Do you pre-log your food?

nyponbell Posts: 379 Member
Now that I am back on the bandwagon of logging my food (yay me! let's see how long it lasts this time...) I figured it was high time I pose the question I've been wondering about for a while - I know that people often pre-plan their meals (I tend to do the same, even when I'm not logging; at least lunch as I need to know what to bring to university) but I was wondering if people also pre-logged their food (and not just the day of or the day before, but even longer in advance).

Any particular pros and cons? Any reason you do it/don't do it?

I have sort of played around with doing this in the past, where I would log the things I plan on eating and then adjust as I go (weights, additions, exclusions etc). So I'm mostly hoping to find someone who does pre-log and follow the plan!

This I think is especially interesting to me as I am someone who wouldn't mind eating basically the same thing every day, which in theory should make pre-logging easy.


  • Llamapants86
    Llamapants86 Posts: 1,221 Member
    I only prelog some things. For example, if I know we are having a pizza night, I'll log that so I can adjust the rest of the day. Other than that I like just logging as I go. I've also been doing this a while so I have a pretty clear idea on calories and macros of what I eat regularly.
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    edited July 2017
    I pre log. I like knowing that I'll get to dinner with enough macros let to make a satisfying meal. I also track macros, not calories, so prelogging is easier. I eat the same thing every day during the week, sometimes for weeks on end, so technically I prelog weeks in advance...
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    Rarely. Only if I know ahead of time what's for dinner. But my breakfasts tend to be the same so it's not a big issue.
  • nicolenels0n
    nicolenels0n Posts: 1 Member
    I always pre log! With counting macros, I find it so much easier. Planning and being consistent is what has made me so successful.
  • scarlett_k
    scarlett_k Posts: 812 Member
    No, but I do a rough sketch of my week's dinners when I do my weekly shop and breakfast and lunch are smaller meals for me anyway so I don't do anything special there. I just make sure I have food in the house that gives me options to fit into each day.
  • born_of_fire74
    born_of_fire74 Posts: 776 Member
    I plan a week at a time. Helps a ton with grocery shopping. I can always shuffle things around if my mood changes or I forget to take something out of the freezer as long as I hit my macros within my calorie allowance on any given day.
  • 92joann
    92joann Posts: 67 Member
    I don't usually, but then I usually don't know exactly what I'm having until it's made. But logged today's lunch last night - was taking my son to MacDonalds, planned on having a light dinner but it worked out not so bad so haven't had to readjust
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    I prelog for the day every morning. I do not prelog several days in advance though.

  • Tabbycat00
    Tabbycat00 Posts: 146 Member
    I actually (am crazy, I know) but use a combo of MyFitness Pal and Lose it! The Lose it! app dominates on pre-logging. That said, I do it all the time. Especially when I have a lot of work to do. I like the control. I like planning. I'm one of those people who pays for calendar apps, has a day planner, keeps a journal...the whole thing. I think it's just personal preference.
  • Aerona85
    Aerona85 Posts: 159 Member
    I usually prolog breakfast, lunch, and snack (though will change things as needed). I usually don't know what I am in the mood for for dinner until it is dinner time so I usually just log that as it comes up.
  • nyponbell
    nyponbell Posts: 379 Member
    I think one of the reasons I dislike pre-logging my food (although I really want to do it) is that there's no setting in the app to "check it off". What I mean is, I would need to remember what I've eaten already, and if I need to update a weight of something. That might be a small issue, but I think I would prefer it if I could just tick a box and know that part is "done" - if that were the case, then I'd probably pre-log a lot more!

    (And why yes, I have issues. :wink: )

    @slimpig342 That is a fantastic idea about logging the treat! I too prefer to have mine in the evening (though I'm not always able to wait that long, ahem) and making sure it is in my plan (even before I make a plan) is a wonderful idea.

    @Tabbycat00 I've never heard of the Lose It! app, but I am similar to you in that I like to be ordered and plan things out (which is probably why I dislike the lack of perfection with the MFP app in the sense that I can't use it the way I want!).

    Thank you everyone for your input! I think I'm going to try and play around a bit more with what works for me!
  • smileyducky
    smileyducky Posts: 31 Member
    I eat the same thing everyday for a week so I pre log what I would like to eat before I go grocery shopping to see if it fits in my cals. Then I just log for the whole week because why not, I'm eating the same exact thing
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,182 Member
    edited July 2017
    I didn't log today yesterday, but I did log lunch and dinner after breakfast. I see that I still have calories for something else, and I'll decide what that will be later.

    @nyponbell I'd also like to have a box to 'check it off'.
  • CTcutie
    CTcutie Posts: 649 Member
    Pre-log during the work week. I make my breakfast & lunch to bring with me. If I plan to go out (or eat Oreos!), I pre-log those, too. Dinner depends on how late I get home after gym & if/what my workout was after work.
  • coralred1965
    coralred1965 Posts: 16 Member
    I pre log mainly during the week. I try and work out my protein and calories first. Normally I decide the night before what I'm having for dinner the next day so when I take meat or fish out of the freezer I log it straight away.
  • MaddMaestro
    MaddMaestro Posts: 405 Member
    YES otherwise I overeat if I don't plan ahead.
  • Luna3386
    Luna3386 Posts: 888 Member
    I prelog a few days in advance.

    I set up my food diary based on my meal times so I eat What I planned at that time and move through the day like that.
  • cangler
    cangler Posts: 104 Member
    edited July 2017
    yes all the time, saves me time and makes sure the macros work, etc.