

  • imedic542
    imedic542 Posts: 1 Member
    Same thing here! I have been going 4-5 days a week for 5 months and while I feel much stronger and have more muscle I have gained weight. I have talked to several people at my OTF and they say the same. I even had my thyroid checked! Clothes fit a little different but enough for the effort in. I have always been fairly thin and I am now the heaviest I have ever been.
  • jaclynpags910
    jaclynpags910 Posts: 2 Member
    I joined OTF a little over 4months ago and have been going 5-6 days a week since joining. I have lost 36lbs so far. However, the first month I put on roughly 6lbs and was experiencing everything discribed in this thread.

    After spending a lot of time focusing on my diet, I wasn't eating nearly enough calories to support the workout regimine. I was burning 800-1100 calories a day working out and only consuming 1300 calories (I had the fitness level in my fitness pal set to seditary). As soon as I increased my calorie count to 1800 calories a day (and updated my activity level to "active") the pounds, inches and % of body fat started dropping dramatically. I didn't not want to believe that I wasn't eating enough, but sure enough, as soon as I increased my intake, the weight started melting away.

    HIIT workouts also result in calorie afterburn. Don't be afraid to increase your calorie count (within reason) while doing HIIT training.
  • jaclynpags910
    jaclynpags910 Posts: 2 Member
    PS some of the weight gain is also attributed to increased muscle mass, muscle swelling acids and water rentention as well.
  • Theo166
    Theo166 Posts: 2,564 Member
    edited April 2017
    sherry1002 wrote: »
    I love OTF too, but I have GAINED weight!!! I have been doing it since May 2014. I average 4x/week, and typically don't do much working out on my days off because I NEED the rest! I sometimes do consecutive days, but it's really hard and I feel unproductive. I am continuing to eat like I did before OTF workouts, which is around 1200-1300 calories/day of VERY healthy food (gluten-free, raw foods, lean proteins, lots of nuts and yogurt). Before OTF, I was doing hour-long cardio workouts on the elliptical/treadmill 5/6 days a week. I wasn't burning near the amount of calories that I do with OTF. In comparison, I would burn around 300 for the week I would burn around 1500-1800. With OTF, I burn an average of 500 each time, which with four classes would be 2000. am I GAINING??? Help PLEASE!?!?!?!?!?

    You are not doing those workouts, eating <1300 calories a day, and gaining weight.

    Start weighing and logging everything you eat, you will discover a much high calories it.
  • ukhobnob1
    ukhobnob1 Posts: 21 Member
    jillach wrote: »
    Hi Sherry, I am in the exact same position you are in!! Started OT and gained weight and it is fat! I have since went and had a VOX2 text and metabolic testing. Diagnosis - Overtraining and not eating enough. This testing has given me my personal heart rate range to stay in burn fat which was way under where my heart rate was staying while at OT. My personally designed workout plan is now 2 days of OT, 3 days of light jogging for 40 minutes, 1 long slow day 1-3 hours and one day off. It appears I actually quit doing the very exercise where I was burning fat and replaced it with OT. OT is a wonderful workout and I love how I feel when I leave there. I know I have become more fit so that is great! I think we all forget that we need balance. If you own your own heart rate monitor for OT you can use it with the App Wahoo Fitness and use it to figure out where your own fat burning zone is to stay in the zone during your workouts. I hope this all helps! Oh, one more thing, My diet was changed to 100 grams of Carbs, 75 grams of healthy fat and 100-120 grams of protein per day. :)

    I did the same... I had my active metabolic test, then I went to see a nutritionist at the same gym. I train in a group fitness 4x week. My protein is 160gr Fat 60-62gr Carb 90-100 gr. I now know my zones, so when class tells you to run at zone 4 you know exactly where you are supposed to be. If you are training 5x week and burning 500+ cal depending on all your stats I would say you need a min of 1500-1600 cal day. Even on non training days. So many people starve their bodies when doing strenuous exercise and you need to feed your body. With good proteins and good fat. If you are not eating enough calories your body will just stop burning.. it will shut down. So that could be your issue. I would definitely spend the money and look for a nutritionist at Orange Theory if they have them. They will be able to give you a better idea based on their own workouts etc. They should also have all your stats, weight/height BF etc so you would get a better idea. Orange Theory isn't cheap so I would def spend the extra $ and see a nutritionist there and figure it out.
  • LorieIrland
    LorieIrland Posts: 1 Member
    I was searching this exact topic a 3 weeks ago and thought I would share my experience so that maybe it could benefit someone else. I am 54 yrs.old, in fairly good shape (former marathon runner, but now just trying to be maintain my fitness and energy level), and was doing Orange Theory 3 times a week and doing moderate strength training 3 times a week, and eating fairly healthily with a cheat day once a week. After 4 months of doing OT consistently I had gained 3 pounds (yes- probably muscle), but I also gained 1 inch in my thighs, 1 1/2 inches in my waist and 2 inches in my hips. This doesn't like much, but I am only 5'2 and even though I loved OT and how fit and energetic I felt afterwards, I did not fit into my clothes and look the way I wanted to considering how hard I worked out. I quit OT and have gone back to running/elliptical 4 times a week and doing XHIT work out videos for firming arms, legs, and abs. It's only been 3 weeks since I stopped OT and I have lost those 3 pounds, but even better, my measurements have gone to below what they were when I started doing OT. I haven't checked with a nutritionist, but what I have figured out for me is that OT made me insanely hungry, and even though I was eating healthy, I definitely was eating more that I needed to cover calories burned. Also, the high number of weighted squats and rowing that we did caused my behind to to get bigger (not what I wanted). I spent a lot of time in the orange and red zones at OT (because I really wanted to push myself) which contributed to my hunger. All in all, I have decided that for my age and fitness goals (maintain and stay firm), OT was not a good fit. I probably could have worked out more in the green and orange zones while at OT, but I don't need to be paying for OT in order to work out at a moderate level. Hope this helps someone-even if just to confirm that yes- OT can make you "bigger" and gain weight if you are eating more than you burn! I can say that OT did help my break the plateau that I had hit so I am grateful for that.