Do you pre-log your food?



  • Gisel2015
    Gisel2015 Posts: 4,148 Member
    As @malibu927 said, I rarely pre-log, unless I know for sure what I am having ahead of time; for example when I have left overs or a frozen meal that I prepared in bulk.

    I don't eat the same thing all the time and most of the time I don't know what I am really preparing until I get to the kitchen. I am known for changing my mind at the last moment according with the ingredients or how lazy I am. I had the same approach when in losing mode that I have now in my maintenance stage. It works for me.
  • WendyLeigh1119
    WendyLeigh1119 Posts: 495 Member
    Only weekday breakfast. Everything else varies wildy daily as well as weekly. I don't prep or do any cooking, so it's whatever I decide I'm hungry for or what's being cooked for me. Sometimes I prelog my ice cream or brownies (snacks) and especially milk/cheese/dairy so that they get priority over regular food.
  • jayemes
    jayemes Posts: 865 Member
    I menu plan dinner for the week and do all the shopping so I know what I have in the house and what dinner's going to be. I'll pre-log dinner after breakfast so I know what I need for lunch - something light, something high protein if I'm low for the day ect....
    Also I like to plan for things like pizza night so I know I'm reigning it in enough early in the day so I can enjoy a good slice once in awhile
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    Don't prelog ever. Just me. Like to log as I go, and use meal planning in another format to stay within bounds.
  • pdxwine
    pdxwine Posts: 389 Member
    I pre-log some items on some days. If I leave my house in the morning, and know that I have packed a lunch to take on the road with me, I will pre-log it.

    When I get home, and know what I will have for dinner, I will pre-log that. It allows me to decide what else I may have (such as a cocktail before dinner, or a dessert item after.)
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    I never did. It felt too restrictive and then I wanted to eat more.

    I found giving myself a caloric range to eat in worked well. I often logged my food as I went along and if it needed tweaking I adjusted my dinner a bit.
  • Sp1tfire
    Sp1tfire Posts: 1,120 Member
    edited July 2017
    Sometimes I log a few things I know i'll be eating the rest of the day in the morning. Sometimes I forget I logged them and see my calories left and feel sad but then I realize I prelogged 2 snacks already!!
  • Poisonedpawn78
    Poisonedpawn78 Posts: 1,145 Member
    edited July 2017
    I pre log my meals. Sometimes I will have a snack that I will add in after the fact but I usually have the same snacks so I know what I am getting into ahead of time.

    If I go to a restaurant I will look up the information ahead of time so i know what I am ordering even before i go into the place.
  • seccotine
    seccotine Posts: 8 Member
    Until very recently, I never pre-logged but was always astonished to see that I used to hit 45-50% fat in total daily consumption. Now, I have started an advanced running plan and need to make sure I have enough energy and muscles. So I got my optimal macros from and make sure that I follow them. It is a lot harder than just watching calories and I pre-log my meals for the day to make sure that each meal is balanced. Lots of tinkering until I am satisfied with the result.
  • abovethecity
    abovethecity Posts: 42 Member
    I usually just pre-log breakfast. I change my mind too often to bother with the rest.
  • leanitup123
    leanitup123 Posts: 489 Member
    Yes and no. Usually prelog my earlier meals and leave dinner and snacks TBD. But my usual foods for breakfast and lunch are always logged during my morning cardio haha
  • nyponbell
    nyponbell Posts: 379 Member
    @seccotine Sort of unrelated; but do you find that the free version of MFP is enough for counting macros? I want to get into it (though it makes my head hurt, with estimates such as "lightly active" and "active" -- where do they draw the line?) but it seems like the Premium is far better for that kind of thing but as I'm only just getting back into MFP and I've not yet started counting macros, I'm not sure if that's money I want to spend.
  • everher
    everher Posts: 909 Member
    I prelog, but I'm also the type of person who does a monthly (and weekly) financial budget.

    I find if I just have x amount of calories a day, but don't prelog or ration them I tend to go over.

    With that said, I'm flexible with it, but I find it helps even when being flexible to know well I'm having this for dinner and I have these snacks planned.
  • asianolikeyou
    asianolikeyou Posts: 393 Member
    I log just before I sit down to eat the food I've plated
  • RobinSFoster
    RobinSFoster Posts: 44 Member
    I meal plan, enter new recipes in to MFP, and pre-log each week. Breakfast is always the same and lunch is normally leftovers from the previous nights dinner. Knowing what we're having each night helps me to plan ahead.
  • generallyme2
    generallyme2 Posts: 403 Member
    I prelog- sometimes days at a time. I usually leave the dessert/snack empty with calories set aside until I know what I'll be having. I've found that I tend to stick to it better (no last minute drive throughs or ice cream runs with the kids). It also saves me money since I write up a meal plan and shop only for that meal plan... if I don't log, I'm more likely to think I'm too tired to cook that night and pick something else up that's easier.

    Another pro- it helps me track certain nutrients more easily or to make sure I'm getting enough protein and, if I'm not, I can rearrange things until I'm at a better number.
  • estherdragonbat
    estherdragonbat Posts: 5,283 Member
    Depends. For religious reasons, I don't write or type on the Jewish Sabbath (sundown Friday night till when it gets dark on Saturday, so about 25 hours). Sabbath meals tend to be substantially bigger than rest of the week (often with higher-calorie options). I find I stress a LOT less when I pre-log on Friday afternoons, so long as I'm honest with myself about what I plan to eat. In other words, when I know that after synagogue services, there's going to be a refreshments buffet and I'm really going to want a frosted shortbread and some potato kugel, I log it ahead of time, see for myself that I've fit it into my daily calorie totals and

    1) I don't stress about filling out my diary after the day when I've already eaten the food. That's when the old disordered unhealthy thinking about "I was so bad today. Blew my diet. I can't write down what I ate; it'll just upset me. Let's just not log and I can start over tomorrow. And with that in mind... since today is shot... what else is in the fridge?" comes up. If I already planned on having the treat and recognize that I'm still within my totals, then I skip all the stress and guilt and just have the treat.

    2) I like to save some of my calories for after-supper snacking. Usually mid-afternoon, I'll log what I plan to have for supper, so that I know whether I'll have enough calories left over for a snack or whether exercise just moved up from 'a good thing to do if I want to increase fitness' to 'a necessary thing to do if I want to eat after supper', or whether to change my supper plans.

    But breakfast and lunch, I usually log as I go.
  • kavahni
    kavahni Posts: 313 Member
    edited July 2017
    I pre log some. I like to get my dinner logged early in the day since it is almost always my most calorie dense meal.
    Like estherdragonbat I am Jewish. But, since Shabbat is supposed to be a taste of the Paradise to come, I don't log anything from Friday afternoon until Saturday evening. At all. There will be no reason to watch what we eat or log calories in the next life! :-)
  • seccotine
    seccotine Posts: 8 Member
    nyponbell wrote: »
    @seccotine Sort of unrelated; but do you find that the free version of MFP is enough for counting macros? I want to get into it (though it makes my head hurt, with estimates such as "lightly active" and "active" -- where do they draw the line?) but it seems like the Premium is far better for that kind of thing but as I'm only just getting back into MFP and I've not yet started counting macros, I'm not sure if that's money I want to spend.

    well, for a long while I used the free one, but after reaching my ideal weight I had a hard time maintaining and gain back 7 kg. So this time I decided to be very scientific about it. I have a Polar M400 watch that tells me how many calories I actually spend per day (before that I put my activity level at sedentary plus added separately the exercise I did). I used to set my amount of calories at 1200/per day (I am 61 and retired) but had a hard time loosing weight. With the formula, I am supposed to eat 1400 cal/day with about 42% protein. I have done it for 7 days now and must say I am quite happy. No hunger pangs whatsoever, no cravings, and (drumroll please) I lost a full kg in that week after plateauing for many weeks. Now understand that I am not pushing for the Premium version or the Polar watch, it is just what seems to be working for me. I always loved maths and science and the whole thing just makes sense to me. One of my friends is watching me with complete disbelief because this seems totally alien to her. Each to her own!

  • nyponbell
    nyponbell Posts: 379 Member
    @seccotine I use a Fitbit Charge HR, so I totally get where you are coming from with your Polar!

    I am glad to hear that your hard work is paying off and hope it continues to work for you. Thanks for the input!