I want surprise my husband

catinamess Posts: 68 Member
My husband is working away during the week this month, and I would love for him to notice I've lost weight by the end of the month. I've been steadily putting on weight this year, and now need to lose 45lbs (obviously not all this month!) I'm hoping as he's away it'll be easier to not snack (he's a big snacker but has a really physical job so is skinny. I seem to have no self control when I see him snack!)


  • bzzzymomma
    bzzzymomma Posts: 2 Member
    Good luck! You can do it.
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    I wouldn't count on him noticing LOL - men are rubbish in that way, especially when its their nearest and dearest!

    Do it for yourself, cut out those snacks if that's whats necessary to keep you eating at a calorie deficit.

    I take it you have your account here set to lose, track as accurately as you can every single thing you eat, using a food scale/correct database entries and move a little more than you already do... doing that will lead to weight loss.

    Aim for 1-1.5lbs loss per week. Unfortunately 1 month is just not enough time to see much of a difference but you'll feel better in yourself and it'll hopefully get you into better habits.

    All the best.
  • Dazzler21
    Dazzler21 Posts: 1,249 Member
    edited July 2017
    I wouldn't count on him noticing LOL - men are rubbish in that way, especially when its their nearest and dearest!

    Do it for yourself, cut out those snacks if that's whats necessary to keep you eating at a calorie deficit.

    I take it you have your account here set to lose, track as accurately as you can every single thing you eat, using a food scale/correct database entries and move a little more than you already do... doing that will lead to weight loss.

    Aim for 1-1.5lbs loss per week. Unfortunately 1 month is just not enough time to see much of a difference but you'll feel better in yourself and it'll hopefully get you into better habits.

    All the best.

    We are notoriously bad, if we do notice we can become very defensive especially if we have been working away and we return to you losing weight and looking better for it? Why not do this when we're about etc...

    Never do this kind of thing for us, always do it yourself.

    Not all of us feel this way, just be aware that some men are idiots, jealous and self conscious... (all of us are idiots :wink:

    Follow the quoted advice and you'll feel great.
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    catinamess wrote: »
    My husband is working away during the week this month, and I would love for him to notice I've lost weight by the end of the month. I've been steadily putting on weight this year, and now need to lose 45lbs (obviously not all this month!) I'm hoping as he's away it'll be easier to not snack (he's a big snacker but has a really physical job so is skinny. I seem to have no self control when I see him snack!)

    With 45 lbs to lose 1 lb per week is a reasonable healthy goal.
    Your loss may not be visibly noticeable in just one month but in a couple of months he might see a noticeable difference. Stick with it!
    You can snack- just need to keep to your calorie goal. Find some lower calorie snacks you can enjoy. I save about 100-300 calories for snacks.
  • catinamess
    catinamess Posts: 68 Member
    Thanks! Yes I'm not expecting too much of a difference, but maybe enough to change our routine, for when he comes back. I'm going to try to avoid buying snacky foods to start with, and I'll need to find a different way to spend my evenings!
    I saw a program where the couples separated to lose weight, with help from dietitians and coaches, so they could both learn better habits before getting back together a month or so later.
  • conniehgtv
    conniehgtv Posts: 309 Member
    find a snack that u can eat when he does. preferably vegetable with low cal dip.make it a habit. Oprah said nothing I can eat makes me feel better than being thin. Good luck,

  • clicketykeys
    clicketykeys Posts: 6,568 Member
    conniehgtv wrote: »
    find a snack that u can eat when he does. preferably vegetable with low cal dip.make it a habit.

    This, but for a different reason - he's more likely to notice changes in your BEHAVIOR before he notices changes in your APPEARANCE. And, ultimately, the behavior will be what makes the other changes happen.
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    catinamess wrote: »
    Thanks! Yes I'm not expecting too much of a difference, but maybe enough to change our routine, for when he comes back. I'm going to try to avoid buying snacky foods to start with, and I'll need to find a different way to spend my evenings!
    I saw a program where the couples separated to lose weight, with help from dietitians and coaches, so they could both learn better habits before getting back together a month or so later.

    Night time snacking was my downfall but it can be overcome - drinking water helps as does keeping busy. What I do do is keep back 250 calories for a snack in the evening. It takes willpower but that willpower eventually gets through and becomes a habit (it really does :smile: )
  • bbell1985
    bbell1985 Posts: 4,572 Member
    Well if you can't count on him noticing (and no one can say this for sure), do it for yourself!

    I remember losing weight and my boyfriend not saying much for literally...8-9 months. One day I was walking over to him on the couch and he just looked at my all surprised and said "Holy *kitten* you look skinny".
  • newlark01
    newlark01 Posts: 474 Member
    My husband didn't notice I'd lost 11 lbs in 5 weeks but after I mentioned it he did say he could see the difference! I plan in evening snacks and save 100 cals for late night munchies if needed - if I can skip them it is a bonus - sometimes having a cup of peppermint tea or similar is enough for for the urge to snack to pass.
  • catinamess
    catinamess Posts: 68 Member
    Haha, maybe! I'm planning on doing it for myself, but thought it might be fun to try it this way. I know a month isn't very long but it should be enough to start a better habit.