Looking for anyone who has gained weight due to prednisone (I have Lupus)

Anyone else have an auto immune disease or any disease where you have to use prednisone? Overnight I got fat!


  • paramedicgal09
    paramedicgal09 Posts: 13 Member
    I have the same issue. Diagnosed 2 years ago. Have packed on over 50 lbs. I have found that my fitness goals are not based on the number I see on the scale, but rather the level of activity I am able to do each day. I have also changed my eating habits to incorporate a keto/paleo plan to reduce inflammation.
  • thinmarjo
    thinmarjo Posts: 19 Member
    The trick with prednisone is too override that brain impulse to eat. It hardwired you to get your chow on. Keep focused on a set food plan and try to really stay hydrated. I think that is a huge help.