Couch to 5K! Really?!?! Really!!!!!!!



  • sewerchick93
    sewerchick93 Posts: 1,438 Member
    Just did w4d2 last night. I have NEVER been a runner, but I am enjoying it alot!! When I did W4D1 I had to slow down my running speed to get through it but last night, I was able to bump that speed back up a little. Hopefully for day 3 I can be back up to my original speed.

    I hope to do my first 5K on Sept, 10th.
  • TheBeefChief
    TheBeefChief Posts: 10 Member
    Well, just back from doing W5D2. I actually got in the car and drove 30 minutes to get to somewhere that was reasonably flat, as the steep hills around here have been a killer. The ups hurt my calves and the downs REALLY hurt my shins.

    So, I found a nice flat spot and did the 8min run/5min walk/8min run. It was hard, don't get me wrong, but at no point did I feel as if I wasn't going to do it, and I finished with a little bit of extra gas in the tank. I also set my best speed for the mile - 12 minutes, 13 seconds. OK, it's probably still ridiculously slow, but hey, I'm not racing you guys, I'm racing myself!

    One rest day and then it's the full 20 minute run. If I can do that I'll be one happy (but exhuasted) man!
  • Bringerofrain
    Bringerofrain Posts: 163 Member
    Hi there,
    Would love to join this group. Just completed Day1 Week1 Yesterday ;) Not too bad lol
    1. Where do you run?
    2. What time of day do you run?
    3. Do you do other activities on your off days? What?
    4. Why are you doing C25K?
    5. Are you starting to feel the "runner's high"?

    1. I run around a small delta island that is exactly 3.2 miles around :)
    2. I prefer to run in the late afternoon when the temps are cooler & the Delta breezes are a reprieve from the heat.
    3. On the the other days I usually Bike ride 75-100miles/wk followed by a 30 min Circuit weight training session.
    4. I've always loved running & want to get back into it.
    5. Definitely! Especially after a victory carb loading iced cold brew! ;)
  • gotabayqh
    gotabayqh Posts: 34 Member
    I started the C25K program on July 7th... I skipped ahead to week 4. I'm almost done with week 7 and I have managed to lose 4 pounds in 20 days! Whoot whoot!!!
  • I'm on week 5 day 3 tomorrow! The dreaded 20min non stop run! Wish me luck x
  • Bringerofrain
    Bringerofrain Posts: 163 Member
    Oh My GOODNESS!! So my " personal Trainer" on my I phone C25k didnt work for some reason today... SO I just Started jogging very slowly. I read that in the book Run Your But Off. and I Ran a whole Hour !!! FAST walked up the steep hills!!! I cant believe it!!!! I am not sure how Far But I feel so GOOD!!!
    Wow! Great job!
  • kmarcinko
    kmarcinko Posts: 4
    I'm doing Couch to 5K, too. I like the schedule b/c it gives me a structured, detailed routine for the week. I also decided to do it w/ a friend so we can keep each other on track. So far I love it! However, I did make myself repeat week 2 b/c I was a slacker (yes, that early in the game!)
  • _gwen
    _gwen Posts: 501 Member
    I'm in.
  • KK14
    KK14 Posts: 2
    Love C25K! I did it last year to get myself ready for a huge 5k here. I never thought I'd like running, turns out I love it! I've done a 5k and 10k. I stopped for a while and I'm just getting back into it. I want to do a half marathon and eventually a full. It really changed my view of running for the better!
  • GuamGrly
    GuamGrly Posts: 600 Member
    I'm in!!

    I started C25K training earlier this year and I think I got as far as week 5 but then life got in the way and I never finished it. I really enjoyed it though and I am definitely looking forward to finishing it. I had doubled up on weeks 3 and 4 last time around which I really enjoyed but I am signing up for a 5K that takes place on Oct. 9 and if I start training on Monday then I will have just enough time to finish before the race.

    1. Where do you run? On the treadmill at the gym. I like that I can watch my time, mileage, and gauge my calories burnt.
    2. What time of day do you run? Usually after I get off of work.
    3. Do you do other activities on your off days? What? I love kickboxing and zumba or even the elliptical.
    4. Why are you doing C25K? So that I can feel accomplished and so that I am prepared for my first 5k in October..woohoo!!
    5. Are you starting to feel the "runner's high"? I start training again on Monday so not yet but I know that I felt it previously. I was NEVER runner and would even walk the mile run in high school and junior high but I really enjoy running now.
  • I have always been a speed walker and have started adding some jogging into the mix, my hip and gluetes (sp) are very sore but that is problem is breathing correctly, any tips u can give me...I would like to run a 5k with my teenage sons also I am 40 and this jogging is new for me...I run in and around my neighborhood, local park, and town
  • SharkGirl81
    SharkGirl81 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm in. Just finished week 1 day 2 today. I've started several times, but this time i'm in for the distance. I've never been a runner, so I'm excited to be able to do a 5k.
  • kburns0709
    kburns0709 Posts: 297 Member
    I think I'm going to start this program, but I'm confused about the timing. I feel like unless you're on a treadmill it would mess up the flow of your run if you're constantly checking and resetting whatever timer you have. All I have is my phone. What do you guys use?
  • jezzi4ever
    jezzi4ever Posts: 100
    I think I'm going to start this program, but I'm confused about the timing. I feel like unless you're on a treadmill it would mess up the flow of your run if you're constantly checking and resetting whatever timer you have. All I have is my phone. What do you guys use?

    kburks-Do you have a smartphone? Or an iPod touch? If so--download a c25k program. The program runs (you can listen to music simultaneously) and gives you some sort of signal that you have to switch from running to walking, or vice versa. I agree that it would be difficult without some program like that. When my phone was being a bit wonky I used the timer on my phone and just kept resetting it...i suppose you could do something similar on a watch, although it would be a nuisance.
  • kburns0709
    kburns0709 Posts: 297 Member
    I downloaded the app on my andriod thank you!!
  • mindiejean
    mindiejean Posts: 38 Member
    I started doing C2 5k using my I pod got to week 3 and I couldn't get it to work one Morning, I just started running,, TODAY I jogged/ ran a bit out of breath 4.4 miles in 40 MIN!!! I was so excited... YEAH ME !!
  • jezzi4ever
    jezzi4ever Posts: 100
    I started doing C2 5k using my I pod got to week 3 and I couldn't get it to work one Morning, I just started running,, TODAY I jogged/ ran a bit out of breath 4.4 miles in 40 MIN!!! I was so excited... YEAH ME !!

    Yeah you FOR SURE! That's awesome. What a great pace, I'm totally impressed. I can only HOPE to get that fast--I ran a 10 minute mile yesterday but I could only do was tough.
  • drh1111
    drh1111 Posts: 46 Member
    Good Morning! I did it!!! I made it through the first two days of W4. It was not easy, but it did not win. This week was really scary for me, and I may have to repeat it. Is anyone else having to repeat the weeks? This time I did not have trouble with my breathing, but my legs got more rubbery as I went.

    jezzi4ever, you are an inspiration! Please keep posting your successes because they are an encouragement to all of us.
  • mindiejean
    mindiejean Posts: 38 Member
    Thanks Jezzie4ever.. and Yes I did have to repeat my weeks a few times, it is so hard when your mind says Just STOP.. But YOU all can do It slow your Breathing down and you can Make It!!!
  • TheBeefChief
    TheBeefChief Posts: 10 Member
    I'm on week 5 day 3 tomorrow! The dreaded 20min non stop run! Wish me luck x

    Eek! I'm doing it tomorrow. Good luck - let us know how you get on.