Under 200 is the first goal!

deekris Posts: 26 Member
Hey! I'm 41 and have been wanting to get under 200 for the last 6 years. I just didn't keep up a routine. My husband and I are trying to motivate each other but he doesn't have to lose weight!

I'm 230 right now. My ideal weight is 160. I'm looking for some folks to keep me motivated. I'm starting to log my food and realized I eat too much! But it's sooooo good.

Any motivators or accountability folks out there?


  • lost4words_ox
    lost4words_ox Posts: 23 Member
    Me! I was you, rather literally. I started at 235 6 months ago, and 199 was my first goal. Now, 6 months later, I sit at 178 and my new goal is 150! Always looking for motivation, and accountability. Some days are harder then I expect lol.
  • CoffeenSquats
    CoffeenSquats Posts: 982 Member
    Little goals seem to motivate me better. Looking at it like let's get to 199 is smart. Best of luck to you!
  • StacywithaY
    StacywithaY Posts: 117 Member
    Getting under 200 is my current goal as well! I log every day. Add me :smile:
  • naeboo615
    naeboo615 Posts: 3 Member
    Getting under 200 is my short term goal. My ultimate goal is getting to 145. I did it before and I hope to do it again. Add me.
  • Rowben18
    Rowben18 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm have the same plan, though I'm only 18. Recently have started eating better. I've always excersized but it but was never enough. Starting to keep track of how much I eat throughout the day. You can add me and we can motivate each other ☺
  • DaniMerc72
    DaniMerc72 Posts: 188 Member
    Me too!! I am 44, started at 222, and am down to 211. My first goal is to get under 200, then I'll set 10lb goals from there! My ultimate goal is around 125ish. It's a lot less scary if I break it into small chunks!
  • MiamiSeoul
    MiamiSeoul Posts: 1,809 Member
    You WILL do this. I was exactly where you are. 1/1/16 233 pounds. 7/1/16 started MFP at 223 pounds. My goal was 160 by 7/1/17. Hit ONEderland on 9/15/16. Today's weight: 162.2.