yo yo addict

dipuch Posts: 3 Member
hi my name is Diane and for 40 years I have been yo yoing. I do so well then gain it all back i want to change this somehow


  • Sara2652
    Sara2652 Posts: 158 Member
    Hi, Diane. I'm also a yo-yoer for the past....well honestly I've always fluctuated greatly as an adult and in my teens. Once I get to 180 I think I'm going to sit there for a while just to learn how to maintain. We will figure it out.
  • Fat2Fab1988
    Fat2Fab1988 Posts: 14 Member
    I am also a yo-yo dieter and I am not too sure how to remedy this issue but I am trying my best to change..
  • dipuch
    dipuch Posts: 3 Member
    I know we can do it.. we lose weight all the time its just keeping it off and not starting in on that co cream pie for once i start its hard to stop
  • phickman07
    phickman07 Posts: 32 Member
    Well we are all in the same boat and I am getting tired of this yo yo, so the only way to succeed at this is to 'Change Your Brain' Control your mind, you're the boss, don't let your mind tell you what to do, you tell it, after all who is in charge here. That's what I have been doing lately, telling myself NO. LOL.