Starting weight

Is there a way to change your starting weight on here? I constantly see "0 pounds lost" because I gained some weight when my mom died. I don't want to wait until I get back where I was.


  • Azuleelan
    Azuleelan Posts: 218
    My home>check-in>edit previous entries
  • Go to check-in and at the bottom of the screen on there is a place to edit your previous weights, including your starting weight. Sorry about your mom :( That must have been horrible.
  • fabi8081
    fabi8081 Posts: 232 Member
    under the my home tab all the way at then end is settings.
    click on settings.
    then another screen comes up with different choices to edit choose diet/fitness you can change your weight, goal weight, how much a week you wanna lose and all that.
  • Shalimarmandy
    Shalimarmandy Posts: 409 Member
    Go to check in on the website and click the link that says "edit previous entries" you can change a prior entry or add one with a specific date. I had to do that because I started losing weight prior to finding the app. on my phone and I wanted detailed graphs to show my progress :) Good Luck!
  • suzikelley
    suzikelley Posts: 210 Member
    I just wanted to say I'm very sorry for your loss...
  • Romba
    Romba Posts: 164 Member
    I just wanted to say I'm very sorry for your loss...

    Me too
  • stef_e_b
    stef_e_b Posts: 593
    Thanks guys!