What I love

So this will probably bother some people but sorry. I am just a bit flustered with the "support" you get from here. I have been a member for a few months and it seems like anytime there is REAL advise being seeked no one is ready or willing to offer any...but throw out some low cal recipe or some work game and then everyone is all of a sudden ready to throw in some input. I am not trying to be a cry baby or anything but is is just a bit funny to me that this is supposed to be a place to come for help and advise and all I seem to get is dead air? Am I doing something wrong?


  • beautifulnow
    So this will probably bother some people but sorry. I am just a bit flustered with the "support" you get from here. I have been a member for a few months and it seems like anytime there is REAL advise being seeked no one is ready or willing to offer any...but throw out some low cal recipe or some work game and then everyone is all of a sudden ready to throw in some input. I am not trying to be a cry baby or anything but is is just a bit funny to me that this is supposed to be a place to come for help and advise and all I seem to get is dead air? Am I doing something wrong?
  • MrsTomy
    MrsTomy Posts: 504 Member
    Some times of the day there aren't many people on. Sometimes I post and no one replies and sometimes tons of people do, just depends on how many people are on!

    What is it that you need help with?
  • lulubar
    lulubar Posts: 739 Member
    Wow. Sorry you feel this way, it must be very disheartening for you. I agree with AliCawthon, it must just be the time of day or something... Have you bumped your requests up throughout the day so that more people can see it?
  • briblue72
    briblue72 Posts: 672 Member
    Ditto to Ali. I am nowhere near a computer during the day while I'm teaching, but I know that's when most of the posts go up.

    But, I'm lurking around now!! How can I help you?

    PS - sometimes I ignore posts that I see every. single. day. I've been on for over a year now and it's kind of a pet peeve of mine when people post a question on the boards that has been answered hundreds of times before - - but the poster doesn't perform a "search" on the boards for the answer first. You know the questions - should I eat my exercise calories? (YES), How do you beat a plateau? (change something in your diet or exercise), Tips from losers (watch what you eat, exercise more)....
  • beautifulnow
    I understand that people do have lives LOL I don't expect people to ist and wait for my darling little self to post something :blushing: it is just flustering when I post something and get 30-100 views and 1 comment. I normally check the previous posts before I post anything...I hate posting LOL. I don't know what bumping is...I mean I know what bumping means in my husbands mind...but I don't think that applies here :happy: THANKS though for the responses and I posted a post before this one about my ankle...ankle pain....I am just worried and have felt like my Doc is blowing me off and then got 1 responce and sigh...its just been a long day.
  • briblue72
    briblue72 Posts: 672 Member
    "Bumping" is when you go back and add something to an old post so that the old post gets put back into the lists of "most recent posts". That way, people will see it, even if it's been hours since you posted. it kinda gets "bumped" to the top. usually when bumping, people just write "bump" at the bottom!

    Now, I'll track down your previous post...
  • cbrooks66
    cbrooks66 Posts: 65 Member
    Sometimes the message and intent gets lost in the email, so don't take this the wrong way. There is so much support on this website that I am confused by your statement. Instead of complaining, which is what you've voiced, get yourself moving. The support comes through tips, community boards, reading others successes.
  • beautifulnow
    Sometimes the message and intent gets lost in the email, so don't take this the wrong way. There is so much support on this website that I am confused by your statement. Instead of complaining, which is what you've voiced, get yourself moving. The support comes through tips, community boards, reading others successes.

    I am not claiming I need help succeeding...in fact I have lost over 30 pounds in 3 months so I am "moving" I do however find it interesting that if there is something serious like "ankle pain"...or other posts that I have seen that have to do with people new to working out and experiencing difficulties there are maybe a few replies...but food or games or things like that there are TONS of replies. NOW don't get me wrong I think we need those things to motivate also and they are very important to, but to someone who has maybe only been doing this healthy living thing for a short while a swollen ankle can be really scary...so they might log and think I will ask others who have done this and have had great sucess for their help...and then they get nothing....make sense at all?
  • Livi_Loves_Pink
    I think perhaps one reason why topics such as 'ankle pain' get few replies is because people are hesitant to give advice on something that could have serious affects and don't want to give someone advice that could cause injury if wrong, etc.

    I'm sorry you don't feel more support. I myself don't post much, because I don't like to post unless I know what I have to say will be helpful in it's own way, and not just restating what others post.
  • mmackie
    I think I read the ankle post (about the achilles right?)...I would MAKE your Dr. See you. You don't want to mess with your achilles...My father ruptured his and was off of it for a year and has never been the same. Work out doing something low-impact and take Advil every 4 hours to reduce the inflammation. I'm no Dr. but I've had enough sports injuries to know that much...Good luck and I hope this was helpful. :wink:
  • beautifulnow
    THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! I never wanted medical advice just to know that others have had these same problems and to know I wasn't abducted by purple smurfs while sleeping :wink:
  • loreeb18
    loreeb18 Posts: 1,221 Member
    I don't reply to a post if I have no helpful information. But I'll read the post to see what it's about. I don't want to read it and then just post "Sorry, I can't help you." So I don't post anything.