Unproud Member of the: ONE cheat meal leads to another Club....

SamanthainNC Posts: 10 Member
edited July 2017 in Motivation and Support
I try to stay at 1200 calories a day... And I have been making REALLY BAD food choices for those 1200 calories...
Anyone else have thia issue? Any recommendations? Also.. Looking for new friends and support... Please friend request me. :)


  • deannalfisher
    deannalfisher Posts: 5,600 Member
    maybe 1200cal is too aggressive - what is your current weight/goal weight?

    personally, I plan fun foods into my daily calories (although mine are significantly higher than yours) - it makes it easier to adhere to a plan when there is fun stuff already planned
  • KiraChristiansen
    KiraChristiansen Posts: 26 Member
    I would ask why you are tracking your calories/food-to lose weight, or to get your nutrition in order? Yes, they are related goals-but consider trying to take on one bad habit at a time, rather than a complete overhaul. If getting nutrition in order is your thing- use your maintenance calories, and sort out meals that you can deal with that are healthier before restricting, then once you feel pretty good about the types of foods you are eating, try reducing portions to lower calories. If you really feel like losing the weight is more important right now, care a little bit less about what you are eating while you get used to how your body reacts while restricting calories before trying to foist new foods upon yourself, then try slowly making better liquid decisions, then snack decisions, then altering each meal until you are where you want to be.

    I only suggest this because I tend to try to make everything perfect all at once, which pretty much always sets me up for failure as soon as I slip up. (This is not to say it's not possible- just not a good plan of attack for me) I'm currently working on my diet from the calorie portion of the equation, then building up to better nutrition, and aside from the fact that I had a vacation that set me back a bit (airline delays are NOT friendly to controlling calories for me...) it's been going pretty w ell- usually I can't maintain a calorie deficit as long as I had been before the vacation.

    Good Luck!
  • SuperCarLori
    SuperCarLori Posts: 1,248 Member
    I'm a member as well, but it was worse when I did keto. It's getting better now that I'm no longer in the I Need To Starve Myself And Lose Fifty Pounds By Next Week club. :D
  • SamanthainNC
    SamanthainNC Posts: 10 Member
    Thank you all. I wi take all the wonderful advice and most definitely put it to use. Thank you, soooo much.