Menopause and Plant Based Lifestyle

schaferelsa Posts: 27 Member
I just turned 50 and started having ever symptom possible for menopause. Its been awful and everything I read about pills and hormones just does not sound right for me. I've been looking into going Plant Based and I am looking for others who are following a plant based diet and are going through menopause. I have started and I'm also eliminating processed foods and processed sugar, and dairy products. I've watched some movies that have been recommended and while im,not agreeing with everything, I think I still like the idea of going plant based.
I look forward to hearing experiences and ideas for recipes. Thanks.


  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    "Plant based" is "vegan but without the ethics aspect", so you're automatically eliminating dairy. I have no recipes, but I eat a lot of fruit and vegetables and love to cook, so if that's what you're doing, I'm doing it too. I'm also approaching menopause :/
  • lynn_glenmont
    lynn_glenmont Posts: 10,020 Member
    I say this without any hostility toward vegetarianism, veganism, or even "plant-based diets" (other than their obvious vagueness, since OP's definition apparently doesn't preclude dairy, since she mentions that as a separate restriction, while kommodevaran presumes "plant-based" means "wholly plant-based"):

    1) Please define what you mean by plant-based (see above confusion regarding the term).
    2) What is it you think a plant-based diet will do for you, either with respect to menopausal symptoms or with respect to anything else?

    Do you think a plant-based diet will increase the phytoestrogens you consume to the point that they will reduce the effects of menopause? (I don't have any opinion on this, it's just the only plausible theory that's occurring to me from reading your OP.)

    As for my personal experience: I eat animal-based foods, but overall consume a more plant-based (if one does define that as an all-or-nothing term) than the average American. A vegetarian meal or day is not unusual for me, nor is a vegan meal (it's probably fairly unusual for me to go a full day without any dairy or egg). I am in my 50s, likely perimenopausal although my doctor hasn't stuck a label on it, and I have always had irregular periods so the diagnosis is understandably difficult. So far, I have not experienced any discomfort or any menopausal-type symptom.
  • snickerscharlie
    snickerscharlie Posts: 8,578 Member
    If you aren't doing dairy, make sure you get sufficient calcium via supplements. Older bones need it. ;)
  • asugar7979
    asugar7979 Posts: 15 Member
    I have just gone through menopause and am eating 80% plant based diet so not vegan but healthy clean eating and trying to rid myself of processed foods
  • cj94404
    cj94404 Posts: 154 Member
    I am curious too about plant based to help. My symptoms are really bad as well. My doctor recommended meditation.