Anyone else become a picky eater?

Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
It seems so hard nowadays to find things that are worth the calories sometimes! Last week I really wanted a danish so I went to the supposedly best bakery in the area that sells them... and it was extremely disappointing. The standard for bakeries is very low sometimes it seems... Half the time when I order cheesecake somewhere... it's not worth the calories.

Don't even talk to me about eating at chain/fast food restaurants because I'm not wasting my calories on that... it has to be small locallly owned restaurants for me now (and even then, I still end up disappointed half the time).

I suppose it's not a bad thing as I'll really think twice about getting baked goods from bakeries now (the stuff I make is so much better anyway, I just usually fail at moderation) and I'll typically pick a lower calorie dish when we go out so I don't spend too many calories on mediocre foods (of course I have to guess so I might be wrong anyway), but still.

Is it just me? I mean, I'm not an awesome cook but what I make is really good enough for the calories most of the time at least.


  • Morgaen73
    Morgaen73 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Yes but not in the same way you are. I'm picky about what I eat because of my macros so if it doesn't fit in, I try to avoid it.
  • Stella3838
    Stella3838 Posts: 439 Member
    I almost never eat out anymore and I cook at home. I'm not a more picky eater. I think of it as being more mindful.
  • yayamom3
    yayamom3 Posts: 939 Member
    I don't know if it has anything to do with my new, healthier habits or not. But what I do know, is that 9 times out of 10, restaurant meals disappoint me. I come from a long long of amazing cooks, and our family has always grown/canned/frozen much of our own food. It's really hard to find anything in a restaurant that is comparable in taste and quality.
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    I have become (or realized that always have been?) an awesome cook, and now I prefer my own cooking most of the time.

    Me too. We rarely eat out, and are incredibly picky when we do. It's generally a special occasion, and fancy/fine dining restaurant with a good reputation...and generally somewhere where logging is impossible anyway :p
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,135 Member
    I'm still a picky eater, but it has nothing to do with foods not being "worth it". I can make the same foods at home for either the same or less calories, but I'd rather someone else do the pesky hard labor so I can enjoy the results.
  • cross2bear
    cross2bear Posts: 1,106 Member
    I am the same way - I feel like if I am going to spend my hard earned calorie dollars on something, it has to be the best I can afford. My old fast food favourites just dont cut it anymore. I am a great cook and its something I really enjoy, so I do make 99% of our meals at home and find that very satisfying, both nutritionally and psychologically as I know exactly whats in it and I can account for every calorie, which gives me a sense of security!! Maybe thats just goofy, but its helped me be really successful on this weight loss adventure.

    I still go out to eat on occasion, and if I do, its got to be for a meal I wouldnt take the time to make at home - so something really special. Its done wonders for the household budget, I can tell you THAT!!
  • KellBell113
    KellBell113 Posts: 119 Member
    Now that I'm eating healthy flavorful foods made at home with fresh ingredients eating else where kind of stinks. Things that use to taste "oh so good" don't seem very special anymore. I feel like my taste buds are acquiring to the healthy side of dining. So I hear ya! :) Haha!
  • Silkysausage
    Silkysausage Posts: 502 Member
    edited April 2017
    I can make better at home, less money spent and I can see what I've put in my food. I have gallstones & IBS so most food out is too oily, I hate salt and too much sugar anyway so I'm not wasting cash on bad food choices.
  • xxbrimstonexx
    xxbrimstonexx Posts: 25 Member
    I've become picky in the sense that I now choose quality... I used to think of fast food as a delicious food group, but now that I've lost my taste for it, it seems like a punishment rather than a treat... besides, I can make a much yummier burger at home with beef I buy from a local farm!
  • annacole94
    annacole94 Posts: 997 Member
    Effort does factor in as well as quality, but yes, I'm becoming more discerning about what I will eat and won't eat from a restaurant or other shop. Not to pick on Domino's, but it's in the "nope" category. I still eat out, but I like to choose places that I know do it better than I could, and to get dishes that I don't want to bother to make for myself.

    Bakeries, it's all about the little local ones. Grocery stores and Tim Horton's need not apply.
  • SuzySunshine99
    SuzySunshine99 Posts: 2,987 Member
    annacole94 wrote: »
    Effort does factor in as well as quality, but yes, I'm becoming more discerning about what I will eat and won't eat from a restaurant or other shop. Not to pick on Domino's, but it's in the "nope" category. I still eat out, but I like to choose places that I know do it better than I could, and to get dishes that I don't want to bother to make for myself.

    Bakeries, it's all about the little local ones. Grocery stores and Tim Horton's need not apply.

    Exactly this. Everyone who keeps saying they can make better food at home must be going to some crappy restaurants...or be a really great chef, I guess. I'd rather save up and go to a really nice restaurant once a month than a mediocre one once a week.
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    No. I'm less picky, as I've been more willing to try foods that I historically didn't like either again or prepared differently. And found that I like many of them, if prepared a particular way.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    annacole94 wrote: »
    Effort does factor in as well as quality, but yes, I'm becoming more discerning about what I will eat and won't eat from a restaurant or other shop. Not to pick on Domino's, but it's in the "nope" category. I still eat out, but I like to choose places that I know do it better than I could, and to get dishes that I don't want to bother to make for myself.

    Bakeries, it's all about the little local ones. Grocery stores and Tim Horton's need not apply.

    Exactly this. Everyone who keeps saying they can make better food at home must be going to some crappy restaurants...or be a really great chef, I guess. I'd rather save up and go to a really nice restaurant once a month than a mediocre one once a week.

    There are a lot of average restaurants out there! But if I crave a pasta dish, it's easy enough to make at home. Sure, it might not be as tasty as most restaurants, but the taste difference is often not worth the calories... that's really the big thing for me - the taste difference must be worth the extra calories. And in your random diner or fast food, it's really not typically the case.

    Of course, let's be honest, I'm not one to crave super fancy meals either, so pasta with tomato sauce and a bit of cheese is perfectly fine for me - I don't need the fancy vodka or ragu sauces from restaurants either. When I crave something, it's usually pizza (can make myself), sushi (I go out), or gyros (I go out). Everything else I might crave I can just make at home, frankly.

  • SuzySunshine99
    SuzySunshine99 Posts: 2,987 Member
    Francl27 wrote: »
    annacole94 wrote: »
    Effort does factor in as well as quality, but yes, I'm becoming more discerning about what I will eat and won't eat from a restaurant or other shop. Not to pick on Domino's, but it's in the "nope" category. I still eat out, but I like to choose places that I know do it better than I could, and to get dishes that I don't want to bother to make for myself.

    Bakeries, it's all about the little local ones. Grocery stores and Tim Horton's need not apply.

    Exactly this. Everyone who keeps saying they can make better food at home must be going to some crappy restaurants...or be a really great chef, I guess. I'd rather save up and go to a really nice restaurant once a month than a mediocre one once a week.

    There are a lot of average restaurants out there! But if I crave a pasta dish, it's easy enough to make at home. Sure, it might not be as tasty as most restaurants, but the taste difference is often not worth the calories... that's really the big thing for me - the taste difference must be worth the extra calories. And in your random diner or fast food, it's really not typically the case.

    Of course, let's be honest, I'm not one to crave super fancy meals either, so pasta with tomato sauce and a bit of cheese is perfectly fine for me - I don't need the fancy vodka or ragu sauces from restaurants either. When I crave something, it's usually pizza (can make myself), sushi (I go out), or gyros (I go out). Everything else I might crave I can just make at home, frankly.

    For sure, that makes sense. I wouldn't order pasta with tomato sauce in a restaurant either. I just thought it was a bit extreme when people said they "never" eat out, because they can make all of that at home. And just to clarify, I didn't just mean fancy, expensive restaurants. I also meant the hole-in-the-wall Mexican place with the handmade tortillas and their grandmas mole recipie. There's just some things worth going out for that can't be replicated at home.
  • rhiawiz57
    rhiawiz57 Posts: 906 Member
    i'm picky because i pick whatever food i want and then eat i just make whatever that is work into my weekly calorie budget just like having a financial budget. if i want to spend some of my 9900 calories per week on Taco Bell, i do. But, there are days that i truly crave a salad (like today). i don't think you're picky, just mindful, as someone else said.
  • anglyn1
    anglyn1 Posts: 1,802 Member
    To be honest I'm not very picky at all. I am gluten free due to celiac and keto so I'm cool with getting meat and cheese about anywhere. Most things I would actually like to try at a restaurant I can't due to celiac so I'm used to just getting bunless burgers in a pinch. I actually really like McDonald's double cheeseburgers with no bun. My favorite things to get out are chicken wings and Mexican (I usually get carnitas and chorizo w/ veggies covered in cheese). I like to cook and make decent meals at home but honestly I'm kind of lazy so I'm ok with mediocre restaurant food a couple times a week.
  • HealthyGoalie1
    HealthyGoalie1 Posts: 74 Member
    Always eat what craving the most whenever possible if getting appetite / hungry.. seeing how it fits calories and macro's, adjust a little if needed..