I end up eating something very unhealthy because for some stupid reason, my body craves sweet things. Like today, however hopefully the spinning will mean the damage isn't too bad. Dreading weigh in tomorrow as had a Chinese meal and some drinks on the town on Monday. However, normally, I do stick to my original goal of 1440 calories per day, even if I exercise.

    As an aside, I've had a blip week this week but have once again found my motivation - my impending trip to Cyprus in October. When the spinning class got tough today, I just kept saying "Cyprus, you're doing it for Cyprus" in my head and it really worked!
  • Latoyamary
    Latoyamary Posts: 140
    Depending on how hungry I am... I usually don't eat the extra calories. But, if I hungry I will eat them..
  • brknllama
    brknllama Posts: 113 Member
    Firday's QOTD

    Why do you want to lose this weight, and what was that push to lose the weight?

    I want to lose the weight for my dad (for one thing he would be so proud of me for losing this much weight already)...He died of colon cancer when i was 16 years old, and i watched him struggle w/ that disease for the longest time and i don't want my kids to ever see me like that and go through anything i've gone through in the past 5 years.

    I moved out of my mom's house this past march and i've felt like i've needed to create a fresh start for me (even though i'm still living in the same town i have for the past 21+ years but neways....) and w/in a week i started taking my (as one of my x-friends would put it) "crazy" walks (well thats just because i would get up kinda early....well for them it was early, it was around 9 or 10) and now here i am 30lbs later....but my mom thinks that there was a "spirit of lazyness" in our old house...i don't know about that one but i do know it i get off my butt to work my butt
  • ElleJay221
    ElleJay221 Posts: 104 Member
    Firday's QOTD

    Why do you want to lose this weight, and what was that push to lose the weight?

    Well, I have basically been trying to lose weight since I was about 10. Other than when I was pregnant, there really wasn't a time since then I haven't felt like I should lose weight. I have tried many, many, many [insert about 50 more many's] times....sometimes sort of successful, others not....always gained the weight back.

    This past winter was a bad one - My knee bothered me more than ever, and I had a bad episode one night with heart palpitations/sweating/dizziness/numb arms - that scared the crap out of me. The episode did not last long, and since I wasn't in any pain, chalked it up to a bad panic attack (mentioned it to my nurse practioner this spring who said yes, that was likely it, but I should have come to the hospital anyway....) It prompted me to start working out to be healthier....about a month later, I found mfp. I kept thinking what would happen to my boys if I was not here - Just an FYI - two of them are over 18 and my hubby is pretty healthy - but I don't believe ANYONE could look after them as well as I do!!! LOL! I am sure the older two would roll their eyes at that one!
  • lablovr108
    lablovr108 Posts: 576 Member
    Friday's QOTD

    Why do you want to lose this weight, and what was that push to lose the weight?

    I was always thin in high school and college. I was a size 6 when I got married at the age of 23. I had a high stress job in public accounting where I worked a lot of hours and we ate lunch and sometimes dinner out every day. On top of that, I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism when I was 24. So between all of that I gained a bunch of weight. I lost some of it and then started having problems in my marriage. My husband at the time cheated on me, and I turned to food for comfort. I also got very lazy. Things just went along like that for several years. I wasn't happy about it but I kept saying I would start "next week."

    On May 2, my company started a 12 week challenge that we were required to participate in to get the reduced insurance premium next year. That was the same week that my family booked a cruise for March 2012. Something inside me switched that week, and I decided enough was enough, I was going to take back control of my life. And I have. I've lost 1/3 of what I want to lose in just over 12 weeks. It is a lifestyle change that I've made, and I'm proud of what I've achieved in a short period of time. My family has been very supportive so that helps a lot. And now I've found so much support on MFP. It is almost easier in some ways to discuss this with my online friends because you are all so supportive and nonjudgmental. We are in this together with similar goals and I'm thankful for all of you.

    Ok, sorry that was so long and perhaps too much info for some of you. But I just got on a roll...... Happy Friday everyone!! Have a fabulous weekend. I'm so proud of all of you and the weight loss numbers I see being posted this morning. You all rock!
  • ilovecreg120809
    ilovecreg120809 Posts: 516 Member
    Firday's QOTD
    Why do you want to lose this weight, and what was that push to lose the weight?

    I want to lose weight to feel better about myself. I have always been the fat girl, ever since kindergarten. Also, I'm tired of shopping in the plus size section, i want to look good a dress in clothes that I want to dress in. The push was when I went to the doctor and I weighed around 245. I hated it! Also, I wasnt getting anyone to date me. Everyone just wanted to be "friends"
  • lisa_lotte
    lisa_lotte Posts: 216
    Firday's QOTD

    Why do you want to lose this weight, and what was that push to lose the weight?

    For me... it is simply just to feel better about myself and to be healthier. I am doing this for me and no-one else. I used to feel so bad about myself and my body that I would always wear baggy clothing (that actually made me look even bigger) and would walk around on holiday in a heat-wave wearing a jacket because I was so ashamed of myself. I would always sit with a cushion on my lap watching TV to cover my belly - and I would do this even if it was just me at home and no-one else. I wouldn’t dream of being seen in a bikini - not even by my own mum. I would never go shopping for clothes as I thought everything looked horrible and would never go out with my friends for a night out because I wouldn't find anything to wear. I was so depressed and completely different person to what I am not. Now i can actually wear jeans and just a top, not having to wear a baggy jumper over the top. I like shopping for clothes and getting dressed up, and since losing weight I have actually bothered putting make-up on and doing my hair for the first time in ages. My friends have all commented how much more confident and happy I am, and the change goes way further then just looking different. I still have a bit more to lose before I completely confident, but the difference in how I feel has already been amazing, which is why I want to lose the last bit.

    What gave me the push was some holiday pictures from when I was on holiday in Turkey - when I saw the pictures I was horrified by how big I looked and decided it was time for a change. Today I am very thankful for those pictures.... :-)

    Lisa :flowerforyou:
  • balowry1
    balowry1 Posts: 85
    Firday's QOTD

    Why do you want to lose this weight, and what was that push to lose the weight?

    I want to lose this weight so I can be healthy and look better. I've had four children. When I was pregnant with my fourth child, I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes. Now, I have high cholesterol along with diabetes. My doctor told me I need to lose the weight to lower my cholesterol and get my diabetes under control. Cancer also runs in my family along with depression. I want to live long enough to see my 17 month old son grow up and hopefully have a family of his own.
  • peanut613
    peanut613 Posts: 438 Member
    Friday's QOTD: Why do you want to lose this weight, and what was that push to lose the weight?

    I was 130 all through high school, but after graduation I went rebellious and it casued a lot of depression and bad choices. That's when I began eating to comfort myself. By the time I met my husband, I was probably 145ish. I got pregnant and gained minimally, but after my daughter was born, I had trouble keeping weight off. Over the 2 years since then, I gained all the way up to 175 (my heaviest). I had been unhappy with my weight since my daughter's birth, but I never had the commitment to do anything about it. I told my friend this June "I know what to do, I just have to care enough to DO it..." Within a week or so, something snapped in me. I don't know what it was. I think it was seeing me (in my underclothes) in the mirror and feeling gross about my fat and flab. It had been there, I had seen it before, but for some reason I was suddenly just *ready* to make the changes.

    It's uber hard for me to lose weight. Unlike a lot of people, I just genuinely dislike exerecise. For me, it's not fun, it's not my "me time", it's a true struggle! I've tried finding workouts I enjoy, but I haven't fallen in love with anything. Not enough to do it 4 times a week... So for me, MFP is my only way of pushing myself. I feel obligated to workout or to stay under my calories because someone's gonna know if I don't! Plus, I look at the weight I've lost and I would feel bad giving up after the progress I've made. I'm around 20 pounds down with 25 to go-that's almost halfway! I can't quit now!
  • kkmark
    kkmark Posts: 558 Member
    Friday's QOTD: Why do you want to lose this weight, and what was that push to lose the weight?

    First For me, my BF and parents. I was 118 when i came to US it came to a point i didn't care abt food or anything nad the pounds kept piling up when hit 147 i thought i don't want to go 150 i guess that was big push for me and i wanted to get back to my original weight or atleast something near to it .Then started MFP in 2008 i was on off loosing came down to 145,142 then gained atlast stayed at 142 ,went to WW lost it gained back.
    But this year was more concentrating on what i am eating,exercising as i am goin to be 30 this yr n want to get healthy and my parents who saw my recent pictures in Feb told i have gained alot of weight.

    So decided to do this and this Team has helped me loose abt 17 pounds . Thank you guys for the support

  • thebutteredtoast
    Friday's QOTD: Why do you want to lose this weight, and what was that push to lose the weight?

    Two, almost three years ago I never went past 118. When I graduated high school and moved out of my parents house I started eating really unhealthy because I didn't know how to cook so I lived on TV dinners and canned foods. When I hit 155 a few months ago I was devastated and I want to go back to the weight I was.
  • KPstartingover
    KPstartingover Posts: 268 Member
    Friday's QOTD: Why do you want to lose this weight, and what was that push to lose the weight?

    Well, I have much the same story as many of you. Feeling crappy about myself, not being able to wear anything in my closet, not wanting to do anything but sit around. I have yo-yo'd so many times in the past 30 years it's ridiculous. I have lost weight in healthy ways, unhealthy ways, downright stupid ways - and it came back (plus some). I hit my heaviest, other than pregnancy, at 164. I think it was finding mfp that was the push to get this party started. The phone app made it so convenient, and then when I found the website it was a super bonus. My goal right now is 130. It is kind of ironic, because when I hit 130 in college I was completely devastated and turned bulimic. Now, at almost 47 and past menopause, 130 sounds pretty good :)
  • LollipopViolet
    LollipopViolet Posts: 121 Member
    Why do you want to lose this weight, and what was that push to lose the weight?

    I've been trying and failing to lose weight since my teens, but now, I'm fed up of being the small (height) but big (weight) girl in pictures, of hating having my picture taken and of feeling like a horrible abnormality when out shopping with skinny friends because nothing will fit me, even though I'm only a UK 16. I'm not saying we're abnormal, but I feel that way because some shops have tiny sizes or stop at a 14, with the majority of stuff being in size 12, 10, 8, and 6. I want to be able to hold my head up high, wear a gorgeous outfit and feel good, comfortable in my own skin. Another push is I've booked a holiday to Cyprus in October and don't want to feel like I need to cover up.