i hate cooking.. please help

vvickiee Posts: 10 Member
Can anyone give me some EASY healthy dinner recipes that don't take long to make? It's not that i can't cook, its that i just don't like to. Any advice would be great. I am not looking for anything fancy either. Just simple, tasty, and healthy.


  • laurenebargar
    laurenebargar Posts: 3,081 Member
    If you hate cooking, I would go on pintrest and look up sheet pans dinners, you just cut everything up and throw it in the oven, or use the crockpot, dump everything in, let it go.

  • Jthanmyfitnesspal
    Jthanmyfitnesspal Posts: 3,522 Member
    Guys low-cal cooking advice: meat and veggies. Cook the meat or fish on a gas grill (no clean up!) And the veg in a steamer or microwave. I like bamboo steamers, with two layers, that can steam green veg plus potato in one shot. Clean up is easy. Frozen veg works well in the microwave. I also like to microwave sweet potatoes.

    Best of luck!
  • EggToni
    EggToni Posts: 190 Member
    One of my easy dinners is to marinate chicken breasts in equal amounts of Dijon mustard and salsa for about one hour. Then just saute or bake and serve with your favorite vegetable. Mine is asparagus sauteed in olive oil with lemon pepper and salt. :)
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    During the week we keep things pretty simple for dinner...some kind of meat, poultry, or fish on the grill and steam or saute some veggies. Takes about 15 minutes or so. I don't really do any kind of recipe for these...just use a variety of good marinades for the protein.

    We also do a lot of one sheet or one pot meals...more so in the winter.

    We get most of our actual recipes from Pinterest.
  • MostlyWater
    MostlyWater Posts: 4,294 Member
    Change your attitude. Look at it as a challenge. You have to eat!
  • thewindandthework
    thewindandthework Posts: 531 Member
    I like to cook, but when I'm not in the mood or don't have the time or energy to put a lot of work in, I usually make some pasta or rice, and eat it with roasted or sautéed veggies.
  • sdjones4
    sdjones4 Posts: 1 Member
    edited June 2017
    I use a meal service called Sunbasket, all organic and I choose the Paleo meals. I have lost 9 lbs in 5 weeks and the food is fantastic, and super easy to make, you still have to cook but no meal prep or grocery shopping. Here is a link: https://sunbasket.com/3free/Sarah98058

  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    The crockpot is great for lazy cooking


    Brown some hamburger, throw in a crockpot. Add some chopped veggies....and open some cans. I don't cook the rice separately either.....I add uncooked rice & extra water.
  • abbynormalartist
    abbynormalartist Posts: 318 Member
    Our usual formula is a protein plus steamed veggies and then usually some other wild card of something we have around the house.

    I like to bake a sheet of boneless, skinless chicken thighs one day and chop them up to use during the week. They go on salads for lunch, in wraps, quesadillas, pasta or on their own for dinner. Occasionally we do pork chops because I can use them pretty interchangeability. The other big easy is eggs (easy, and cheap!). There is no end to the variation of egg wraps you can make plus you can do scrambled eggs, hard boiled eggs, frittatas, it goes on and on. They're also really good if you make a bunch of egg wraps at a time, because it's not much extra work to make 10 eggs rather than 2, and then you can wrap the extra and freeze them for even easier meals when you're in a hurry.
  • Sunna_W
    Sunna_W Posts: 744 Member
    Blender based meals. Savory smoothies can be thickened with pysllium seed husk without affecting the taste. I put all kinds of stuff in mine to just mix up the taste a little, mild beans, miso paste, kimchi, raw apple cider vinegar, various spices and herbs. Basically, wash / chop / blend and done. I eat a lot of blended eggs also. Eggs in blender, then into a hot pan of butter topped with cheese. (I am keto / paleo). Another thing I like is olives in oil with a side of feta. That's easy also. Sometimes I add lupini beans. Tuna / salmon out of the can with a spot of mayo and garlic and a few crackers also works.
  • Moxie42
    Moxie42 Posts: 1,400 Member
    One-pan meals, Crockpot, Grill. All relatively easy and quick (well, Crockpots take time to actually cook things, but the prep and clean-up is quick!) I'd check Pinterest for ideas but here are some of my go-tos:

    * Chicken drumsticks & veggies. I put it all on a cookie sheet, drizzle it with olive oil, and sprinkle on salt, pepper, and spices. Sometimes I'll use one set of spices on a few drumsticks, and another set on other drumsticks, and so on. That way I can cook everything all at once, and have meals ready for each day, while still having some variety. Sometimes I might add a sweet potato (I just wrap it in plastic wrap and microwave it for 3-4 minutes, depending on the size).
    * Crockpot Chili- throw all the indregients together and let sit.
    * Coconut Chicken- coconut milk, cilantro, lime (juice and slices), chicken drumsticks. Throw in the crockpot and let sit. For veggies, heat up some frozen veggies- I usually do corn or peas, or broccoli (the broccoli I top with just a little cheese).
    * Grill- cut up meat (or shrimp) and veggies, put on skewers, drizzle in olive oil and salt/pepper/spices, and grill!
  • feisty_bucket
    feisty_bucket Posts: 1,047 Member
    edited June 2017
    Frying pan. Put in some meat. When it's half-done, add in some frozen veggies. Then a couple eggs. Then some cheese and seasoning and sauces. When it's all cooked, dump it into a bowl and eat.
    Takes about ten minutes and it's my main meal of the day.

    Also, grilled cheese with ham is pretty fun. You can use shredded cheese ("Taco Blend", etc.) which tastes better (IMO) than American slices. Just put like a 1/4 cup on the bottom bread first so it can get going melting. Ham on top of that, then 2nd bread. It'll have melted enough that by the time you flip it, it won't go everywhere.
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    I would suggest maybe cooking a larger amount of something and freezing it for use later. That might be an ingredients or a whole dish.
    I will throw some chicken thighs or a whole chicken in a pot with water and cook it then remove all the meat to use in soup, casseroles, fried rice, tacos, on pizza, with pasta, on sandwiches, added to salads. There are a lot of things you can do with already cooked meats.
    I cook dry beans and freeze them in amounts I would need for recipes.

    Look up feed the freezer, once a month cooking, batch cooking.
  • jeuni
    jeuni Posts: 1 Member
    1-Big salads--throw a bunch of different veggies, some kind of protein, and a nice dressing in a giant bowl. 2-cook a bunch of stuff in one go, like a bunch of chicken breasts, etc. I also often bake a large batch of some versatile vegetable at the beginning of the week--a few spaghetti squash, or a couple cauliflower, a few butternut squash, etc--they are low calorie. 3-corn on the cob--only 80 calories per ear, plus a few calories for 5 grams of tasty butter--corn cooks in the microwave in about 3minutes. 4-look up crock pot recipes--cook a batch of whatever in a crock pot--you just throw it all in and turn it on.
  • TikiKitsune
    TikiKitsune Posts: 10 Member
    edited June 2017
    I second a post above, Highly recommend a crockpot! You can make anything as difficult or as easy as you'd like it to be, or as little/more prep time as you want. Fill it up before you leave and come back to a house smelling wonderful! You can also cook in bulk this way so you will have leftovers for days or freeze some for a later date.

    You can find great recipes all over Pinterest and google just by looking for healthy crockpot recipes. Good luck!