looking for female friends in their late 20's



  • Patriciar90
    Patriciar90 Posts: 9 Member
    Hey I’m 27. About 153 pounds wanting to lose about 15-20 pounds. Anyone can add me
  • Priss08
    Priss08 Posts: 62 Member
    adriluu wrote: »
    Ok, not late twenties but early 30's lol. I'm 5'9 and currently 180. Due to lack of self care and high levels of job related stress I gained 20 pounds in the last year. I feel awful and want to go back to my normal weight which is around 160. Looking forward to staying in touch!
    Almost the exact same goal here. I'm 27 and want to be around 160. Currently stuck at 210 since baby girl was born in March.
  • Diiivaa_d
    Diiivaa_d Posts: 8 Member
    Hey I'm 26! Pry weigh about 170 give or take. And was to get down to about 120-125. Im 5'4. Anyone care if I add them???
  • hufflepie
    hufflepie Posts: 26 Member
    I'm 28, 5'2", started a few years ago at 191, and am currently 143. Maintained 145-150 for about a year without thinking about it, but motivated again to lose another 15 maybe, or rather another 5 inches.

    Sometimess a runner and a lifter (ran my first half marathon a couple months ago!), but currently taking advantage of summer to bike to work 12 miles, 3x or more a week, and just started a ballet class.

    Feel free to add! More people in my feed will help keep me motivated. :)
  • krose4514
    krose4514 Posts: 72 Member
    Hi all!

    I just turned 27. At 5'6'' my last weigh-in was at 172, but I haven't had a great week so probably up a bit. I successfully lost over 60 lbs and got below 150 years ago, but in the past couple years they've been slowly creeping back on. Would love to make some friends here to keep me motivated as I re-commit! Feel free to add me :)
  • annabel92
    annabel92 Posts: 77 Member
    Does 25 count?

    I'm 5ft6, started at 132lbs and I'm now 117lbs. I'm now looking to maintain the fat loss but build up some muscle! I do cardio and light weight lifting (while I'm weak, but hoping to get stronger and be able to lift more!).
  • KeepOnMovjng
    KeepOnMovjng Posts: 44 Member
    Hi I'm 25. Got down to 198, until 5 years ago. Started uni and had 2-3 hour journey each day to and from uni and late lessons. Lead to me eating more takeaways at 10pm and putting on loads of weight. Been trying to lose it since but keep having bad habits get in the way. Would love some motivational support. Feel free to add me
  • Swack27
    Swack27 Posts: 3 Member
    adriluu wrote: »
    Ok, not late twenties but early 30's lol. I'm 5'9 and currently 180. Due to lack of self care and high levels of job related stress I gained 20 pounds in the last year. I feel awful and want to go back to my normal weight which is around 160. Looking forward to staying in touch!

    Same! I'm kicking myself a bit for not caring and prioritizing work over my health, but what's done is done. Can only get better from here. We got this!