weird food quirks

I have found after being on here for a while that I have food quirks. I like to hide my snacks because they feel more indulgent when I get them out of their hiding place. My most craved food is a cheese and mayo sandwich with potato chips on it. If I am trying to not eat something bad I find if I at least smell it then I am good to go. I like sauces doesn't matter what kind, If I have food I want a condiment with it, I won't touch a french fry unless I have ketchup or some other sauce with it. I like fruits and vegetables and will spend 20 minutes picking out each green bean because I can't stand blemishes on fruits/vegs. When food tastes really really good I turn into my grandma, I close my eyes sway back and forth a bit and go MMmm mmm, haha my grandma does that.

What are some your food quirks?


  • Hoteffinmess
    Hoteffinmess Posts: 121
    I'm the same way with my dark chocolate as you are with your snacks. I put it in my "hiding place". When I go to get it it feels just that much more "naughty" and makes it taste so much better!!
  • Grimmerick
    Grimmerick Posts: 3,342 Member
    No one else have any food quirks?
  • tlahuiltzin
    tlahuiltzin Posts: 42 Member
    I put Tapatio hot sauce on EVERYTHING that is not sweet. I also like spicy powder or a spicy concoction called chamoy on my fruits to make them spicy too (but that could be cuz I'm Mexican). I have hidden food in my room too. One time my boyfriend found it and looked puzzled. I said it was my earthquake emergency food supply. LOL. But no. I just love knowing it's there because it's comforting that I can eat it if I want. I'm just happy he found the granola and not the beef jerky.

    I love tasting sweet food but I don't like ingesting it because then I can feel my blood sugar rising and I thin I'm getting diabetes (I've never had a problem with diabetes but the thought scares me), there are certain foods I must avoid at all costs because I CAN NOT eat them in moderation. Like Picante corn nuts. I will eat every last one and then lick the nasty salt off the package because they taste that good and they're sooo bad for you.

    I love eating pizza and lasagna but I hate greasy food so it's always a risk to eat it, besides the calories, I know for a fact I will get indigestion after eating it.

    I love eating nopales (cactus leaf), any kind of sauce made of chili peppers, and I love salt but I can't eat much because of my kidneys so I often sneak it so I don't get scolded when I'm complaining of pain. :( I sound like a hot mess but I am weird about my food.

    Oh, and I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE pepperoni even though I recently read that processed meats can cause cancer. So now I eat mushrooms, blueberries, and drink green tea (all known for cancer prevention) because I know I won't cut pepperoni from my diet forever. I figure it will balance things out. *crosses fingers*
  • k1229
    k1229 Posts: 135
    food quirks....

    I love strawberries - but HATE strawberry flavoured things.
    I love banana - and LOVE all banana favoured things....

    I love peppermint and i love chocolate but NOT together - except in after eights...(!) dont know why theyre ok!
    I hate chocolate and orange together!! except for in a Frys Choc Orange Creme or jaffa cakes...(!) dont know why theyre ok!

    I hate the taste of marmalade with no bits!!! - so i buy the stuff with the rind in it...but i pick out the bits anyway!
    I hate a point where i will tell people that if it goes anywhere near me, they'll die!!!!! lol. YUK!

    I dont like ice cream - except ben and jerry's phish food....

    I will not drink milk if there are less than 2 days to go on its expiry. Even though everyone tells me thats stupid.

    my food quirks.
  • cessnaholly
    cessnaholly Posts: 780 Member
    Don't tell anyone - but when I was pregnant with my daughter I ate chicken nuggets dipped in vanilla ice cream and hot fudge - from McDs. Hit the spot.

    My daughter puts OJ on her cereals instead of milk. And she puts ketchup on her carrots.
  • Grimmerick
    Grimmerick Posts: 3,342 Member
    Don't tell anyone - but when I was pregnant with my daughter I ate chicken nuggets dipped in vanilla ice cream and hot fudge - from McDs. Hit the spot.

    My daughter puts OJ on her cereals instead of milk. And she puts ketchup on her carrots.

    very interesting combinations there, haha when my friend was preggers she liked vanilla icecream with ranch dressing and pickles.
  • dmoses
    dmoses Posts: 786 Member
    I like to put sweet pickles with chocolate chip cookies or Oreos - Yummmm!
    I hate raw tomatoes but love tomato soup, ketchup, salsa, roasted tomatoes - ANYTHING but raw.

    I used to eat mayonnaise crackers - saltines with mayo. Yikes...
  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    I have a friend that won't eat anything white....

    will drink choc or strawberry milk (a drop of red food coloring works though), but not white
    won't touch white bread, but will eat the fluffy not good for you brown, will eat the outside of a hard roll, but not inside
    won't touch egg whites...unless the egg is scrambled
    vanilla ice cream....but french vanilla is ok cuz it's yellow
    puts oj on cereal
    will use mustard instead of mayo
    won't touch rice...unless it is fried cuz then its yellow
    won't eat smores unless it is made with only the burnt part of the marshmellow

    his mom used a LOT of food colors
  • Missjulesdid
    Missjulesdid Posts: 1,444 Member
    When I eat something indulgent, I would rather eat one huge bite that fills up my mouth and I have to struggle to chew than to have the same quantity enjoyed in several smaller nibbles.

    If I have a "serving" of something like wheat thinsI have to sit down and eat the "serving" one after another until it's gone rather than just being satisfied with one or two.. if I ate the same "serving" but staggered it out throughout the day I would not be satisfied at all... This is the exact opposite of how I THOUGHT I was.

    Also I'm totally satisfied with "one bite" of something if it's someone else's LAST bite, but I'm completely unable to take a FIRST bite of something and then give it away.
  • Tropical_Turtle
    Tropical_Turtle Posts: 2,236 Member
    My guilty TOM pleasure - a chocolate frosty and dip the fries in the frosty! Get the salt and chocolate in one fell swoop.
  • ilookthetype
    ilookthetype Posts: 3,021 Member
    Don't tell anyone - but when I was pregnant with my daughter I ate chicken nuggets dipped in vanilla ice cream and hot fudge - from McDs. Hit the spot.

    My daughter puts OJ on her cereals instead of milk. And she puts ketchup on her carrots.

    very interesting combinations there, haha when my friend was preggers she liked vanilla icecream with ranch dressing and pickles.

    Man, somedays I eat weird foods and I can't wait until I'm preggo to blame it on that. "The baby wants it!"

    For meals (if I don't eat it from a bowl) nothing can touch and I have to eat all of each thing before moving one.
    I eat broken things first in order of how broken/small
    I eat all the same colors before moving on to the next
    If its a trail mix I eat all the peanuts, then raisins...ect.

    Used to be that when TOM came to visit I would eat an entire bag of cheetos. I hate cheetos, the make my sick to think about, but man, TOM used to mean a bag of cheetos and a pint of ice cream.

    Since allergies, I can't eat anything made by people who I haven't lived with as a GF eater.
  • mpf1
    mpf1 Posts: 1,437 Member
    funny post! I find foods I love and then stock up on them beyond reason. I was just introduced on this site to fiber one brownies and then ordered a box of 38 online, because my kids like them too, and I am afraid to run out. I have boxes and boxes of certain types of protein bars that I am completely sick of. I am not sure why I do this-- maybe afraid the company will stop making my favorite stuff! And I always squirrel away some from the kids.
  • cessnaholly
    cessnaholly Posts: 780 Member
    I eat broken things first in order of how broken/small
    I eat all the same colors before moving on to the next
    If its a trail mix I eat all the peanuts, then raisins...ect.

    Used to be that when TOM came to visit I would eat an entire bag of cheetos. I hate cheetos, the make my sick to think about, but man, TOM used to mean a bag of cheetos and a pint of ice cream.

    Since allergies, I can't eat anything made by people who I haven't lived with as a GF eater.
    I do that too - eating broken things first from small to large - especially chips or fries. Glad I'm not alone.