Help me pick a lifting program

Please :)
I am looking to start a lifting program soon and am hoping for some guidance. I'm currently doing a C25K app and will be done in a few weeks, and would like to shift my primary focus to strength training versus cardio. I've been doing some form of resistance training for the past 6 months (2-3 days per week) but have stayed away from the free weights section of the gym due to anxiety & being too self conscious. So I have a decent foundation, but I am looking to further increase strength and maintain/gain muscle mass while continuing to lose fat. I have about 30-40 more lbs to lose (112 down so far). I have been considering StrongLifts 5x5 as it seems simple to follow and I like that there is an app for it. But I worry that it will be boring/repetitive, and have read criticisms that it alone is not "enough" without accessory work. I also considered Strong Curves as I would like to balance out my lower half better (I am top heavy), but I haven't read up enough on it yet to see what exactly the program consists of. I have also looked into New Rules of Lifting and Thinner Leaner Stronger but am a bit intimidated by the number of exercises I'm not familiar with and the idea of doing them for the first time in front of a bunch of buff dudes. Though I probably just need to get over that. But basically...I want to lose fat, maintain/gain muscle, improve booty shape, and don't want to deal with overly complex moves to start with at least. What program would you recommend? If there's an app for it, bonus points! Thanks!


  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    edited June 2017
    I started with Stronglifts and loved every minute. I didn't find it boring at all and saw terrific progress.

    The app was indeed a bonus. Made it very simple.
  • Chef_Barbell
    Chef_Barbell Posts: 6,644 Member
    I started with Stronglifts and loved every minute. I didn't find it boring at all and saw terrific progress.

  • pondee629
    pondee629 Posts: 2,469 Member
    I started with Stronglifts and loved every minute. I didn't find it boring at all and saw terrific progress.


    Or pick one off the "net" try it and see if you like it. If you do, continue, if you don't, pick another. I like SL5x5 with the paid for (not expensive) app. Keeps track of my weights and rest time between sets.
  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    You really can't go wrong with any of the programs you mentioned, see which one you think you will enjoy and stick with and go from there. I personally went with Strong Curves, it was a good fit for me. There are more exercises and it is more lower body focused, it also changes every 4 weeks. Those can be positives or negatives though depending on the person
  • Chef_Barbell
    Chef_Barbell Posts: 6,644 Member
    sardelsa wrote: »
    You really can't go wrong with any of the programs you mentioned, see which one you think you will enjoy and stick with and go from there. I personally went with Strong Curves, it was a good fit for me. There are more exercises and it is more lower body focused, it also changes every 4 weeks. Those can be positives or negatives though depending on the person

    Those dang BB thrusts! :grumble: :laugh:
  • Penthesilea514
    Penthesilea514 Posts: 1,189 Member
    I am actually doing the "Aworkoutroutine" from the thread posted here:

    I like it as I have access to a work gym with pretty much only dumbbells and I am not strong enough for a barbell yet (close though!). The routine is super basic but is essentially the core compound lifts. I have noticed a difference in my body in a very short time period (well, hello there, glutes!).

    I will say that I will likely move to Stronglifts when I can get to a gym with a barbell (and I can actually use it lol). All the programs you mentioned are usually highly recommended.

    Good luck!
  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    sardelsa wrote: »
    You really can't go wrong with any of the programs you mentioned, see which one you think you will enjoy and stick with and go from there. I personally went with Strong Curves, it was a good fit for me. There are more exercises and it is more lower body focused, it also changes every 4 weeks. Those can be positives or negatives though depending on the person

    Those dang BB thrusts! :grumble: :laugh:

    There are so many of them too.. he has you doing a variation of a hip thrust or glute bridge 4x per week haha
  • havronab
    havronab Posts: 40 Member
    I started with Stronglifts and loved every minute. I didn't find it boring at all and saw terrific progress.

    The app was indeed a bonus. Made it very simple.
    I started with Stronglifts and loved every minute. I didn't find it boring at all and saw terrific progress.


    Oh good, I'm glad to hear good things about StrongLifts. I'll probably start there then and if/when I get bored, move on to another program. Hopefully it will help me build some confidence too just being in the free weights area so eventually I can do another program without feeling too intimidated to try new exercises.
  • jcpwag
    jcpwag Posts: 11 Member
    I am starting Week 10 of Strong Curves, and really happy with my progress. I bought the book, and will watch YouTube videos to make sure I understand what to do. I had little experience with lifting before and now am quite addicted
  • gradchica27
    gradchica27 Posts: 777 Member
    I loved New Rules of Lifting for Women. Great results, had a trainer right at the beginning to show me the right form and get me familiar with equipment, then did the rest on my own. I've tried Strong Curves a few times, but it just didn't "click" for me. I actually just switched back to New Rules for another go-around after some injury time off and Strong Curves.