Weight loss advice, fast weight loss and healthy. Better relationship with food!

Hello, I'm a 22 year old female. I grew up never super skinny but never fat. 4 years ago I was 166 pounds at 5'8, I had lost 50 pounds to get there. Fast forward to now, after meds upon meds that made me gain weight and ruined my thyroid and any self confidence I thought I had, I am now at 246 pounds. My highest was last year at 278.

My goal is to get to 120-125. I have a horrible relationship with food, I never ate horrible often growing up but as I gained weight over the past few years I gave up so often and just ate cause I could.

I need change, I struggle with severe depression and anxiety and having this body that I have never had before is making it worse. I don't recognize myself.

I am planning on a similar plan as I did in the past, low carbs, medium good fats and higher protein with exercise 6-7 days a week.

Does anyone have tips on how to drop the weight fast but healthy. I talked to a nutritionist and personal trainer and they both said it is possible to lose weight fast and healthy but not to go overboard. They told me it's recommended 2 pounds a week tops but it's still safe to lose more and many have done it.

Just wanting some buddies, tips and ideas!

Thank you guys!
I'm a pescatarian!

Anything helps!

PS loose skin and stretch marks are new to me, any advice there?

Thanks :)


  • MichelleSilverleaf
    MichelleSilverleaf Posts: 2,027 Member
    I would stick at two pounds a week. At 3 pounds or more you'd have to have a deficit of I think 1500 calories a day, could be difficult. I don't think there's any such thing as 'fast' and 'healthy', especially which such a large number to lose. 2lbs is healthy, stick with it. Odds are if you do something extreme to lose fast, you'll just gain it all back and probably some on top because it's not long-term manageable. If you're having a hard time dealing with your relationship with food, and given you have anxiety and depression, it would help to see someone on those issues as well to help you along.

    Also don't think you HAVE to give up things you love. Eat smaller portions, find different ways to enjoy the same thing, be creative.
  • allyphoe
    allyphoe Posts: 618 Member
    I'm a 22 year old female.
    My goal is to get to 120-125.

    120 is a BMI of 18.2.

  • spiffychick85
    spiffychick85 Posts: 311 Member
    edited July 2017
    Welcome! Stick to a deficit that is manageable...that may be 2lbs a week or it may be less than that. Find a calorie deficit that works for you...don't worry about "fast"....time is going to pass regardless :)

    Is your goal weight a weight you've been before? Is this something maintainable (I ask because I'm 5'2 and my goal weight is 120lbs) if you're not sure I find it helpful to set mini goals along the way and reassess my goal weight as I get closer and closer, this has helped me to not be overwhelmed when I first started.

    Have you sought help for your anxiety/depression? I suffer with social anxiety and honestly my weight loss hasn't helped this...there are days I look in the mirror and still don't recognize myself. So weight loss may help you, but if you end up like, me 3lbs from goal weight, and still struggling seek additional help :)

    Lastly...stretch marks and loose skin...well I do have some wrinkly skin around my midsection after a 20lb loss...but I also have 3 children so that is most likely the culprit.

    Good luck...you can do this. It gets easier to log food every day :D
  • Faenaria
    Faenaria Posts: 37 Member
    I'm a little worried about your goal weight. I'm 5'8" and I look downright anorexic at 120lbs. Even 130-140 is still very thin on me. As noted above, it's an 18.2 BMI which is classified as underweight. Please set realistic goal weights for yourself and keep an eye on your health. All my love from a fellow tall girl.