JUNE 2017 STEPS challenge



  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    edited June 2017
    June 1-7 144,457/61.11 miles
    June 8-14 131,009/54.79
    June 15-21 150,194/ 63.55
    June 22 35045/15.29
    June 23 14,835/6.18
    June 24 12,520/5.22
    June 25 11,835/4.93
    June 26 9526/3.97

    Total 509.421/215.04
    Reached my goal of Half a million steps in June! I kind of took it easy this last week too.
  • wikkidwanda
    wikkidwanda Posts: 163 Member
    June 1 - 12230/12000
    June 2 - 15643/12000
    June 3 - 14095/12000
    June 4 - 18407/12000
    June 5 - 14628/12000
    June 6 - 16405/12000
    June 7 - 12146/12000
    June 8 - 12042/12000
    June 9 - 5406/12000 (i've mentioned the knees yea?)
    June 10 - 12737/12000
    June 11 - 13487/12000
    June 12 - 12253/12000
    June 13 - 13642/12000
    June 14 - 13887/12000
    June 15 - 12336/12000
    June 16 - 12560/12000
    June 17 - 9360/12000 (damn)
    June 18 - 12088/12000
    June 19 - 10546/12000
    June 20 - 12079/12000
    June 21 - 12645/12000
    June 22 - 19097/12000
    June 23 - 18096/12000
    June 24 - 15422/12000
    June 25 - 12665/12000
    June 26 - 11083/12000

    total: 310977/312000

    average s/d: 11960

    i'm NOT achieving!!! Dammit!
  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    @wikkidwanda You are so close, you would only have to walk an additional 1040 steps above your 12000 to get your average up to 12000 today.
  • ezziriah
    ezziriah Posts: 9 Member
    Are you going do be doing a July challenge?
  • BexDun
    BexDun Posts: 133 Member
    Total 167,840 (130.74km)
    1-7 Jun 47831 steps (37.35km)
    8-14 Jun 38266 steps (29.23km)
    15-21 Jun 47591 steps (37.62km)
    22-30 Jun 34152 steps (26.54km)
    22/Jun 6329 steps (4.9km)
    23/Jun 9574 steps (7.24km)
    24/Jun 9800 steps (7.6km)
    25/Jun 329 steps (0.2km) pretty pathetic but I had such a rubbish day on Saturday I just didn't want to do anything!
    26/Jun 4202 steps (3.42km)
    27/Jun 3918 steps (3.18km)
  • sdavmor
    sdavmor Posts: 126 Member
    I've been posting my steps over in the other June steps challenge. For the last week of the month I'll post to both threads. For July we should get coordinated to pull both challenges into one place.

    I have the Accupedo app on my cell phone. I've been using it to work my way up to that 10000 steps goal. Some days I get there, most days I don't, but the process is working with the daily count on a continuous rise, going from a commitment of 4000 steps a day 8 weeks ago to 6000 steps a day after the recent holiday weekend. I hope the public accountability factor of recording my steps here will help motivate me to push on every day until 10000 steps a day becomes automatic. It will be great if I can get to 300K steps in June.

    June 01: 8,136 steps. I'll try to make up the difference tomorrow.
    June 02: 15,555 steps. Yes! That'll get the job done. :)
    June 03: 9,770 steps. I'll try to make up the difference tomorrow.
    June 04: 10,702 steps. That makes up for what I was short yesterday.
    June 05: 10,920 steps.
    June 06: 4,227 steps. A blown day due to work issues. I will make up the shortfall ASAP.
    June 07: 10,114 steps. Back on track. One week in I am only 576 steps behind my target.
    June 08: 5,650 steps. A lot of driving and not enough walking. A guesstimate based on prior walks and time. My Accupedo app was off on my phone. I will make up an accumulating shortfall over the next few days.
    June 09: 11,801 steps. Back on track. I missed a day posting here.
    June 10: 13,005 steps. Definitely in the hunt for 300K steps in June.
    June 11: 5,551 steps. Meh...a blown day.
    June 12: 10,110 steps. On the road unexpectedly for work. I still got the 10K steps in.
    June 13: 7,575 steps. Still on the road.
    June 14: 6,939 steps. Heading back home. Got some catching up to do.
    June 15: 8,144 steps. Additional work moving boxes and computers at home.
    June 16: 5,990 steps. Approximate guesstimate based on prior walks. Sans phone.
    June 17: 4,801 steps. Just one long walk. But I also did yardwork and swimming.
    June 18: 6,709 steps. Just one long walk. More yardwork and swimming.
    June 19: 9,118 steps. Still falling short.
    June 20: 14,343 steps. Much better. Still work do in the consistency department.
    June 21: 12,646 steps. Picking up some of the shortfall.
    June 22: 10,116 steps.
    June 23: 14,773 steps. A walk to return Redbox DVDs at 9pm helped.
    June 24: 7,311 steps. I didn't walk after my radio show.
    June 25: 15,640 steps. That's what we like! :)
    June 26: 8,900 steps. An approximation. Accupedo was somehow turned off.
    June 27: 11,652 steps.

    June total: 260,198/300K (should be at 270,000)
  • rccsinger
    rccsinger Posts: 1,090 Member
    June 20--5.8 miles
    June 21--4.8 miles
    June 22--5.7 miles
    June 23--2.4 miles
    June 24--2.0 miles
    June 25--3.0 miles
    June 26--5.8 miles
    June 27--7.0 miles

    TMW 121.9
    TMR 88.1
  • sdavmor
    sdavmor Posts: 126 Member
    I've been posting my steps over in the other June steps challenge. For the last week of the month I'll post to both threads. For July we should get coordinated to pull both challenges into one place.

    I have the Accupedo app on my cell phone. I've been using it to work my way up to that 10000 steps goal. Some days I get there, most days I don't, but the process is working with the daily count on a continuous rise, going from a commitment of 4000 steps a day 8 weeks ago to 6000 steps a day after the recent holiday weekend. I hope the public accountability factor of recording my steps here will help motivate me to push on every day until 10000 steps a day becomes automatic. It will be great if I can get to 300K steps in June.

    June 01: 8,136 steps. I'll try to make up the difference tomorrow.
    June 02: 15,555 steps. Yes! That'll get the job done. :)
    June 03: 9,770 steps. I'll try to make up the difference tomorrow.
    June 04: 10,702 steps. That makes up for what I was short yesterday.
    June 05: 10,920 steps.
    June 06: 4,227 steps. A blown day due to work issues. I will make up the shortfall ASAP.
    June 07: 10,114 steps. Back on track. One week in I am only 576 steps behind my target.
    June 08: 5,650 steps. A lot of driving and not enough walking. A guesstimate based on prior walks and time. My Accupedo app was off on my phone. I will make up an accumulating shortfall over the next few days.
    June 09: 11,801 steps. Back on track. I missed a day posting here.
    June 10: 13,005 steps. Definitely in the hunt for 300K steps in June.
    June 11: 5,551 steps. Meh...a blown day.
    June 12: 10,110 steps. On the road unexpectedly for work. I still got the 10K steps in.
    June 13: 7,575 steps. Still on the road.
    June 14: 6,939 steps. Heading back home. Got some catching up to do.
    June 15: 8,144 steps. Additional work moving boxes and computers at home.
    June 16: 5,990 steps. Approximate guesstimate based on prior walks. Sans phone.
    June 17: 4,801 steps. Just one long walk. But I also did yardwork and swimming.
    June 18: 6,709 steps. Just one long walk. More yardwork and swimming.
    June 19: 9,118 steps. Still falling short.
    June 20: 14,343 steps. Much better. Still work do in the consistency department.
    June 21: 12,646 steps. Picking up some of the shortfall.
    June 22: 10,116 steps.
    June 23: 14,773 steps. A walk to return Redbox DVDs at 9pm helped.
    June 24: 7,311 steps. I didn't walk after my radio show.
    June 25: 15,640 steps. That's what we like! :)
    June 26: 8,900 steps. An approximation. Accupedo was somehow turned off.
    June 27: 11,652 steps.
    June 28: 14,114 steps. Finish line is in sight!

    June total: 274,312/300K (should be at 280,000)
  • jeanniewes
    jeanniewes Posts: 3,693 Member
    You guys have done GREAT while I was away last 11 days! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!! :) SO PROUD OF YOU!!!

    I did not have internet while I was away camping at one of our local State parks. This particular parks has many many hills too climb. It was challengeing but the girls, husband and I did the work and more than we would have gotten here at home...sooooooooooo here goes the Progress:

    June 17th............70.25 Walking Miles (last log)
    June 18th...............5.00 Walking Miles (travel day as well)
    June 19th...............5.25 Walking Miles
    June 20th...............7.00 Walking Miles
    June 21st................5.50 Walking Miles
    June 22nd...............2.50 Walking Miles (mostly a RAIN DAY)
    June 23rd................2.00 Walking Miles (mostly a RAIN DAY AGAIN)
    June 24th................4.50 Walking Miles
    June 25th................5.50 Walking Miles
    June 26th................5.75 Walking Miles
    June 27th................5.50 Walking Miles
    June 28th................6.25 Walking Miles
    June 29th................4.00 Walking Miles (travel day home)

    TOTAL AS OF JUNE 29TH..............129.0 Walking Miles (9 miles over goal of 120 thus far)

    TODAY it is raining but we will see what this evening brings as they are calling for rain too end by late evening...

    and YES we will be doing another challenge in JULY.....l
  • sdavmor
    sdavmor Posts: 126 Member
    I've been posting my steps over in the other June steps challenge. For the last week of the month I'll post to both threads. For July we should get coordinated to pull both challenges into one place.

    I have the Accupedo app on my cell phone. I've been using it to work my way up to that 10000 steps goal. Some days I get there, most days I don't, but the process is working with the daily count on a continuous rise, going from a commitment of 4000 steps a day 8 weeks ago to 6000 steps a day after the recent holiday weekend. I hope the public accountability factor of recording my steps here will help motivate me to push on every day until 10000 steps a day becomes automatic. It will be great if I can get to 300K steps in June.

    June 01: 8,136 steps. I'll try to make up the difference tomorrow.
    June 02: 15,555 steps. Yes! That'll get the job done. :)
    June 03: 9,770 steps. I'll try to make up the difference tomorrow.
    June 04: 10,702 steps. That makes up for what I was short yesterday.
    June 05: 10,920 steps.
    June 06: 4,227 steps. A blown day due to work issues. I will make up the shortfall ASAP.
    June 07: 10,114 steps. Back on track. One week in I am only 576 steps behind my target.
    June 08: 5,650 steps. A lot of driving and not enough walking. A guesstimate based on prior walks and time. My Accupedo app was off on my phone. I will make up an accumulating shortfall over the next few days.
    June 09: 11,801 steps. Back on track. I missed a day posting here.
    June 10: 13,005 steps. Definitely in the hunt for 300K steps in June.
    June 11: 5,551 steps. Meh...a blown day.
    June 12: 10,110 steps. On the road unexpectedly for work. I still got the 10K steps in.
    June 13: 7,575 steps. Still on the road.
    June 14: 6,939 steps. Heading back home. Got some catching up to do.
    June 15: 8,144 steps. Additional work moving boxes and computers at home.
    June 16: 5,990 steps. Approximate guesstimate based on prior walks. Sans phone.
    June 17: 4,801 steps. Just one long walk. But I also did yardwork and swimming.
    June 18: 6,709 steps. Just one long walk. More yardwork and swimming.
    June 19: 9,118 steps. Still falling short.
    June 20: 14,343 steps. Much better. Still work do in the consistency department.
    June 21: 12,646 steps. Picking up some of the shortfall.
    June 22: 10,116 steps.
    June 23: 14,773 steps. A walk to return Redbox DVDs at 9pm helped.
    June 24: 7,311 steps. I didn't walk after my radio show.
    June 25: 15,640 steps. That's what we like! :)
    June 26: 8,900 steps. An approximation. Accupedo was somehow turned off.
    June 27: 11,652 steps.
    June 28: 14,114 steps. Finish line is in sight!
    June 29: 13,778 steps. 300K here I come!

    June total: 288,090/300K (should be at 290,000)
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    Would like to join this challenge in July if that is ok

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,195 Member
    Review ... (Distances include cycling + walking)
    March 15: 489.8 km (304.3 miles) = 38 hours 4 min
    April: 491.94 km (305.6 miles) = 43 hours 6 min
    May: 361.81 km (224.8 miles) = 35 hours 50 min
    June: 569.53 km (353.9 miles) = 41 hours 53 min
    July: 230.7 km (143.35 miles) = 32 hours 45 min
    Aug: 211.3 km (131.3 miles) = 28 hours 8 min
    Sep: 306.7 km (190.6 miles) = 35 hour 2 min
    Oct: 441.82 km (274.5 miles) = 47 hours 43 min
    Nov: 660.21 km (410.23 miles) = 60 hours 41 min
    Dec: 499.91 km (282.8 miles) = 54 hours 56 min
    Jan: 864.79 km (537.35 miles) = 65 hours 36 min
    Feb: 470.53 km (292.4 miles) = 40 hours 39 min
    March 16: 917.73 km (570.2 miles) = 66 hours 13 min
    April: 417.83 km (259.6 miles) = 40 hours 23 min
    May: 267.09 km (165.9 miles) = 36 hours 10 min
    June: 552.1 km (343 miles) = 54 hours 48 min
    July: 709 km (440.5 miles) = 60 hours 41 minutes
    Aug: 775.9 km (482.1 miles) = 54 hours 52 minutes
    Sep: 371.3 km (230.7 miles) = 32 hours 20 min
    Oct: 649 km (403.3 miles) = 49 hours 46 min
    Nov: 403 km (250.4 miles) = 52 hours 16 min
    Dec: 511.05 km (317.55 miles) = 52 hours 2 min
    Jan: 741.9 km (461.0 miles) = 70 hours 3 min
    Feb: 600.5 km (373.1 miles) = 57 hours 30 min
    Mar: 1113.2 km (691.7 miles) = 78 hours 25 min
    Apr: 1181.9 km (734.4 miles) = 76 hours 45 min
    May: 426.6 km (265.1 miles) = 39 hours 21 min

    June 1 - 6 km walking (75 min) + 10 flights of stairs (8 min)
    June 2 - 6 km walking (75 min) + 13 flights of stairs (10 min)
    June 3 - 50 km cycling (155 min)
    June 4 - 4.2 km walking (50 min)
    June 5 - 5.1 km walking (60 min)
    June 6 - 3.8 km walking (45 min) + 20 flights of stairs (16 min)
    June 7 - 2 km walking (25 min) + 16 flights of stairs (13 min)
    June 8 - 1.5 km walking (18 min) + 4 flights of stairs (3 min)
    Friday, 9 June 2017 - 1.0 km walking (12.50 min)
    Saturday, 10 June 2017 - 3.5 km walking (43.75 min)
    Sunday, 11 June 2017 - 0.5 km walking (6.25 min) ... came down with flu. Couldn't keep anything in. Spent most of the day in bed.
    Monday, 12 June 2017 - 0.0 km of anything. We were travelling and I was sleeping a lot.
    Tuesday, 13 June 2017 - 1.0 km walking (12.50 min) touring cherry orchards in southern BC.
    Wednesday, 14 June 2017 - 3.0 km walking (37.50 min) walking around Field BC.
    Thursday, 15 June 2017 - 13.0 km walking (162.50 min) hiking to Lake Agnes Tea House!! :)
    Friday, 16 June 2017 - 0.5 km walking (6.25 min) travelling day.
    Saturday, 17 June 2017 - 2.0 km walking (25.00 min) travelling day with a walk around Jasper AB.
    Sunday, 18 June 2017 - 4.0 km walking (50.00 min) ... hike to top of mountain + walk around Jasper + 25 km cycling (75 min) ... cycling to where we got married just about 9 years ago!
    Monday, 19 June 2017 - 0.5 km walking (6.25 min) travelling day.
    Tuesday, 20 June 2017 - 0.5 km walking (6.25 min) + 57 km cycling (180 min)

    Wednesday, 21 June 2017 - 0.5 km walking (6.25 min) + 44.4 km cycling (140.21 min)

    Thursday, 22 June 2017 - 2.6 km walking (32.5 min) + 18.90 km cycling (59.68 min) in Victoria

    Friday, 23 June 2017 - 0.0 km ... rest day!

    Saturday, 24 June 2017 - 2.6 km walking (32.50 min) to get dinner after the ride + 213.40 km (673.89 min) cycling from Duncan to Victoria on the scenic route!

    Sunday, 25 June 2017 - 51.6 km (162.95 min) cycling from Victoria to Duncan

    Monday, 26 June 2017 - 1.0 km walking (12.5 min) along the foreshore in Port Hardy

    Tuesday, 27 June 2017 - 1.0 km walking (12.5 min) on the way down to Campbell River

    Wednesday, 28 June 2017 - 1.0 km walking (12.5 min) + 25.3 km (79.89 min) on Quadra Island

    Thursday, 29 June 2017 - 1.0 km walking (12.5 min) around the ferry terminal

    2017 Monthly June
    Walking Distance (km): 67.8
    Walking Time (min): 847.5
    Cycling Distance (km): 485.6
    Cycling Time (min): 1533.5
    Stairs Climbed Number: 63.0
    Stairs Climbed Time (min): 50.4

    Total Distance (km): 553.4
    Total Distance (miles): 343.9
    Total Time (min): 2431.4
    Total Time (hr): 40:31:22
  • jeanniewes
    jeanniewes Posts: 3,693 Member
    karenleona wrote: »
    Would like to join this challenge in July if that is ok


    Would LOVE you too join us. HERE IS YOUR LINK:

  • jeanniewes
    jeanniewes Posts: 3,693 Member
    AS OF JUNE 29TH..............129.0 Walking Miles (9 miles over goal of 120 thus far)
    rain today but finally it stopped. Managed 2.0 Walking Miles

    TOTAL WALKING MILES FOR JUNE...........131.0 which took me 11 miles OVER MY GOAL. This happens when I get too go away camping. We walk many walking trails. July we are staying home so It will be a struggle too reach 131 miles but I am going too make my goal 120 and see what happens...
  • jeanniewes
    jeanniewes Posts: 3,693 Member
    THE ABOVE LINK is for any and all who wish too join me in JULY'S challenge... :)

  • jeanniewes
    jeanniewes Posts: 3,693 Member


  • BexDun
    BexDun Posts: 133 Member
    Total 180,623 (141.47km)

    1-7 Jun 47831 steps (37.35km)
    8-14 Jun 38266 steps (29.23km)
    15-21 Jun 47591 steps (37.62km)
    22-30 Jun 46935 steps (37.27km)
    28/Jun 2416 steps (1.98km)
    29/Jun 5112 steps (4.42km)
    30/Jun 5255 steps (4.33km)

    Easily covered the month target. I can't always hit the amount every day due to being out at gym or rugby training where I can't wear anything able to track, but I do manage to make it up.

    Next month I am going to up my target to encourage me to do a bit more.

  • tayl09
    tayl09 Posts: 19 Member

    Been keeping it on paper. A few days under 4k but been kicking it up these last 2 weeks. Just made it in with 302,564 steps for a goal of 300,0000!
  • tayl09
    tayl09 Posts: 19 Member
    edited July 2017
    <img src="http://imgur.com/a/Aqj1w&quot; alt="" />
  • dawntarbox
    dawntarbox Posts: 27 Member
    June Goal 300,000 Steps

    1) 10,494
    2) 8,840
    3) 17,947
    4) 8,614
    5) 4,949
    6) 5,057
    7) 13,827
    8) 12,113
    9) 9,424
    10) 9,822
    11) 11,037
    13) 7,542
    14) 9,382
    15) 20,890
    16) 9,041
    17) 539
    18) 8,511
    19) 7,466
    20) 15,931
    21) 6,874
    22) 11,690
    23) 1,260
    24) 3,085
    25) 19,283
    26) 21,907
    27) 13,453
    28) 18,097
    29) 5,497
    30) 1,104

    Yay, I walked even more than my goal!