Having trouble losing weight -- calorie limit may be too low?

I'm a woman: 5'5" and 139 lbs. I have 19 lbs to go. I have MFP synced to my Fitbit and I do at least 20,000 steps per day. My calorie limit is set to 1,200 and I'm still having trouble losing weight. Is it possible that my calories are set too low and that's sabotaging my progress?


  • angelfish998
    angelfish998 Posts: 2 Member
    Iv lost 3 stone , but my weight has been stuck for weeks now , my doctor is testing me for hormone imbalance , so I'll just have to see what the results are and take it from there
  • Mattmuff2017
    Mattmuff2017 Posts: 11 Member
    I found my fitbit to be a bit generous with what Calories i'm supposedly burning. Could it be that you're not burning as many as you think?
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    edited July 2017
    You are very active, your MFP settings should be set to Active and 'enable negative adjustment' function should be on.
    I was an avid 20k+ steps a day gal for a number of years (until knee pain set in), I'm smaller than you and needed a minimum of 1800 calories a day - and that was to lose 0.5lb/week.
    Eating too low cal means you are losing too much muscle along with the fat, that is not ideal at all.
    The end of day calorie burn Fitbit gives you is your TDEE - eat at 10-15% deficit of that number.
    e.g If it gives you 2300 cals, eat 1955 cals which would result in a loss of 0.75lb per week which imo would be adequate for someone with less than 20lbs to go.

    If you are not losing weight, how long since you last lost?

    How are you tracking your intake?
  • caitlingorevin
    caitlingorevin Posts: 3 Member
    I've lost 61 lbs over the last 340 days. I've been flip-flopping over this particular plateau since May 25th. It is not that time of the month. I try to only eat about 200 of my exercise calories back. I am very strict about logging (although I do not own a food scale) and I weigh myself once a week on Wednesdays in the morning.
  • cheryldumais
    cheryldumais Posts: 1,907 Member
    I hit a plateau after dieting for a year at 1200 calories and it lasted 3.5 months! It was very frustrating. Finally someone on here suggested eating at maintenance for a couple of weeks. I did that for only a week because I was terrified of gaining. After that the weight loss started up again but much slower. I added back 150 calories a day and just accepted that it would take me a bit longer to lose the last 20 or 25 pounds. I am now about 10 pounds away from my goal. Interestingly enough I am the same height as you are. I am not as active however and I'm 60 years old. Don't give up. Make sure your goal of 120 is reasonable though. I'm shooting for 135.
  • caitlingorevin
    caitlingorevin Posts: 3 Member
    The doctor said between 120 and 128 is best; that's the range I'm shooting for and I'll stop when my body feels at its best. I know this is not a fast process and I think the fact that I've done this for almost a year speaks to that. I'm only trying to lose one pound a week.
  • cheryldumais
    cheryldumais Posts: 1,907 Member
    Well hang in there. Your doc knows best. My doctor thought I looked great at 155, lol. I can still tell I have to lose more tho. You've done amazing losing that much and perservering for a year.
  • animatorswearbras
    animatorswearbras Posts: 1,001 Member
    Hi I'm the exact same height and weight, I would definitely recommend the maintenance break for a fortnight if you've been at this a year non stop. Starvation mode isn't a thing but adaptive thermogenesis can make things harder, a maintenance break can come some way into giving your metabolism a little kick up the *kitten*. Apart from that get some digital food scales, I personally under estimate everything, I double checked the other day how much peanut butter I was having for breakfast (one of the few things I haven't bothered weighing because I was losing but thought I'd double check) it was double the weight I thought! Also with a BMI of 23 things are gonna be slooooooooow, so don't expect much more than 1/2 pound a week to come off at this point unless you want to lose a whole bunch of muscle too ;)

    Good luck. x
  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    I'm a woman: 5'5" and 139 lbs. I have 19 lbs to go. I have MFP synced to my Fitbit and I do at least 20,000 steps per day. My calorie limit is set to 1,200 and I'm still having trouble losing weight. Is it possible that my calories are set too low and that's sabotaging my progress?

    the less you have to lose the slower its going to be and you should have it set to lose .5lb a week. also get a scale because at this point you are going to have to be spot on with your calorie counts.