Hi looking for paleo recipes!

stacey2380 Posts: 24 Member
Hi would love to swap paleo recipes some of the ones I've followed have been terrible lol


  • gidjinswife
    gidjinswife Posts: 36 Member
    I made paleo moms plantain muffins today. Yum. I used chocolate chips. Also made a giant quiche with sweet potato crust. What types of recipes are you looking for? I've been paleo for close to 2 years.
  • gidjinswife
    gidjinswife Posts: 36 Member
    I just threw in bl/sl chicken breast and thighs into the Instant Pot, but it could go in the crockpot. 1 c of oj, juice of 2 limes a bunch of crushed garlic, 1 T oregano, 1 1/2 t thyme, salt, 1/2 t cinnamon and usually 1 t ginger powder, but I was out. 30 min in IP, 4-6 hours in crockpot. It's from The Healing Kitchen cookbook and is so easy. I like it served over sweet potatoes.
  • stacey2380
    stacey2380 Posts: 24 Member
    Thanks ... I'm looking for things that I can snack on during the day that will help me
    Feel full right now I'm mostly meat and some veggies and fruits but I get really hungry quick I did find a recipe for zucchini cakes and they were awesome where can I find these
    Recipes you both posted?
  • gidjinswife
    gidjinswife Posts: 36 Member
    These have good carbs and fat, could be what you're missing for feeling full. The quiche I just made up, but here's a base recipe. http://blog.paleohacks.com/paleo-bacon-spinach-quiche/

    Both of these take time to cook but are then grab and go.
  • stacey2380
    stacey2380 Posts: 24 Member
    Wow thank you so much
  • meldjk44
    meldjk44 Posts: 28 Member
    Paleo pumpkin waffles are my favorite! they are soooo yummy! lots of easy recipes on pinterest.
  • stacey2380
    stacey2380 Posts: 24 Member
    Those sounds great I've been making banana pancakes lately lol I will look this up thank you