Road Trip Snack Ideas..... Please.

Heading to the cabin tomorrow morning and though I don't otherwise eat I'm my car - I find it hard not to on my [nearly] 3 hour trip to & from. I eat out out of boredom, the need to stay alert & singing at the top of my lungs doesn't cut it. Does anyone have any suggestions on some "fun" healthful snacks for me to pack??


  • audram420
    audram420 Posts: 838 Member
    Does having something to drink help? I'm a total boredam eater, but I find if I have a cold, big fountain fufills my boredem!! Of course, water or diet drinks...:tongue:
  • WhomII
    WhomII Posts: 24
    I have the same problem! I have no answers for you so I can't wait to see what others say.
    I don't think my sunflower seeds, jerkey and licorice would fit in to the healthy part.
  • sprky182
    sprky182 Posts: 20
    On my last 5+ hour road trip, I packed a bunch of different easy to eat, healthful snacks like ziplock snack bags of portion-measured pretzels, goldfish, string cheese, sliced fruit, and granola bars (not just for me, for the whole car!)
  • kamoira23
    kamoira23 Posts: 193
    Popchips or Pirate's Booty! The servings are pretty generous for the amount of calories!!

    Where is your cabin? I'm heading to my cabin in Michigan on Sunday! I'm envious of your drive... I'm in NC so the drive is 14hrs!!
  • dreanance
    dreanance Posts: 246
    I like to mix up my own trail mixes. Fruits, nuts, cereals, choc chips.
  • kamoira23
    kamoira23 Posts: 193
    On my last 5+ hour road trip, I packed a bunch of different easy to eat, healthful snacks like ziplock snack bags of portion-measured pretzels, goldfish, string cheese, sliced fruit, and granola bars (not just for me, for the whole car!)

    Good idea! Definitely portion them out first!
  • Gilbrod
    Gilbrod Posts: 1,216 Member
    Fruits. Gold Fish. Veggie chips. Trail mix. Frosted Mini Wheats.
  • jbucci1186
    jbucci1186 Posts: 440 Member
    cocoa roast almonds, dry roasted cashews (any nuts, really, as long as they're not roasted in oil/covered in sugar)
    clif mojo bars
    protein bars
    turkey/beef jerky
    dry cereal (kellogg's crunchy nut o's or honey nut cheerios, frosted mini wheats (any of them), quaker oatmeal squares, chex, etc..)
    quaker true delights fiber crisps (blueberry are my favorite)
    teddy grahams
    goldfish (i like the chocolate)
    graham crackers
    fiber one bars
    100 calorie packs (though i don't like them bc i want more than one... more like 5)
  • czybura
    czybura Posts: 9
    i like to snack on carrots, brocolli florets and sugar snap peas. Blueberries are also great.
  • Lisahandy
    Lisahandy Posts: 12
    Rice cakes, they are crunchy and come in lost of flavers.Carrot sticks or cut up apple.:happy:
  • Sensible Portions apple straws, quaker mini rice cakes with either barbeque or sour cream and onion flavoring, berries, 100 cal snack packs, pomegranate seeds
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    I love Veggie Straws. A one ounce serving is 38 straws and they are so crunchy! Also seedless grapes. You can freeze them beforehand and they should stay cold for the whole trip.
  • jenhenning219
    jenhenning219 Posts: 385 Member
    frozen grapes are a great snack to have, refreshing and healthy
  • jenhenning219
    jenhenning219 Posts: 385 Member
    I love Veggie Straws. A one ounce serving is 38 straws and they are so crunchy! Also seedless grapes. You can freeze them beforehand and they should stay cold for the whole trip.
    i love veggie straws too but they can be very salty at times
  • techymum
    techymum Posts: 168
    Our cottage trip is about the same distance. I try to pack a sandwich and a piece of fruit. WHen you arrive at the destination - there is always stuff to do, and a meal isn't immediate. Thus, a little mini meal for us on the ride.

    Have a good weekend!
  • bonnienm
    bonnienm Posts: 329 Member
    Dry cold cereal, sugar snap peas, veggies or fruit, low cal popcorn and though not low sugar I have become a marshmallow addict when I drive cuz they're no fat and fairly low cal. You can take tiny bites if they're the regular size or I like the new fruit flavored-shaped ones or the stars, etc.
  • Invest in some audiobooks. They help with the boredom. I also like to pack veggie crisps or trail mix, but I have to be careful to measure out single servings before the road trip, as trail mix can be very high in calories.
  • NancyAnne1960
    NancyAnne1960 Posts: 500 Member
    Any number of trail mixes in baggies, Sesame Tortilla chips in baggies, string cheese, 100 packs, water, Fiber One 90 bar, Raisins, dried cranberries in baggies. Measure out most anything in the alotted amount, count up within calories, and you should be fine. Add some gum. We only have a 2 hour drive to our place, but these are the items I choose from. Have a safe trip!!
  • sun1000000shine
    sun1000000shine Posts: 6 Member
    Frozen Grapes :))
  • RissaDean
    RissaDean Posts: 189 Member
    I agree w/ previous posters on pre-measuring your snackies!

    For crackers and chips, check out Special K items... their version of a wheat thin is 120 cals fo 27 crackers, and they have some "cracker chips" that are like a thicker, fluffier pringle.

    Also Kettle brand makes a baked kettle-style chip (the super thick crunchy chips) that are a lot lower in cals than regular chips and taste WAY better than normal baked chips.

    Have a fun and safe trip!