a calorie is a calorie...or is it?

Okay, let's say for example's sake that I have a 1200 calorie daily limit.

If I eat 1200 calories of super-healthy foods (veggies, fruits, lean meats, nuts, etc.), will I lose more weight than if I eat 1200 calories of a mixture of foods (some healthy, some junk food)? Or does the type of food not matter because either way I'm sticking to 1200 calories?

Sorry if I didn't explain this very well...if anyone understands what I'm trying to say, I would appreciate your ideas.


  • FaithHopeTrust
    FaithHopeTrust Posts: 105 Member
    you'd lose more eating 1200 calories veg than 1200 of say lard.
    you get less fat with the healthier one. fats and saturates are more important when losing weight.
  • Elysian13
    Elysian13 Posts: 79
    I don't have an answer, but I am curious, too. :) Considering I have an awful sweet tooth.
  • dez_yaoichan
    dez_yaoichan Posts: 454
    well, all healthy would be best. but you really need to mix it up and see what works for you. if you get burnt out on veggies and binge on junk, it's not going to help. i try to make sure i have something a little less healthy everyday (like my ranch dressing) just so i can keep my cravings under control.

    try leaving 100 cals open for a yummy snack, by limiting how much but still having it, the healthy stuff will be easier to deal with and help keep you on track. :)
  • McKayMachina
    McKayMachina Posts: 2,670 Member
    Well, yeah your body responds to different nutrients differently. Like, sugar is good for fat storage while protein is good for muscle maintenance. Etc.

    Don't over-think it. Just eat healthy 80-90% of the time and you're golden. :)
  • Azuleelan
    Azuleelan Posts: 218
    Uh uh, careful with preaching avoiding fats... fats are essential! And to the original poster: I don't think it makes a difference in weight loss, but it does in how your body works. A well balanced diet with tons of veggies will make you feel better, have more energy than a diet of junk food.
    That being said, some junnk here and there is not going to kill anyone. Just don't make a daily habit... no reason for it.
  • kittyloo123
    kittyloo123 Posts: 300 Member
    IMO, all calories are not created equal. Eating 1200 cals of fried tacos, and ice cream will not be the same as eating 1200 of lean meat, fruit, and veg.
    For one thing, your body processes those foods differently. when you give it lots of fiber from the fruit, and veg, energy from the lean protien, your body is thanking you.
    Eating that amount of high fat foods, will just make you feel sluggish, and drowsy.
  • starracer23
    starracer23 Posts: 1,011 Member
    I think that healthy fats are important, there is a HUGE difference between the fat in a cheese burger and the fat in an avocado...

    Plus a cheese burger from a fast food restaurant will definitely have a lot more calories than say a turkey sandwich on whole wheat, not to mention all the extra chemicals and preservatives.

  • WWhitaker
    WWhitaker Posts: 309
    well, all healthy would be best. but you really need to mix it up and see what works for you. if you get burnt out on veggies and binge on junk, it's not going to help. i try to make sure i have something a little less healthy everyday (like my ranch dressing) just so i can keep my cravings under control.

    try leaving 100 cals open for a yummy snack, by limiting how much but still having it, the healthy stuff will be easier to deal with and help keep you on track. :)

    I agree here. I do the same where I allow myself certain types of food. I really try to eat normally, but be sure that I'm incorporating more fruits and vegetables, watching my portions and exercising. For me, that's a realistic goal and likely to stick lifelong vs. trying to "eat clean" 24/7. That's just rediculous....no offense.
  • Shalimarmandy
    Shalimarmandy Posts: 409 Member
    A calorie is a calorie!

    The difference with eating more junk food (my absolute favorite food group!) is that you tend to end up eating more of it than you would healthy food because the portion sizes would have to be smaller to stay at 1200 daily caloric intake.

    But something to consider is other health issues such as diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol. If junk food is a large percentage of your food intake you could be leaning toward hurting your body with a health problem other rather than a weight problem.

    One last thing to consider is that unless you are eating all the food groups you can miss out on essential nutrients and weight loss could stall because your body is missing something important like protein...

    I am sure you will hear other ideas - my opinion is based on my bachelors degree in health science education a dietician might be able to give more insight

    Good luck to you!
  • krysydawn
    krysydawn Posts: 231 Member
    there is a HUGE difference between the fat in a cheese burger and the fat in an avocado...


    Amen to that!
  • Maria_Cutie
    Maria_Cutie Posts: 136 Member
    A calorie is a calorie!

    The difference with eating more junk food (my absolute favorite food group!) is that you tend to end up eating more of it than you would healthy food because the portion sizes would have to be smaller to stay at 1200 daily caloric intake.

    But something to consider is other health issues such as diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol. If junk food is a large percentage of your food intake you could be leaning toward hurting your body with a health problem other rather than a weight problem.

    One last thing to consider is that unless you are eating all the food groups you can miss out on essential nutrients and weight loss could stall because your body is missing something important like protein...

    I am sure you will hear other ideas - my opinion is based on my bachelors degree in health science education a dietician might be able to give more insight

    Good luck to you!

    This right here made my day.

    I had a topic posted about this earlier, because I had someone telling me that I shouldn't have eaten a piece of cake because it wasnt healthy, though it was in my calorie goal. I know it's not healthy, Im not delusional! but seeing as how I get the same results weather I eat fast food all the time or lean meats and fruits and veggies, I dont really mind. Just look at the people who go on the Mcdonalds diet! (they lose weight by eating nothing but Mcdonalds! BUT it's all portioned controlled, and they pick the "healthier" options on the menu) The only difference is how you feel after eating such foods.

    Fruits and veggies = more awake and energetic
    Fast food and cake = Sluggish and sleepy

    I do have fast food occasionally, maybe once a week at this point, and I barely touch sweet things. We try to get the 100 calorie packs and fat free yogurts instead for the regular sweet things. Eliminating anything non-diet, drink wise, is also good and leaves you a lot of extra calories in the long run (the drink thing Im slowly learning, still cant beat a regular Mt. Dew in my opinion)

    I guess what Im saying, a calorie's a calorie no matter what, to me at least :)
  • sarahliftsUP
    sarahliftsUP Posts: 752 Member
    Yes, a calorie is a calorie. But if you are trying to tone up and lose belly fat, that's when you have to be really strict with what you are eating.

    I like the 80-90% healthy eating and then branching out 10-20% of the time for a treat. That way you don't feel restricted and are less likely to binge. You can't label foods as 'good' or 'bad'.. that's when you feel guilty for eating the occasional piece of cake or handful of chips.

    Unless you want to be rocking a 6 pack, you'll have to be extremely careful with your macronutrients. If you are concentrating now on losing weight, then a calorie is a calorie.
  • CharlieBarleyMom
    CharlieBarleyMom Posts: 727 Member
    Weight Watchers has made a whole company out of "eat whatever you want - as long as it fits the 'calories' (points)" - and I lost 93 pounds on that program 10 years ago... eating absolutely anything I wanted.

    I was less health-conscious than I am now and I lost that weight in 9 months. Every Saturday morning after my meeting I stopped at McDonalds and ate a Steak Egg & Cheese Bagel. Every Saturday.

    Yes, I put the weight back on because of many factors... one being laziness... the others are my business... but it worked and it works for others so I say, mostly, a calorie is a calorie.
  • duckpond11
    duckpond11 Posts: 197 Member
    sure - google "twinkie diet" and you'll see that one can lose weight eating nothing but twinkies. However, calories are not how we measure nutrition, right? So really you have to look beyond just the calories to judge a food.
  • LauraMarie37
    LauraMarie37 Posts: 283 Member
    A calorie is a calorie!

    The difference with eating more junk food (my absolute favorite food group!) is that you tend to end up eating more of it than you would healthy food because the portion sizes would have to be smaller to stay at 1200 daily caloric intake.

    But something to consider is other health issues such as diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol. If junk food is a large percentage of your food intake you could be leaning toward hurting your body with a health problem other rather than a weight problem.

    One last thing to consider is that unless you are eating all the food groups you can miss out on essential nutrients and weight loss could stall because your body is missing something important like protein...

    I am sure you will hear other ideas - my opinion is based on my bachelors degree in health science education a dietician might be able to give more insight

    Good luck to you!

    This is my opinion, too, based on lots and lots of reading and living with a dietician. The weight loss would be the same with 1200 calories of "good" food vs 1200 calories of "bad" food, but the nutrients you are getting, the health of your organs/bones/muscles/skin etc would be different.

    Also, what is considered "good" food or "bad" food might change in 2 years as more scientific studies are done... remember the 80’s, when fat was considered the worst thing ever and everyone ate "low fat" things that were much higher in sugar to make up for it? Or when eggs were the devil's work and should be avoided at all costs? So, try to make healthy choices based on the science you have now, but don't lump food into "this should be allowed" and "this should never be eaten ever".
  • joejccva71
    joejccva71 Posts: 2,985 Member
    When it comes to weight loss, the type of food doesn't matter. As long as you are eating at a deficit of what your maintenance is and you hit your macros you will lose weight. For general health, thats a different story but that wasn't what the OP asked.

    Your body does not understand the difference between eating a slice of pepperoni pizza, and eating a 6oz chicken breast when it comes to losing weight. It understands macronutrients, micronutrients, and your calorie intake.
  • Rilke
    Rilke Posts: 1,201 Member
    For weight loss? Maybe for some people, though in my personal experience not really.

    For health, wellness, energy, longevity, etc.? Absolutely not.
  • kochany
    kochany Posts: 32
    I can tell you that its a matter of opinion, its the top of an ice burg .
    I would say its like fat is fat but you know that's not the case,same thing with calories. It can not be generalized.
    Like other ppl stated they are not created equal. Whats the point of putting your self thru rigorous training and hours upon hours and sabotage your progress. I thought loosing weight is for health reasons but if you do it the wrong way, whats the point.

    All I'm trying to say that you can look healthy outside by no so much inside, that's most important.

    There is a way and there is the right way.
  • joejccva71
    joejccva71 Posts: 2,985 Member
    I wasn't saying that it was the right way to lose weight. Of course I want to be healthy too. I was just answering the OP's question because it doesn't make a difference in regards to losing weight.
  • vitaminquartet
    A calorie is a calorie is a calorie - in the lab...

    In human bodies however, different foods also affect metabolism and hormones and digestion in complicated ways that do not correlate completely to their caloric value - some sources of calories are utilized more efficiently than others because each is digested and converted into glucose, glycogen, fat, muscle, and waste - differently - and different sources of calories can also have different hormonal impacts, notably on insulin and therefore on fat storage, and on thyroid and adrenal function which therefore affects metabolic rate.

    So, really, strictly calorie counting is a grossly inaccurate simplification of what actually goes on in your body when you eat - and the relationship between food consumption and fat burning and fat storage.

    However if you eat few enough calories you will lose weight no matter what - but how few is few enough may depend on your particular physiology and the source of the calories.