Support is making the difference

I've used MyFitnessPal a few times in the past, however this is the first time I've participated in the Community/Blog/Friends features and I just want to say it is making all the difference. I'm so motivated by the support and just hearing about the struggles and ups and downs that everyone goes through, it's opened my eyes to the fact that I'm not in this alone and I see all of the wonderful progress my friends have made and it gives me hope to not get frustrated and give up when I'm trying to do everything right and I have weeks of going up and down only ounces. I know this is going to be a long journey, but you are all inspirational and have kept me motivated to keep doing what I'm doing and I'm down almost 6 lbs since I started this a month ago. I've learned to celebrate my little wins like hitting my water goals, not partaking in any of the steady stream of bagels, doughnuts, pastry and ice cream that was brought in this week by co-workers and the wonderful low calorie grill packet dinner recipes I found and made the last two weeks. Thank you for the inspiration ❤️


  • Fitwithit80
    Fitwithit80 Posts: 499 Member
    Keep it up :) you got this
  • pwabs68
    pwabs68 Posts: 8 Member
    Thank you so much.
  • fiddletime
    fiddletime Posts: 1,862 Member
    I can totally relate to your post. I get a lot out of participating on here almost every day, either just reading, or posting. I'm camping right now and my goal is to stay under maintenance or even under count, for the long weekend, while eating s'mores every night! So far so good. But the alcohol had to go to have this happen.
  • pwabs68
    pwabs68 Posts: 8 Member
    It really does make such a difference. I'm so nervous because I'm leaving for a week vacation tomorrow to Florida. I've been making good progress over the last month or so and I don't want to mess it up. I've already told my family our meals at the house are going to be healthy ones and I'm going to try and look at menus before we leave for dinner to try a and find the healthiest options. When I was doing weight watchers a few years ago s'mores were a low point recipe for a dessert treat. I used mini marshmallows and chips, so don't beat yourself up about them and enjoy your trip.