I lost weight… Gained it back!

I started here two years, and lost 60 pounds, but have managed to gain 55 back.
I have multiple sclerosis, so I can't do many physical activities… but obviously my eating has gotten totally out of control.
Has anybody else encountered this problem?



  • Derf_Smeggle
    Derf_Smeggle Posts: 610 Member
    A lot of people can sympathize. I lost around 30 pounds a few years ago. Then injured my neck and was severely limited for 7 months. My eating habits tanked because I hurt constantly and was chronically sleep deprived due to pain.

    Sugar and caffeine to the rescue!! And 40 pounds of weight gain... Son of a...

    Lost 20 of it. Then huge shift in work hours for 8 months last year. Tanked my eating habits again because I was too preoccupied to bother cooking and made poor choices. Gained it all back.

    Back down 26 pounds year to date. 17 pounds to my goal. Establishing better long term habits.
  • 2048Bit
    2048Bit Posts: 27 Member
    Hi Karen, I can absolutely relate! At my highest I was 318 pounds. I went on a weight loss binge and dropped to about 220 in 6 months. As of two weeks ago I was back up to 258 (+38 pounds). Anyhow, I started back on about two weeks ago and am back down to 245 now.

    Anyhow, you can do it if you put your mind to it. Our minds are our own worst enemies.
  • naeboo615
    naeboo615 Posts: 3 Member
    I went from 245 to 150 about 8 years ago and life through a curve ball and now I am 251. I have fibromyalgia so working out is hard for me to start. I just can't get started. Not only do I have bad eating habits my friends and i drink every weekend. I finally decided I need to limit my visits to maybe once a month but take my water while they enjoy the beer. I have a gym membership and am going to start the water aerobics class tomorrow. Don't give up, we can do it.
  • ohimjustabrat
    ohimjustabrat Posts: 9 Member
    Hey Karen! I'm also Karen haha. Like what was said above, our minds are our own worst enemies. At my heaviest (that I'm aware of) I was 360...I lost 68 lbs in about a year and just recently started to gain some back simply because I lost all control and had an eff it attitude. I suffer from PCOS and hypothyroid and I get so frustrated at times, I just want to give up, just eat whatever and not care...but then I remember the excruciating pain I was in, not being able to stand or walk anywhere, even sitting down for too long was unbearable, the weight was killing me. My back and knees still hurt, but I can walk now...I even climbed a mountain! I want to keep it that way and I want to get the weight off that I gained back and continue losing, so my biggest battle is with my mind. Sorry for the ramble, but don't give up...reach out if you need support. We all got this!