Doctor says NO MILK,NO CHEESE, NO MEAT.. now what??

went to the doctor today to find out why I have been sick to my stomach and no appetitie, and when I do eat I get sick again. Well long story short, he thinks I have gall stones so now I have to cut out milk, cheese and meat in my diet and he is sending me off for a sonogram of my gall bladder. If they don't go away on their own I will have to have surgery.

Any one have any suggestions of things I can eat that don't have any of those I mentioned, That will still help my hunger and won't hurt the problem at hand>


  • vdavis_89
    vdavis_89 Posts: 334
    OMG I dont think I would ever be able to do that! I loooove milk and cheese! Im sorry you have to go through this! hopefully all checks out and its not what he says :) If hes right.... I HOPE YOU LIKE VEGGIES! Good luck and keep us posted! BTW maybe try to find a vegan friend on here or google some vegan recipes....
  • cartern1
    cartern1 Posts: 270 Member
    homemade veg soup ?

    get well soon
  • Liz_E
    Liz_E Posts: 14
    tofu, fish, veggies
  • ShapeUpSidney
    ShapeUpSidney Posts: 1,092 Member
    Check out my recipes! Also, head on over to and look through all their vegetarian options. You can try some vegan cheese alternatives as well.

    For dairy alternatives, try almond milk. It has a nice, nutty flavor. It can help curb dairy cravings, especially if you use it to make a nice horchata

    I've also used cashew cream in place of heavy cream for thickening soups, etc. Depending on your health, you might want to invest in a professional grade blender. That will allow you to make things like cashew cream at home. You can still make it with a regular blender...but you'll need to strain it with cheese cloth.

    I'm a real foodie with tons of ideas, so feel free to ping me for more.

    Hope that helps!
  • moushtie
    moushtie Posts: 371 Member
    Nuts, fish and beans will help. They've got the protein sources you'll be missing. Possibly eggs, if those are ok? Obviously you still have all your starchy foods.. potatoes, bread, rice, other grains... Remember there are plenty of butter substitutes made entirely from vegetable oil too.
  • Rikki444
    Rikki444 Posts: 326 Member
    I don't want to sound 'simple'.... but everything else.... lots of fruits and veggies... nuts, beans, greens, nuts.......
  • ANeWcRe8N
    ANeWcRe8N Posts: 1,180 Member
    veggie soup is what came to mind as well
  • Lots of veggies and whole grains!! You can also vegan-ize a lot of regular recipes if you're craving something in particular- you can usually find a bunch if you do a google search. I know it seems like a LOT to cut out, but I hope it'll make you feel a lot better!
  • mandisu
    mandisu Posts: 57 Member
    What about beans, nuts, and protein shakes? Does cottage cheese count as cheese or yogurt count as milk?

    You will definitely need to stock up on fruits and veggies.

    Chicken broth or add an egg to make egg drop soup -- always fills me up!

    Good luck, hope this helps.
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    Why are you supposed to avoid those things? Is it that he doesn't want you to get too much protein? Because if that's the issue, then my answer changes significantly. And when he says no meat, does that include fish? I assume it does, but maybe not.

    If it's not the protein, there are lots of things you can eat. Salads, pasta with marinara, fruits, nuts, all good. You can get protein from beans, peanuts, and quinoa (a grain). If he wants absolutely no dairy, you'll need to carefully read packaging on your bread and snacks. On most foods there's a symbol on the front with a letter in a circle (a u or a k) -- if there's a D beside that circle, it contains dairy or dairy derivatives, so you want to look for those that have the word "parve" beside that circle. But all in all, it's probably going to be better for you to stay away from pre-packaged foods if you can't have any dairy at all, because it's in an astonishing amount of stuff. Hang out in the produce aisle instead.
  • czybura
    czybura Posts: 9
    almond milk is a nice substitute for milk.

    i love black beans and corn and mix that up with an onion and bell peppers and taco seasoning/chili pepper and make tacos.

    firm tofu, you can season it and bake it or add it fresh to salads.

    I don't know if you have a trader joe's where you live, but they have ground soy meat that I mix with spaghetti sauce and put over squash or pasta.

    There are TONS of great vegan foods out there - it just requires a little extra looking and maybe a little more planning of your meals. I love Silk soymilk and Silk soy yogurt (which is surprisingly good!). Daiya makes "cheese" that is a good stand-in for shredded cheese. Field Roast makes totally awesome "sausages" made from soy protein that really satisfy meat cravings. If you live in a smaller town it may be harder to find things, but ask your local grocery to start carrying more of these products. Places like Whole Foods, Wild Oats, and some cooperative markets tend to have better selections.

    Just think of this as an opportunity to explore some of the really excellent, healthful ways to eat vegan foods. You're likely to feel great and also lower cholesterol, blood pressure, etc.
  • AmandaR910
    AmandaR910 Posts: 991
    Not really what you asked, but my mom had her gallbladder out and it was the best thing she ever did. She did it 7 years ago.
  • Thank god, finally an intelligent doctor.
    Well there's soooo many options!
    I'll link you to some of my favorite vegan blogs to help you out
  • crystalangel
    crystalangel Posts: 37 Member
    He said those items are harder for the gall bladder to break down or to contract so it makes you really ill and feel like your going to be sick after you eat those items. I had a couple days where I didn't have no appetite and had nausea, but when I ate something it would make it worse. So off to the doctor I went lol.. Also having upper right side pain in my stomach. Thanks every one for the tips and advice I will surely take it all in. Gives me more to work with now. Thank you. I'll keep everyone posted if they would like.
  • crystalangel
    crystalangel Posts: 37 Member
    Thank god, finally an intelligent doctor.
    Well there's soooo many options!
    I'll link you to some of my favorite vegan blogs to help you out
  • crystalangel
    crystalangel Posts: 37 Member
    lol im trying to figure this forum out still, but yea my doctor is great.. but he is closing his practice in august which sucks..
  • maremare312
    maremare312 Posts: 1,143 Member
    Definitely google some vegan recipes, but there are so many things you can do with beans and veggies! Find some hummus or make your own and eat with pita chips, raw veggies, or whole wheat pita.

    Veggie sandwiches with hummus and/or avocado and you won't even miss the cheese (tomatoes, cucumbers, sprouts, sunflower seeds are surprisingly filling). If you're allowed you could get some soy cheese though.

    Veggies in tomato sauce over whole wheat pasta.

    Salads with beans and seeds, mix up the veggies to keep it fun.
  • DawniesLife
    DawniesLife Posts: 157
    I really like morning star black bean veggie burgers and their garden veggie burgers as well. Those aren't actual meat, and really tasty, so you may want to try those, they make crumbles and stuff as well you could incorporate into cookie if you wanted to. Obviously veggies and fruit. Find out which you like out of the milk alternatives (soy, almond, hemp, coconut, rice), I personally prefer soy milk and I also like almond milk. You could use portabello mushrooms as a meat substitute as well if you like mushrooms.. Check out the natural foods/vegan section of the stores and look there you may find your new favorite thing as well there. OH and soy ice cream. They make it and some of them are delicious, as are coconut ice creams! I hope that you heal up okay and you don't have any major problems, hopefully if it is what he think it is the stones will dissipate without surgery.
  • Check out vegan recipe sites.

    My suggestions:
    -beans --> soups, burritos, tacos, side dishes, salads
    -tofu and fake meats. You'd be surprised how good they taste
    -if you can still eat eggs, do it. Get your protein in. Make omelettes, frittatas, etc.
    -eat your veggies
    -Take a multivitamin if you aren't already. Suddenly cutting out dairy and meat can mean vitamin and mineral deficiencies.