staying motivated

jennor8or Posts: 204 Member
Any suggestions on how to stay motivated... i need to lose about 30 lbs. I have needed to lose it for the last 2 1/2 years (since having my baby). i'll lose 8-10 lbs then have one bad day, then my mind and that tray of cookies at work gets the best of me... i really want to stick with it, but i feel like i say that anytime i try to lose weight!! any suggestions?


  • meggers123
    meggers123 Posts: 711 Member
    Take it one day at a time. Even if you eat those cookies, tomorrow is a new day. Take a breathe, put it behind you, and keep working toward your fitness goals. :smile:
  • I've been doing well all summer and about the last 4-5 days I've been feeling unmotivated. My friends on here have helped me get through this and last night when I went back to the gym I finally felt motivated again. I just didn't want all of the hard work I've done so far to go to waste.
    Posting this was a good step for you.....keep at it, don't let this little glip set you back, you can do this:)
  • meili01
    meili01 Posts: 1
    Do your walking or exercise in the morning as soon as you get up, that is the best time for me so I do not put it off all day long, I have lots of temptations around me all day. I give myself one day a week to eat what I want, if I want something sweet and satisfying i wait til that day, it helps keep myself motivated. I used to weigh 317lbs and now I am down to 184lbs, I am trying to get to 170lbs. I did it all myself by calorie counting and exercise and alot of will power and motivation on my part. GOOD LUCK!
  • My biggest motivation is looking in the mirror everyday and seeing the changes in my body and my looks. I am proud of what I am doing so I can be healthier and look better. :)
  • dfborders
    dfborders Posts: 474 Member
    From someone who falls off the wagon often, my suggestion would be - stop beating yourself up. I used to do that - you know the "I screwed up at lunch or worst breakfast - so the heck with the rest of day" or I had a bad day or even two so the heck with the rest of the week. No more. Now, if I have a bad day or bad meal, it is what it is - I get back up, dust myself off and move forward. I didn't get the size I am by making healthy food choices everyday - I am certainly not going to be able to say that from this day forward I am not going to want to eat something that I shouldn't or that I will never go over calories again - that is just a way to set myself up for failure. Instead, I take it one day at a time and set myself mini-goals. I have decided it needs to be a lifestyle change and like all big changes it takes time. Good Luck and feel free to friend me if you would like.
  • triciap79
    triciap79 Posts: 121 Member
    Logging in here and tracking my food daily really helps keep me motivated. Reading posts in the "Success Stories" forum is very motivating. Friend as many people here at MFP that you can and they will cheer you on along the way. For me Cheering on my MFP friends helps to keep me motivated too. I have dieted many times and never succeeded, This time I am not dieting I am making a life style change to eat healthy and start excersing. And for the first time I am seeing results. Add me if you need a friend to Cheer you on. Best of luck to you. :o)
  • I do 2 things that work very well. (1) I lookat myself in the mirror before I get in the shower, which reminds me I don't have anything CLOSE to the slim, athletic build that my mind sometimes fools me into thinking I still have; (2) Squeeze into (if possible) a pair of my favorite jeans and shirt I wore comfortably before I gained weight. IF I can squeeze into them, I wear 'em around the house for a few minutes... in total discomfort. Those two things work well, I've found!
  • Do not give in! You are eating away emotions. Redirect your mind into something else ~ fast. I am a young widow of a physician and I needed to lose 50 and have done so. Not easy! And it isn't always an error free journey. I had many days that I was overly tired and stressed and turned to an entire pint of Hagen Daz in one sitting. But I promise you! Each time you resist and direct your mind into another avenue to ward of the craving ~ you will gain confidence and strength. Keep up the good work!
    In time eating healthy and exercising will become a way of life for you and you will love how you look and feel. I view healthy food and exercise as insurance. A way to keep my body fit and healthy. I buy only organic fruits and vegetables. I drink only Artesian water (bottled from Walmart) and I have always loved biking and now ride my bike 10 to 20 miles a day. I also started lifting weights and now love going to the Gym, when at first I dreaded it! Your body will thank you for taking such good care of it.
    You can do it. And remember! Eating away sad emotions is a double edged sword! Feels good for about 10 minutes then you loathe yourself for doing it. It is a cycle that repeats itself. You can do it. Use your intelligence to work for you. Walk away from the cookies and redirect yourself into something healthy and good for you. Good Luck. Candace
  • brocantrs
    brocantrs Posts: 273 Member
    Watching the numbers on the scales come down and loosening clothes motivates me!
    MZATM Posts: 34
    I had to learn that I can do anything as long as I put my mind to it. Pray about it, and you will find your way.:flowerforyou:
  • rhodenizer
    rhodenizer Posts: 95 Member
    Try not to set huge goals for set times. Go small and just say I will exercise today and plan your meals, eat off smaller plates to fool your mind. To stay motivated, get a friend who is motivated to work with you and encourage you. Don't use the word diet, instead think in terms of lifestyle change to work towards a healthier heart and lungs. Believe in yourself and go for the gold!! great support on here even if you just read the posts, they will motivate you. Good luck
  • juscallmeb
    juscallmeb Posts: 369 Member
    set small goals. remind yourself that everyday is a new day. keep focused on what you really want. Have a long term goal, but set smaller goals that way when you accomplish them you feel amazing.

    tell family and friends about your goals, and they should be there to support you.
    You can do this! don't give up. Good luck!
  • jennor8or
    jennor8or Posts: 204 Member
    thanks to everyone! Unfortunately I'm a single mom so doing an "aerobic workout" first thing in the morning isn't possible...however i have found that my 2 year old loves doing "yoger" on his very own yoga mat (like mommy's!)..his attention span lasts all of about 2 minutes but because I'm more still and the music is more calming he gets bored and goes and plays with his cars on the ottoman. I go to the gym on my lunch and get in about 15 min on the elliptical. In october my work schedule will change and i'll have a schedule more conducive to working out after work (ie: the gym wont be closed) so I can utilize our personal traininers...for now I'm doing what i can :) Thanks for the encouragement-- feel free to friend me (as I'm not sure how to do it) cuz I'll need all the encouragement I can get!