New here, motivation needed

Hi ya
Just wanted to say hi and introduce myself! I'm Kelly.....
I have managed to loose 1 stone on slimming world but have hit a wall, hard! Feels like I am always eating the same things and tbh feel very limited. I'm currently 12st 11lbs and want to reach 11st 7lbs. How do people find doing this?
I'm a mum of 2 and work full time in a special needs school so forever on the go. I am a picker if I am to be honest and find it all to easy to grab a biscuit (or 4) for ease. Some success stories from others who have been struggling would be a great motivator for me xxx. Thanks peeps xxx


  • horses4ever1414
    horses4ever1414 Posts: 71 Member
    Love what you do for work and you got this. I was in the U.S Army had to be medically discharged from the army after being shot three times. I struggle with PTSD and I find myself eating unhealthy and started gaining weight I join MFP and lost all of the weight I gained. Keep up the good work you can lose the weight :)
  • rianneonamission
    rianneonamission Posts: 854 Member
    Hi Kelly!

    First off: Well done on losing a stone. That's a fab start.

    Now for the real stuff...

    Slimming World is *kitten*. Sounds harsh, but here's the deal: The entire concept of syns has no bearing whatsoever on the reality of nutrition, it is merely a marketing tool. A syn does not tell you how many calories you are consuming, and it doesn't teach you how to manage your own intake without you signing up again and again to them.

    MFP is your saviour.

    Read up on the following basics and calculate them: BMR & TDEE. Also read up on macros (or have a look at Richie Howey on FB - he teaches these things in simple terms). One you have established your TDEE you can set a deficit. I'd say no more than 300 cals below your TDEE.

    And add people & join groups on here. They are great motivators. Feel free to add me. There's also a very active group called Not so heavy girls.

    Don't starve yourself, eat what you like, but be honest and log it all. Get yourself some cheap digital kitchen scales (the kind that are a tenner at Argos) and weigh everything. It will make the world of difference because soon t will become second nature rather than a chore.

    Good luck!
  • kellyglandfield
    kellyglandfield Posts: 2 Member
    Thanks so much, got the scales and now going to read up on the bits you have suggested. I will keep you updated xx