Trying to Lose Once and For All

Hey everyone,

I've been on and off this app for the past several months, but I decided that maybe I needed a bit more commitment to really get going.

I'm a 23 year old living in Pittsburgh and I work at a law firm downtown. I graduated from CMU in May 2016 and it was my senior year where things really fell off the wagon weight wise. The combo of stress, mental health issues, and battling a serious infection before graduation caused me to stop caring about my body and I gained over 50lbs in one year, and I'm now the heaviest I've ever been.

I've struggled with my weight and low self image for my entire life and have never been happy with my body (although I wish I could go back to being as "fat" as I was back then, haha). I guess I'm looking to chat with people and support each other through our goals. I want to be healthier and I think i can get there.

Currently, I have a goal of losing 20lbs, and I think if I can accomplish that I can keep going. I think it's important to talk to people instead of trying to do it on your own, so HMU if you wanna chat! I'm more or less starting from day one today. I'll be looking around on here because I really love reading about everyone's personal goals and successes.

Anyway, that's all I got. Hoping to finally get my *kitten* together once and for all.



  • Befitorbesorry
    Befitorbesorry Posts: 30 Member

    My name is Ana. Same! I am at my heaviest weight and feel so uncomfortable in my own body! I did MyFitnessPal about 2 years ago and lost 15 pounds but then fell off the wagon when I stopped documenting and started to feel comfortable! I've gained a total of 20 pounds since. Today is my first day for a new lifestyle! I love to eat healthy foods it's just the laziness that I fall into. Where I choose to cook healthy but then don't work out. Or if I work out then I look for whatever is in front of me to eat. I recognize my bad patterns and need to put a stop to it once and for all.
  • dianapacilio
    dianapacilio Posts: 6 Member
    Yeah, I think my biggest setback is that I start out really strong and then gradually fall off the wagon or get discouraged. That's why I'm hoping that talking to ppl on here will keep me motivated through those periods.

    Also, I think I should get a scale bc just seeing one or two pounds lost is a big motivator.
  • DebLaBounty
    DebLaBounty Posts: 1,172 Member
    Definitely buy a scale (I got a digital one from Amazon two weeks ago) and weigh yourself at the same time every day. Got an iPhone? Install the free Happy Scale app and input your weight. The app will show you a downward trend while your weight goes up and down. Don't get discouraged when your weight fluctuates and you've gained a couple pounds overnight. That's usually just water retention. Good luck, you can do this!
  • Candikickbutt
    Candikickbutt Posts: 97 Member
    I completely relate to you, only difference is I'm a 32 year old woman. Which let me tell you, it's harder to lose weight now compared to in my 20s! I'm just joining again after being gone a full year. My semi goal is 20lbs as well! I suffer with bdd, binge eating and very low self esteem. I've realized that we need to lean to love and respect our bodies BEFORE we lose the weight, not just because we lost the weight. It's a hard journey. I'm looking for friends to help me and that I can help them as well.l
  • dianapacilio
    dianapacilio Posts: 6 Member
    CandiCulek wrote: »
    I've realized that we need to lean to love and respect our bodies BEFORE we lose the weight, not just because we lost the weight. It's a hard journey. I'm looking for friends to help me and that I can help them as well.l

    I totally agree! I've been struggling to do that for probably my entire life. Part of this is to just generally be healthier as well, and in having healthy practices and exercising I'll feel better about myself even if I don't lose weight. I think it's important that weight loss and this whole thing isn't just about how you look.
  • DeeMarshy
    DeeMarshy Posts: 4 Member
    We can do this you have to Want it for yourself... I'm looking for my kitten too
  • nessamcmillion
    nessamcmillion Posts: 1 Member
    I feel the same way, I've always been overweight since I was young and NOW I wish i was just Overweight. I'm at my highest weight also and I just need some motivation again. I had lost 66 pounds some years and I gained it all back plus 10 more. I'm hoping I can do it right this time. Food is a constant battle in my life and I wish it didn't have so much control over me. I want to control it.
  • MikeChristiansen
    MikeChristiansen Posts: 6 Member
    I've been on again off again with my weight loss for years. It's all about finding that sweet spot and sticking with it. Life can throw so many curve balls at you that can derail your success. There have been so many times where I've thought "I've got this" only to end up falling off again, gaining weight back and starting from square one again. It's a constant battle but I do believe there is a light at the end of the tunnel.
  • dudasd1973
    dudasd1973 Posts: 275 Member
    Stick to it and make some friends here. I've found this site to be very supportive!