One Last Time

ChristianWarrior08 Posts: 2 Member
edited July 2017 in Getting Started
Here I am, sitting at rock bottom depressed, very unhealthy and overweight. At 5'3 and 240 pounds, it's pretty bad. I've never been this heavy before, not even while pregnant with my son.

I've been doing a lot of thinking and praying over the past few months. Initially I made this account and thought, "I'm gonna kick some fat!". That didn't last too long. I made excuses. "I don't need to measure that, one more helping won't hurt. I ate really good yesterday so I can do really bad today." WRONG!!!!!

My health problems are mounting, and if I don't do something now I don't know if I ever will. I wasn't like this all my life. Granted, I was never skinny, and I don't want to be. I just want healthy. I want to wake up and not feel still as a board (I'm only 34). I want to be able to chase my son and play with him non stop. I want to be able to sit in a booth without squishing my stomach. BUT MOST OF ALL, I want to be free from the prison I've created.

Plan is simple...count my calories and move more. No crazy tricks or deprivation, just basic weight loss. It's time I grow up and realize that food does nothing for me other than fuel my body. Anything else just ruins me.

So here I go! One last and final attempt to get it right and get healthy. I'm not expecting a straight line, but I am expecting results. They may not always be on the scale, but every day I will make myself find a victory that isn't related to my number, but to who I really am.


  • snowy_sk
    snowy_sk Posts: 117 Member
    Amazing post. I could have written that myself! Please add me and we can motivate each other x
  • cs2thecox
    cs2thecox Posts: 533 Member
    Good luck. It sounds like you have your head screwed on well this time!

    When it comes down to it, it's all about wanting the results more than you want that chocolate bar, or more than the annoyance of weighing or measuring food.
    Every time you're tempted, check in with yourself. What do you want more? Health, or the alternative?

    Sure it's going to be tough, but if you want the results badly enough, you'll conquer the temptations along the way.
  • snickerscharlie
    snickerscharlie Posts: 8,578 Member
    If you don't own a food scale, now would be a good time to get one. If you are now ready to count your calories as accurately as possible, this $20 investment will yield big results. :)
  • mom2kateRH
    mom2kateRH Posts: 178 Member
    It sounds like you are approaching this the right way.

    I was in a similar situation to you--I saw my weight going higher and higher. got to the heaviest I had ever been. was having trouble sleeping, which meant I was too tired to exercise in the AM. which meant I didn't sleep well the next night, which meant i didn't exercise the next morning. I was then depressed, and had no will power to eat right. It was a bad, self perpetuating cycle. I thought of my dad, and how towards the end of his life he essentially passed a point of no return. He was so out of shape and big, even getting his shoes on was a struggle, and he just couldn't, at that point, turn it around. I saw myself headed that way, and knew I had to STOP.

    It's a struggle, it's hard, and it's really hard to be patient and accept slow, steady weight loss. at least for me. but you will get there, you will make your goals!

    mini goals helped for me. the first mini goal was to just log everything for the first week. Not even to necessarily stay within my calories, but just to get used to logging and being aware of what I was putting in my mouth. it was a shocker to me, how much I was actually eating.

    good luck on your path to health.
  • cejhanson90
    cejhanson90 Posts: 4 Member
    Go on girl!
  • ChristianWarrior08
    ChristianWarrior08 Posts: 2 Member
    Thanks everyone for the support and encouragement! I'm definitely going to invest in a food scale today. Anything that I can do to be better and healthy is worth doing.
  • bliss3589
    bliss3589 Posts: 10 Member
    Good on you! I know it's hard, especially with kids and life and laundry (that damn laundry, I swear...) I struggle with my weight since having my kids as well. You sound serious and absolutely tired of feeling the way you are now. And that's good, because now you have a foundation for motivation. Just remember not to beat yourself up too bad. Be nice to yourself and embrace that these healthy changes are good for you, not a disservice or inconvenience. It seems hard because not only do you have to develop new habits, but you have to break old ones at the same time. It can seem insurmountable, especially when you don't have great support (or it may just feel that way!).

    Realize your body and mind are capable of the greatest things. You created a person with your body, right? You can shed some fat from it, too. Envision a year from now. Do you want to feel the same, or do you want to be proud of the progress you've made? Ask yourself that the next time you're at dinner and making what feels like a small, or justifiable bad decision. A meal is a drop in the bucket, but those drops add up.

    May you have a wonderful journey to a healthier, stronger you. We are right here if you ever need encouragement!