Hello, newbie here, any tips?

So I'm new to this and excited to give it a go. Any tips, is premium really the way to go? I am new to actually watching what I eat at all. I mean in a caloric counting etc way. I exercise on the reg and am hopeful this plus that equals some weight loss.and a slimmer me!


  • ChristinaaH84
    ChristinaaH84 Posts: 27 Member
    Dont only count calories. Watch your fat intake along with making sure you get the right amount of protein fiber and vitamins.
  • hlk545
    hlk545 Posts: 46 Member
    I recently upgraded to premium and it was worth it. I didn't realise how much fat and sodium I was still eating. If you don't upgrade my best tip is to weigh and log your meals it's a great way to keep you on top of what you're eating and if you don't want others to see any bad days you can keep it private
  • chelllsea124
    chelllsea124 Posts: 336 Member
    I upgraded to premium recently and it was really worth it, in my opinion. As another poster said, I really didn't realize how much sodium and other micro-nutrients i was eating.... and i was eating way too much of certain things and not enough of others.
  • rlilly697
    rlilly697 Posts: 201 Member
    as a Newbie I,d start by just using the calorie counter till you get used to that, before diving into the frightening world of macros n the like!
    If your looking to lose weight set a calorie deficit n continue with the exercise to meet your BMR.
    Good Luck!
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,121 Member
    Well, fat and sodium (up to 13 different macro and micronutrients) can be tracked simultaneously on the free (web) version.

    I've been on MFP for 10 years and don't see the benefit in paying for something that works perfectly well for free.
  • Taylorfootballfan
    Taylorfootballfan Posts: 5 Member
    I want to thank all of you for your replies. I am gonna keep it up and wish everyone of you happiness and success in this and all.you do!