Carrying Slimming World principles into MFP logging...

Neurotic22 Posts: 22 Member
edited July 2017 in Introduce Yourself
I joined SW because I had no motivation on my own and was struggling to beat an appetite I gained on anti-depressants. In just a month I lost half a stone, but gained 0.5lb last week (4th week on diet) following plan, but eating a few extra second helpings... As I only payed for 6 weeks in advance, which includes the week I joined and this coming Wednesday... I decided it might be time to rejoin the calorie/portion-controlled side of things.

I've changed my diary to Super-Free (hate the term Speed), Free, Healthy Extras and Syns for now as I eat lots of small meals throughout the day and it's handy for me to not worry about squeezing 3 meals under Breakfast.

Anyways I guess I was wondering if anyone else started from slimming world?



  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    How tall are you?
  • Neurotic22
    Neurotic22 Posts: 22 Member
    edited July 2017
    How tall are you?
    I'm 5'2 (and a bit), or I am pretty much 159cm exactly!
  • poisonesse
    poisonesse Posts: 572 Member
    I started with Slimming World back in January of '16, when I simply got stuck and couldn't lose anymore. I still needed to drop about 15 pounds to meet goal, and Slimming World got me there! UNFORTUNATELY... rofl over the past year I slipped back into stress eating, and now I have another 20 pounds to drop to get back to goal. But I no longer pay for Slimming World, I have the books and the model, I KNOW what to eat, and that portion control is essential. I just have to put those principles into play. ;-) So, stick with the plan, but log in here, and it WILL work for you. (I'm on vacay right now, so kinda letting life happen and enjoying myself. I'll pay for it and get back in action after the 10th. lol)
  • Neurotic22
    Neurotic22 Posts: 22 Member
    poisonesse wrote: »
    So, stick with the plan, but log in here, and it WILL work for you. (I'm on vacay right now, so kinda letting life happen and enjoying myself. I'll pay for it and get back in action after the 10th. lol)

    Everything you've said is how I feel - I needed it to kick me up the butt and now that I've got the momentum I'd rather just apply the plan without paying a fiver every week to get weighed... Once you've been to a few weeks of group it's all just the same anyway!
  • EllieGodfreyWelch
    EllieGodfreyWelch Posts: 3 Member
    hi, im doing slimming world too if you want to add me we could compare daily diaries and share idead xcx Ellie xc