Day 1

My name is Patrick and I am trying to lose weight. I have been a big guy most of my life but I was pretty active with work. 2 years ago I had a foot injury that made it very difficult to walk and 5 surgeries later I am struggling to lose weight. The pain in my foot and ankle is intense and even moderate activity will make it to where I can't hardly get to the bathroom. With 2 years and 5 surgeries I was non weight bearing for nearly all that time so I was inactive to say the least. My muscles atrophied and I gained 150 pounds. My max weight was 506 pounds and I developed high blood pressure and was moving to pre diabetes. My stamina is gone but coming back slowly. I can do most things by myself now including going to doc appointments, and picking my son up from school. I can stand more than 10 minutes now at a time and have lost 17 pounds. I need my. fitness pal to track what is going into my body so I can start breaking weight barriers. I have started with low impact excersize like crunches and riding my recumbent bike. The bike, however is very painful to ride but I am going to push forward. I would appreciate any help I can get to be successful thanks.


  • Istegosaurus
    Istegosaurus Posts: 4 Member
    edited July 2017
    That's really amazing that you have lost 17lbs already! My dad has really bad pain in his knees due to an accident and he said that water activities such as water aerobics really helped, I don't know the severity of your injury so I'm not trying to push this on you but maybe it's something you would like to try now or in the future. It's never too late to change and nows a good a time as any. Best of luck :smile: