Hidrate Spark 2.0

Does anybody else use the Hidrate Spark 2.0 bottle? I love mine!!! I'm already drinking more water than usual!


  • alondrakayy
    alondrakayy Posts: 304 Member
    How is it helping you drink more water? Because of the flavor?
  • BabyMandrakes
    BabyMandrakes Posts: 14 Member
    It keeps track of how much you drink and syncs with an app and reminds you to drink throughout the day via a light on the bottle and notifications from the app.
  • heatherjordan34
    heatherjordan34 Posts: 2 Member
    I bought the ulla band that fits any bottle and also blinks to remind me to drink water. I need it because i find im always dehydrated because i get busy and tend to not take a drink. Since waters not my favorite thing to drink even flavored if i dont remind myself i find ive had half a 16 oz bottle all day
  • snickerscharlie
    snickerscharlie Posts: 8,578 Member
    edited July 2017
    Drink when you're thirsty. There's no benefit to over-hydrating yourself. In fact, it can be quite dangerous as it depletes your electrolytes.

    Why would you need a bottle/app that tells you when to drink in the first place? The only time this would be of any use/importance would be if you're involved in heavy physical activity, or you're losing hydration due to extremely hot weather.

    For most people, however, a bottle that tells when when to drink is, imho, pretentious and more than a little weird. :/

    A pretentious water bottle?

    The premise behind it? Absolutely, imho. :)
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Drink when you're thirsty. There's no benefit to over-hydrating yourself. In fact, it can be quite dangerous as it depletes your electrolytes.

    Why would you need a bottle/app that tells you when to drink in the first place? The only time this would be of any use/importance would be if you're involved in heavy physical activity, or you're losing hydration due to extremely hot weather.

    For most people, however, a bottle that tells when when to drink is, imho, pretentious and more than a little weird. :/

    A pretentious water bottle?

    The premise behind it? Absolutely, imho. :)

    Hmm. Okay. I'd assume the OP was just trying to do something she thought was good for her.

    The motivation of the company? meh, sure, but hey, the same could be said for the mac I'm typing on, or the TV on in the background. Does that mean I don't enjoy them, or get good use from them?

    And herein lies part of the issue. Chances are fairly high that she only 'thought it was good for her' because she saw it on some website or blog or TV show that was extolling the totally fabricated 'virtues' of having to drink "X" amount of water every "X" amount of minutes. And, oh look! Here's a water bottle that tells you when to drink! How cool is that! And it's only $55! And if you order in the next 10 minutes...

    OP is totally free to spend her money on whatever the heck she wants, however. I just find it a bit sad that we live in a society where water bottles that tell you when to drink them is even a thing. :(

    I think I'll bow out now, as this has rather threadjacked the OP's topic.
  • spiffychick85
    spiffychick85 Posts: 311 Member
    cerc1990 wrote: »
    As the OP, let me clarify some things.
    1) the bottle was a gift, and I absolutely love it!
    2) I'm really bad about not drinking water unless with a meal, and my job requires me to be outside all day. So a little reminder on my phone to actually drink the water that's right next to me is awesome
    3) I'm not trying to drown myself, just drink a reasonable amount of water each day
    4) pretentious, really? No need to be negative here. It's no worse than carrying around a smart phone, or having a fit bit, or Bluetooth connections in your car.

    I have to agree...it's no different than my fitbit telling me to move...which has helped me tremendously...just by tracking my steps, I end up getting competitive with myself and pushing my limits....so this bottle, I'm interested in and it's for the same reasons as you. I do not drink enough during the day...in fact I can go all day without drinking or using the restroom (I'm a teacher...even at lunch I'm typically making copies while grabbing bites of sandwich, and it's only 20 minutes lol)...my bladder is trained very well because I'm talking all day long and not drinking anything. I can't imagine this to be healthy, but it's part of my profession :D This bottle may actually help me to drink and go more frequently :)
  • Sheisinlove109
    Sheisinlove109 Posts: 516 Member
    Hey, whatever helps you drink what you should be drinking...and save the planet....it's a win.
  • annie534
    annie534 Posts: 1 Member
    I just received my Hidrate and love love love it!!! I have a busy desk job and don't drink enough. The bells and whistles of this are worth it's weight in gold. I feel so much better being hydrated.
  • holpop
    holpop Posts: 2 Member
    I couldn't agree more! I LOVE my Hidrate. I sit at a desk all day and forget to get up and get water. This bottle sits in front of me and reminds me to take time for me. I also use it as my time to take a breath and stop working for a second. Win win.
  • Brogrl89
    Brogrl89 Posts: 1 Member
    I have one and really like it. I always forget to drink and am constantly dehydrated. I’m a teacher and the kids always alert me when the bottle blinks. The reminders on my Apple Watch are really handy too. The bottle is beautiful (royal blue) and I get compliments all the time at the gym. Definitely worth the money for me!
  • toxikon
    toxikon Posts: 2,383 Member
    I've never tried it.

    I don't think there's anything wrong with picking up some fun gadgets to help you with your health. Sounds cool, OP. :)
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,775 Member
    edited January 2018
    $6.99 32oz Bubba mug/tumbler from Wal-Mart. Fill after 2nd cup of coffee. Drink. Refill when empty or at lunch. Drink. Refill when empty or at dinner. Drink. Refill when empty or at bedtime. Drink. 96+oz hydration. DONE.