Hello Everyone!! (I'm new)

My name is Brit. My dr told me to give this app a try to keep a diary of everything. I have to eat 400-500 calorie meals (B, L, &D) and have 100 calorie snacks in between meals. My goal is to lose 10lbs by August 7th. Wish me luck!


  • B0bO1
    B0bO1 Posts: 6 Member
    Good luck I've only started a week ago too but things are looking up
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    Logging your food is a great way to keep yourself accountable, and to achieve your goals. How much do you have to lose?

    Meal size, timing and frequency is pretty irrelevant though, so there is no need to stick to a certain meal/snack schedule. Many people don't eat a meal first thing in the morning, many have many evenly sized meals throughout the day, many have 3 meals no snacks. After entering your stats in to MFP to get a calorie goal, do what works for you, not what someone else has said. Fwiw, Dr's know very little about nutrition. Get a food scale and weigh all solids, measure all liquids, and log accurately!
  • gunner19er
    gunner19er Posts: 36 Member
    You will be able to get there