Phentermine - Adepix P



  • PlanetVelma
    PlanetVelma Posts: 1,231 Member
    dude just eat right and exercise. think of it this way: even if you lose all that weight with the pill, how will you maintain your new weight? will you take the pill forever? no, you'll have to exercise and eat right, like you should've been doing to lose weight in the first place. it's a skill, not a hard one, but still you need to LEARN a new lifestyle. you might as well learn to do that properly while you lose weight.

    First, I'm a woman not a dude. Secondly, I have two medical conditions that would benefit greatly from weight loss (PCOS and asthma). I lost the weight that I did lose (the 22 pounds) in 2012. I have been under close supervision of a medical doctor (because of the asthma) and dieting/ exercising and nothing was working. The prescription is a start not a "forever".


    You do realize you are taking something that some would consider legal speed?

    Read the warnings on the paperwork that came with the medication....mood swings, chest pain, tremors and irregular heartbeat. A phentermine overdose can induce hallucinations, seizures, severe headaches, blurred vision and vomiting.

    But hey you're under dr supervision, which means you're being monitored 24/7 right? Okay, i'm done being sarcastic.

    I wouldn't recommend this. Get a 2nd opinion. This drug is BANNED in other countries, it's poison. How do I know? Yuuuuup, I've used it....under a dr's recommendation as well. I wish I could slap him upside the head. UGH!!!

    And guess what, when I stopped taking them I gained everything I lost plus an extra 10 lovely pounds.

    Again, 2nd opinion - ditch the narcotics - exercise and eat clean (whole foods - nothing processed) and at a deficit, weigh/measure your food, lift weights, etc..... Yea, it'll take longer, but the weight loss will be natural and long lasting. AND you won't be burning up muscle nor will you have to deal with the withdrawals (yuuuup, GNARLY withdrawals too!).

    Good luck. :flowerforyou:

    (edited - I had heart irregularity in there twice, whoops!)
  • PlanetVelma
    PlanetVelma Posts: 1,231 Member
    Yes, because drs would NEVER prescribe you anything that you would get hooked on, meaning they would collect more money from regular visits. Thats why oxycotin, aderral, and klonopin are soooo hard to get from drs, and they just NEVER give out those prescriptions to people unless it was last resort

    x 100,000
  • LeslieB042812
    LeslieB042812 Posts: 1,799 Member
    I think that it's a bit harsh to throw out all medication for weight loss out of hand. I agree that phen can help get on track. You won't lose weight with phen if you don't also count calories and exercise--it's not a magic pill. It just helps you be able to stay in your calories without feeling like you're starving. Gradually, you will get used to the healthier habits and won't need it as much. I used it and did not experience side effects. I lost a bit of weight and avoided gaining during a stressful time (which is usually what happens when I'm stressed), but eventually it stopped having any effect at all. Overall, I think it can be a useful tool to help you get started, but that's a very individual decision (as all of these comments illustrate).
  • chopper_pilot
    chopper_pilot Posts: 191 Member
    dude just eat right and exercise. think of it this way: even if you lose all that weight with the pill, how will you maintain your new weight? will you take the pill forever? no, you'll have to exercise and eat right, like you should've been doing to lose weight in the first place. it's a skill, not a hard one, but still you need to LEARN a new lifestyle. you might as well learn to do that properly while you lose weight.

    First, I'm a woman not a dude. Secondly, I have two medical conditions that would benefit greatly from weight loss (PCOS and asthma). I lost the weight that I did lose (the 22 pounds) in 2012. I have been under close supervision of a medical doctor (because of the asthma) and dieting/ exercising and nothing was working. The prescription is a start not a "forever".

  • bb2186
    bb2186 Posts: 2 Member
    I've started it this year also. Love it!! No side effects. You still need the healthy lifestyle though. People think they can take this and eat what they want and not exercise. Not how any diet works. This is a boost to get you jnto the routine of lifestyle change
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    PCOS, asthma, and your doctor gave you speed? I suggest getting a new doctor.
  • SpencersHeart
    SpencersHeart Posts: 170 Member
    in to read later ...
  • bb2186
    bb2186 Posts: 2 Member
    It's not speed lol. BEFORE I asked my doctor about phentermine, I started takin OTC fastin. It's a knock-off of phentermine and was taken off the shelf years ago due to it being the controlled substance it is today. They modified it and supposedly made it safe for consumers without the addicting qualities such as "the energy rush". I stopped taking this OTC due to the fact I FELT LIKE I WAS ON SPEED! I couldn't sit still, I was 2 steps ahead of myself talking really fast and still eating like I normally would. After 4 days I stopped takin it at all. It wasn't for me. When I started phentermine, I didn't experience side-effects. No increased bp no energy rush no headaches and I felt good about myself losing weight and actually seeing the scale move with hard work and a suppressed appetite. I'm not as hungry, I still watch calories and unlike the OTC I am in control of the situation. For all the dope heads who want an energy rush, OTC fastin is for you, for those of you who haven't taken the real thing...why are you even on this thread? It's not for fast and easy weightloss, it is a lifestyle change. For those who are discouraged with losing weight, it gives hope but only if you work at it. It is a boost of confidence. Like any person SHOULD know, out bodies handle things differently. If it does give you the jittery feeling or you decide to starve yourself thinking this pill is all you need, you don't need to be on this and I would seek other alternatives.
  • lewisab
    lewisab Posts: 9 Member
    I took Phentermine for 6 months a couple of years ago and did just fine on it. My family doctor prescribed it and kept track of my health like a hawk. She told me to eat between 1200 and 1500 calories a day and I had to keep track of my blood pressure once a day. I had to go see her once a month and take her my food journal and blood pressure readings. The only side affect I had was during the first week and I had trouble sleeping at night, but after that I was fine. I did gain all my weight back plus some after she took me off of it, but that was my own fault. I quit tracking what I was eating and not exercising like I should. The only reason she took me off of it was because it stopped working. Which from what she told me that is normal after about six months. I think you will do fine as long as you follow your doctor's orders. Good luck!!! :smile:
  • 1ZenGirl
    1ZenGirl Posts: 432 Member
    interesting thread
  • 1ZenGirl
    1ZenGirl Posts: 432 Member
    Yep, because we're telling the OP not to take what is essentially speed, we're haters :noway:

    I'm glad you're doing well and learned how to make choices that worked for you as far as moderating your calories. However, you're definitely the exception and not the rule when it comes to this drug. Very few will recommend it, because most never learn proper choices and wind up right where they started and then some

    I recognize that not everyone learns to make good food choices. That is irrespective of Phentermine. I would say that most of the people on MFP -- with or without Phentermine -- never learn how to eat correctly (judging from the comments in the forums), and MFP is a far better population than the population at large.

    I'm pleased that you have now recognized that Phentermine might be of some benefit to some people who are trying to lose weight. And as such, your future comment might be that no diet pill is a cure-all, and that many people don't succeed, but that some do succeed using Phentermine.

    That IS your new position, is it not? Or are you still rejecting all uses for all people under all circumstances?

    Are you a medical professional?
  • good4meFL
    good4meFL Posts: 5 Member
    I am currently taking them and have had good results. The primary help I get is it helps control hunger. I eat properly and track every single thing I eat. I will take them until I get to my goal weight and then wean off of them and continue with my new way eating to maintain my weight. Keep in mind they do not work forever so stick to your new way of eating.
  • Junebuggyzy
    Junebuggyzy Posts: 345 Member
    I've taken it in the past and I am taking it now. But I am also eating healthy, keeping track of what I eat, and exercising. Many people on this forum are against doctor prescribed diet aids. If you have questions, friend me or message me, glad to help.
  • offinemes1
    offinemes1 Posts: 1 Member
    Like many women I've tried a number of different "miracle pills" over the years in an attempt to lose a few pounds, they rarely ever do what they claim to do..... These pills ( phentermine pills ) truly are different, they do what they say.. They have helped to give me a huge and much needed boost of energy, but it's a natural feeling energy.. Not jittery at all! They have also helped with controlling my appetite big time, I hardly ever feel hungry and when I do eat I feel full after eating half of what I would've eaten before! I have lost a steady and healthy 2 lbs a week for the last 5 weeks, 10 lbs total... 3" off my waist! These pills really are great, I would highly recommend! :) as well as the site i've got them – they are the best!! Thanks!
  • bellaapril7
    bellaapril7 Posts: 4 Member
    As desperate as you feel to lose the weight this can create other problems for you later. Plus you will gain your weight back. I was 265 at my highest and now I'm in a tough spot wanting to lose 25 pounds more. You can do this without meds. Just remember the longer it takes you to get it off ....the longer it will stay off. Good Luck!
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    My mother-in-law took that crap for awhile. She says it was a good high and gave her all kinds of energy. The lack of appetite allowed her to starve herself down 50+ pounds quickly. Of course she gained it all back plus a crap ton more after her doctor wouldn't let her have it anymore - she started having heart problems while on it. She's still pissed she can't take it anymore because it was "the best high of her life." :p