Broken scales or proper loss?

This morning I weighed myself and I weighed 212lb (I know this was water retention as I weighed 210 yesterday!)
Three hours later after drinking 3 pints of water to 'flush myself' (gross, sorry) I now weigh 210 again.
Genuine water loss or broken scales?


  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,069 Member
    edited July 2017
    Your weight will fluctuate throughout the day (up and down) depending on food, fluid and waste in your system. If you're worried your scales are broken, check them with some weights.

    PS try not to be so obsessive with the scale.
  • ElvisPedro
    ElvisPedro Posts: 7 Member
    Hi, my scales are in my bathroom and I can't help but weigh myself. I find I can fluctuate a few pounds during the day. On a Friday I go to a chemist and pay to use their machine and I use that number to enter into mfp.
  • rtogetfit93
    rtogetfit93 Posts: 109 Member
    Your weight will fluctuate over the course of a day- based on water retention, sodium intake, food intake... some foods take longer to digest and if you've eaten a huge meal the night before, late, you might retain more even on the morning weigh-ins.
    What I do is weigh daily in the morning, before I've eaten, and then take the average for the week as well as my "weekly weigh-in"- you can get a better idea of the general trend, which I think is most important :) Try not to obsess about the scales, though- muscle increasing can affect your weight, so can your cycle, and even stressing about the scales can make you retain water, because of higher levels of cortisol! Just trust the process and weigh as often as you need to keep you happy- if you're worried about fluctuations affecting weekly results, get an average.
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    Your weight will fluctuate throughout the day (up and down) depending on food, fluid and waste in your system. If you're worried your scales are broken, check them with some weights.

    PS try not to be so obsessive with the scale.

    Totally this!
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    Your weight fluctuates throughout the day and day to day...step away from the scale and stop obsessing.