WLS, emotional eater, 170 lbs to loose, uk friends, any help?

jules81 Posts: 83 Member
I have only been back to cal counting for 2 days. I have lost 2 1/2 stone ( 35 lbs) with slimming world but I LOVE the freedom that cal counting gives you. I now weigh 310 lbs. I am 5`7" and would like to get down to 140 lbs and be haelthy for my son.

I am an emotional binge eater-I EAT at night I am saving 200-300 cals to have at 9-10pm at night as IF I dont this leads to a binge. ( tonight its an aero mint bar and an option hot chocolate)

I am down for WLS I am waiting to start tier 3 at luton hospital i would like a bypass or a sleeve. ANY weight i can loose would be great say a consulatant at the end of jan and was 23,6 ( 328 lbs) I have lost 4 stone 4 times with slimming world and GAINED it all back up to 25 stone when i ended up in a psychiatric hospital. Have severe MH problems and been hospitalised 9 times in 5 years from 2 weeks to 5 months. SO I think i need WLS but will obviously go with the consultants advice

I live in Norfolk uk and am separated from my ex husband and have a 5 year old son, I am 36 any advice or help or friends would be fab.



  • g4alx
    g4alx Posts: 4 Member
    Welcome! I also love the freedom of calorie counting and have struggled with yo-yo dieting for years, I reckon I have a food addiction if I'm honest. I get really pissed off when my husband says well just have a little bit, and then proceeds to eat a huge bit in front of me! I also tend to fall off the wagon if I change my routine and can really spiral when I stop logging my food. Its amazing how helpful just a food diary can be (and keeping it open so others can see helps me be good and not pig out!) So my point is, you are not alone, feel free to add me as a friend if you want some UK support