So I have a digital glass scale made by taylor and Im thinking its malfunctioning! One day it says one thing and then the next its 2-3 lbs off. Ive changed the batteries twice within the last 6 months.Im looking for suggestions for a better scale or any other advice you can offer. I have recently stared to weigh in daily to see how much the scale differs but generally i weigh in only one per week.


  • Imbiutiful
    Imbiutiful Posts: 39
    So I have a digital glass scale made by taylor and Im thinking its malfunctioning! One day it says one thing and then the next its 2-3 lbs off. Ive changed the batteries twice within the last 6 months.Im looking for suggestions for a better scale or any other advice you can offer. I have recently stared to weigh in daily to see how much the scale differs but generally i weigh in only one per week.

    im looking online at amazon and apparently no scales seem to be reliable! ugggh!!
  • amwat
    amwat Posts: 10
    Make sure its at the same time everyday you weight less in the morning.
  • amwat
    amwat Posts: 10
    I have a health meter scale its a few years old not sure where I got but it's accurate and has been for years when I went to Jenny Craig it was always within 1 lb or exact with theres
  • Imbiutiful
    Imbiutiful Posts: 39
    Make sure its at the same time everyday you weight less in the morning.

    Yep i do that...
  • fastbelly
    fastbelly Posts: 727 Member
    Your weight also changes from day to day and it can float by 2 or 3 lbs from one day to the next, this is why most experts advise to weigh weekly rather then daily.

    Over a long period of using the same scale you should see a pattern though and that's what you can use to guide you. Ultimately the mirror will be your best assessment tool though, once you're happy whit the reflection you've achieved your goal.
  • Apryl546
    Apryl546 Posts: 909 Member
    You could also be having water retention.
    It might not be the scale's problem.

    That's why I don't weigh myself everyday. I'll just hate myself or the scale!
  • macylane4
    macylane4 Posts: 224
    Do you have a gym you go to? They usually have better scales! I always weigh in once a week in the morning! Dont worry about your weight...measure youself! You'll feel a lot better with those results!! :) Good luck, and don't let anything discourage you!
  • SUNNY613
    SUNNY613 Posts: 251 Member
    i have a glass scale to and i always weigh my self like 3 time cuz most of the time the first and second ready is different but then after that its alsways the same but yea the best time to do it is in the morning everytime and before u eat
  • Jade_Butterfly
    Jade_Butterfly Posts: 2,963 Member
    Agreed. . Make sure that you are weighing at the same time.. .Make sure that you limit your sodium and drink plenty of water because that alone can cause a 2-3lb fluctuation due to water retention.
  • ak_in_ak
    ak_in_ak Posts: 657 Member
    I have a glass Taylor scale as well! I am never sure if it is me or the scale or the floor but i will get all sorts of numbers. I weigh every morning and tend to move it around a couple times to get a better idea. I looked on amazon as well and there didn't seem to be one that was any better
  • jkcools
    jkcools Posts: 66
    Try not to weigh yourself everyday, depending on the scale too much can get you discourage about your weight loss. I say weigh yourself once a week.
  • jon_brady
    jon_brady Posts: 46 Member
    also make sure your scale is on a hard surface. tile or concrete is best carpet and even wood or linoleum have some give and will make your scale fluctuate and be inaccurate
  • TenLaws
    TenLaws Posts: 273
    Let's suppose the scale IS accurate... It happens - weight fluctuates. Just a fact. I say continue to weigh yourself weekly. If my weight is up or down 2 or 3 pounds, no big deal. 5 pounds? Massive victory or epic fail! I weighed myself 3 or 4 times in one day before, and I was up and down 4 pounds throughout the day, so weight fluctuates by nature. I finally broke down and bought a tape measure (took forever to buy it as if it was super expensive or something) and I use that to gauge my progress as well - but long-term changes only. Short-term changes only frustrate me, even though I'm definitely on the right track.